Russell Brand/Jonathan Ross Prank Calls?

I think it's a load of old tosh - so what who cares!!???

It wasn't live - the BBC didn't have to broadcast it!
Just anounced on tv that they have both been suspended and their shows off air until a full investigation takes place.
Was gna make a thread about this yesterday, oh my gaaaaawd get over it ppl apparently they only had like 2 complaints about the language which is nothing unusual for comedians but then cos it was on the news they then got 10,000 complaints. I presonally think they are using it to attack jonathon ross cos everyone was moaning ages ago how he's paid way too much and that's out of the fees the public pay and their money so they were waiting for an excuse to shoot him down and this situation was perfect and all the other channels like itv etc are going on about it even more cos its their rival. Russell brand is alays crude and crosses the line its what makes him this has blown up so much,i'm bored of hearing about it now...can't believe they've suspended them over it. Booorrrriiinggg! lol
I agree with PP and Jo, apparently the stuff was pre recorded that the BBC new what was going to air they would have had plenty of time to shut it down not let it go on so long... they didn't know it would cause this controversey cos it never does when they do stuff which makes me think even more its aimed at attacking jonathon ross. The BBC are apparently saying they have no idea how this has happened and are investigating whats to investigate the producer has the control over what is aired and they know it was going out so it's their fault. This morning keep saying about it .....once again ITV. eimon (spelling)?? just said as well about the alterior motive thing and that it seems like an attack on them as they're high paid celebrities that slipped up.
Russell brand is an aquired taste, people that listen to his radio show will be fans and well aware of his style of comedy, however due to it being on the news and all the fuss and publicity your now getting a LOT of people listen to it who wouldn't normally and would be shocked by any of his stuff not just this.
They didn't just slip up though did they?
The abused and elderly mad 4 times on his answering machine, heads should roll for that IMO the 2 stupid school boys and the producer/editor

I think more people have complained as it was made public and they have sat back and thought " hang on a minute who do these 2 people think they are"?

Russell Brand doesn't bother me either way, but Jonathan Ross bugs the hell out of me, he gets paid 6 million a year and can't even research his guests properly on his show and is just an inane person who asks inane question and is vulgar and crewd with it.

If we look at it another way and it was me that had got hold of Jonathan Ross or Russell Brand phone number and left abuse on their answering machines, making sexual references about their families, do you honestly think they would laugh and let it go???
Hell no I'd have had the police on my doorstep before i could have put the phone down

So what makes them so special apart from being paid obscene amounts of money to do frigg all?
I agree jonathon ross is paid an obscene amount of money... but then this has always been the case with comedy its about selective taste this has only offended one man and his grand daughter, what about the amount of ppl little britain and programs like that offend and yet fuss isn't made over that. Comedy crosses lines....always has always will, thos who get offended can chose wether or not they watch it/listen to it.
I agree people don't alwys find the same things funny, would boring world if we did :lol:
I don't feel that is a case of offending one old man and his granddaughter, I think the problem i have with it that they did on his private phone line not once but four times, if it had been 1 general off the cuff remark on the show then fair enough but it wasn't

Also i don't think the granddaughter was offended, c'mon it is great publicity for her!
Yea me and my mum were talking about that and she also said the fact that he did it on his private phone was out of line, they should have sacked the producer straight away, and disciplined ross/brand and got them to make a public apology straight away not left it this long. Ye she'll love the publicity .... lol

I just accidentaly microwaved my plastic case with my digi cameras memory card in it, i have alot of things on the top of the microwave i need to sort out and it must have fallen in when i put my rice in to microwave!!! Can't believe that. It stinks... stupid pregnancy brain lol. x
I think thats the problem with it too ... it just needed to be nipped in the bud, they would of got their wrists slapped, apologised to the guy and no more would of been said about it. The BBC just let them take it too far ..
Also i don't think the granddaughter was offended, c'mon it is great publicity for her!

She's supposedly an "aspiring" glamour model ... like thats not going to get her noticed!!
i personally think this has been blown up way to much!! i love russell brand i think he is hilarious and people expect this sort of thing from him! and as for it being out of order because it was a 70 odd year old man, he was going to go on the show so he also must know what russell is like so couldnt have been to big a shock!! yes it was a bit over the top and should never have been done but 10,000 complaints!! and all this rubbish! it should just be dropped now and russell and jonathon left to get on with there lives!
I think this has been totally blow out of all proportion. I mean they did a prank call. big deal. Yeah it was a bit silly and they should have thought about what they were saying. But 10,000 complaints. Come on people lighten up a bit, it was just a prank call that went a bit too far. I think the fact they have been suspended is absoulty pathetic and people really need to get over it now. I mean yeah im sure he was offened but for one it wasnt live like the other ladies have said so why broadcast it if they were going to get into trouble.

I think they should have just been told that was out of order dont let it happen again and then left it, not had it plastered all over the news and getting Gordan Brown to comment, i mean he should be running the country not telling people off like naughty lil skool boys
I agree with pp about the publicity....

Not to judge .... But does this rly look like an innocent young girl who needs protecting from brand.... reeeeeaallly!!!?? lol A glamour dancer for a group called the "satanic sluts" lol
Yes if anything i think she's the one whos humiliated her grandad for being in a group like this and appearing as she has in these glamour shots... and selling it to the newspaper in the first place. I'm sure he'smore embarrassed of his grand daughter lol.
Especially in this pic...YIKES!!
not a good pic! there was no need to bring manual into it lol but if they didnt no one who she is!
Yes its turned into a witch but IMO:
it was 4 phone calls to an elderly mans private phone. It was pre recoreded so it should never have been allowed to be broadcast in the 1st place.
Jonathon Ross used to be good, but he has got big for his boots.
I can't stick Brand, from what I can see , he is lewd & loud mouthed, and has built his carerer around this, sailing as close to the wind as possible.
His very short career is overin the states due to his performance in the states, but no doubt he'll get a slap over the wrists in this country and no more said.

Their so called apology was tongue in cheek and not genuine.

If someone did that to my grandfather I would have been appalled. In think they're very lucky that Andrew Sachs hasn't decided to take it to the police.

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