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Ruby Jean born 8th June 2008


Mum of 2 beautiful girls
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Finally I think I might just have enough time to get my story up on here before madame wakes up.
So Linzi let you all know that Ruby was born at home, not what was planned at all. Sorry if it's a bit long but I just can't believe how it all happened.

Sunday was just a normal day, although 5 days overdue, took a day trip with my mum, dad and DD and got back home at 6pm. At 7pm I was starting to getting period type cramps that were slightly sore but just like really bad period cramps. These were happening every 15 mins, so I thought they must be early contractions. I was sat bouncing on my ball watching telly. 8.30pm was sat eating a chinese takeaway still getting these contractions 15 mins apart and had said to OH this could go on all night. 10.30pm was on here and mentioned I was having these contractions, now 12-15 mins apart, DD was sat with me trying to give me a massage to make me feel better, bless her. 11.30pm said to OH that I should try to get some sleep so we both went into bed and by 12.30pm couldn't get to sleep, contractions were now 8 mins apart and I was starting to tense up and having to do some deep breathing cause they were getting quite painful but still manageable (at this point I'm waiting for this 5-1-1 rule before phoning the matty unit). So I decide to take a bath at this point (big mistake) got in the bath and was out by 1am cause the contractions were getting really really sore and I was starting to cry with them. OH got dressed and got Rachel to get dressed. Came out of the bath went downstairs and put my clothes on. 1.20am OH phoned my mum to come to house cause we knew that I would be heading into the unit shortly, I was gonna get her to phone the unit when she got here cause OH was having to help me cause the pain was getting unbearable. So, had a contraction just out of bath, one after getting dressed, so probably 5 mins apart at this point (there's the 5-1-1) but too late, went into kitchen had major contraction and excruciating pain, OH's like right we've got to get you to the car, I'm was like I'm not going anywhere and with that collapsed onto the hallway floor on my hands and knees, one hand between my legs cause the pressure was just out of this world and other hand tugging on OH telling him he has to help me and it's coming, over and over again. I was screaming my head off and going into that kind of trance state that you do when in labour, both totally panicking. He managed to pull my bottoms down to me knees and with another contraction I could feel my waters bulging, I'm trying to stupidly hold my waters but it just kept bulging even more (sorry if TMI) and then they break, next thing and I mean seconds later with my hand still there I feel the head coming, I'm not even pushing if anything I'm trying to hold it in but then her head just kept coming and coming and then she literally popped out onto the floor at 1.35am, panick sets in and Rachel who was putting her shoes on on the stairs gets me the phone and I just dialled 999. Richard had picked Ruby up and was dealing with her while I'm on the phone when she started crying, what a relief. My mum gets there just as the ambulance gets there, and the police arrive, and a neighbour who Rachel had gone to get. Everything happened so quickly we just didn't have time think, I literally went from 8 min contractions to birth in under half an hour. The paramedic cut the cord and we waited till everything had kind of calmed down before I got taken to the unit. In all the panic we didn't have time to phone the unit so what a shock they got when I arrived.
In the end me and Ruby were safe and OH was fantastic, a right hero around the town. She was 6lb 2oz and absolutely perfect.
(by the way that 5-1-1 rule sucks big time).

WOW what a story!! Glad everything turned out well in the end and congrats on little Ruby she's lovely!!
Wow what a birth story. Congratulations she's beautiful.
Now that's a birth story, wow!

Congrats though, Ruby is such a cutie-pie.
Wow! Congratulations! Been waiting for your birth story since I read the message from Linzi...what a night! So glad you're both ok, and she's absolutely beautiful! The photo of your girls together is gorgeous :D x
congratulations!!!! wow i am so glad your DH was by your side!!!
What a birth story! Cant believe it happened so quick! Well done to you and your family for coping so well!

What beautiful daughters you have

I've been waiting impatiently for your story ever since Linzi said that youve given birth at home!!!! Standing ovation for getting it done, Jen! She's gorgeous!!! And Rachel is quite a beauty!!
Not quite how you expected to give birth, eh! Glad you are all ok x
What an amazing story! Im so pleased that you are all ok and both of your girls are beautiful!
congrats hun she is beautiful xxx
what a story Dh sounds like a true hero xxx
Totally amazing. How fast was that!!? OMG, you did it without any pain relief at all, not even gas and air, WOW. Your family look beautiful!!

Wowee what a birth story! Congrats and well done.
Congratulations and well done , shes gorgeous and Rachel looks a proper proud big sis and is a lil cutie xx
wow!!!! what a story, huge congratulations and well done to all your family, what stars! :happydance:
WOW! Quite the story! Your DH and DD really stepped it up and took care of things! You have a great family. Little Ruby looks adorable!! Congrats and I'm glad both mommy and baby are doing fine! :hug:

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