So here is the update! I talked to my husband and we've decided that going back to my obgyn is the best option right now, waiting to see a new obgyn with take a good six month and im sick of waiting! So on that note my next option with my ob was clomid. Im nervous and no nothing really about clomid. The side effects are scary! Im trying to chart my cycles a bit from reading that book to see what I can, and so far I havent had any signs of ovulation but I was having normal periods. This month though I am two days early!

I however cannot chart my temperatures because I work a lot of nightshifts and when I was charting I was coming up like 34.8 degrees and on dayshifts it was 37.1 so too hard to see a pattern. Now I will just keep chartting until my appointment in august and hope someone can give me some guidance on clomid. Any words of wisdom ladies?