I was up at 4am and at the door's of next for 4.50am on Monday

Starbucks is right next door so the lovely ladies from there were going up and down the queue taking orders
Ohhh it was brilliant!!! And no fighting/pushing or rudeness just random happy chitchat and polite excuse me's
I spent £309 and got -
For LO -
Two coats including the gorgeous one I'd been after for ages but always oos in his size

Loads of jeans in the next two sizes
Cute Pj's
Loads of jumpers/hoodies/cardigans/tops in the next two sizes
Two pairs of cute winter warm soft soled shoes for him
Some hats
Two super cute outfits one was only £5.50 for jeans and a long sleeved top set
For me -
Two pairs of Jeans
A new pair of black trousers
A long sleeved fitted shirt
A long sleeved shirt/jumper type thing
Gorgeous Pair of boot's I'd been hoping to get in their sale
A new handbag I'd also been after
A skirt I'd been after
Two new purses
A new Umberella
Me to You slippers to match my dressing gown lol
For home -
Canvas picture for a space that's been bugging me on LO's bedroom wall

A gorgeous table lamp for my bedrom
Photo Frame to sit on the bedside table in my bedroom and matches the lamp
Christmas Cards and Wrapping Paper for next year
Got 60 items in total
Disney Store on Christmas Eve - £86
Handy Manny Bedset
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Jeans and Long sleeved Top
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Hoody
Nightmare before Christmas Cookie Jar and Mug for a friend
Loads of Dvd's and other stuff I can't remember
Dorothy Perkins - £22
Pair of Jeggings
A long sleeved heavy knitted cardigan with built in shirt
A new pair of black cute dolly shoes for work