Good idea from TB - I just got a pack of 30 from Amazon for under £5 so i reckon they should last me a few months and even if you are not really trying then it is good to know when in your cycle you are likely to ovulate once you do get going.
Hi Butterfly-I'm not stalking you, I promise. Just feeling a bit fed up (CD1 blues), and reading through posts for inspiration and advice!
Just wanted to say that I bought the same opks that you mention, and I don't want to get you down, but in my experience, they are almost hopeless, as the second line to indicate that you are positively ovulating barely shows, and you are left doubting if it's there or not. I've gone back to Clear Blue opks, which are more expensive, but reliable.
Also read that EPO can improve ewcm, which obviously is another sign of ovulation, as well as twinges in left or right side (which I always get when I ov).
Hope this helps!
Good luck and lots of to you and everybody else on here!