Scared with new pregnancy but doin OK...

Hi Girls, not been on here much because if I'm honest the further I go in this pregnancy the more petrified I'm becoming. I'm so scared of having another loss I'm trying to put this pregnancy to the back of my mind.

I posted in 2nd tri asking for any success stories after a loss and not one person replied with hope! :cry:

Have my dating scan next Thurs and I'm not going anywhere near that scan room until they find heartbeat because I am not seeing that awful picture again I have stuck in my head of my little Owen.

I'm so scared and I don't know where else to rant my feelings. I know you just wanna say everything will be OK but I can't stop these feelings. Maybe I could just keep this thread open as somewhere I can come when I need to let things out, hope thats ok :hugs:

Not had any morning sickness (was sick as a dog with 2 last pregnancies), no spotting and nothing to complain about. Have been using doppler on and off but trying not to much as the throught of the future of something bad happening plays on my mind and I don't want to get attached just yet.

I'll be exactly 16 weeks along (same as when I had my loss) on 28th Dec which is also my 30th birthday! Needless to say I won't be doing much celebrating xxx

Happy 16 weeks :)
Hello everyone :hi: Happy New Year to you all, lets hope this year is a better one for all of us than last year!

Thought I'd update you a bit on my progress - well so far so good, no problems to report as yet. Saw midwife again yesterday and all blood/urine tests came back fine. There was an abnormal result for my white blood results but the doctor who looked over the results said it was normal for a pregnant woman to have a raised whte blood count.

I have the anomaly midway scan on the 23rd and the next day will be seeing the high risk obstetrician to go over my results and see what other tests they might do. To be honest I think that will be the last time they see me as there is nothing sticking out to indicate any issues.

Starting to feel much more positive now and feeling lots of movement for the past 4 weeks which I never got with my last pregnancy. Maybe my little angel wasn't too strong :cry:

For anyone in the same situation with a rainbow baby I can tell you that once you get past your loss date the stress and worry does start to decline. Whats the point in worrying anyway, what will be will be. FX things work out this time, they must!:thumbup:
Hello everyone :hi: Happy New Year to you all, lets hope this year is a better one for all of us than last year!

Thought I'd update you a bit on my progress - well so far so good, no problems to report as yet. Saw midwife again yesterday and all blood/urine tests came back fine. There was an abnormal result for my white blood results but the doctor who looked over the results said it was normal for a pregnant woman to have a raised whte blood count.

I have the anomaly midway scan on the 23rd and the next day will be seeing the high risk obstetrician to go over my results and see what other tests they might do. To be honest I think that will be the last time they see me as there is nothing sticking out to indicate any issues.

Starting to feel much more positive now and feeling lots of movement for the past 4 weeks which I never got with my last pregnancy. Maybe my little angel wasn't too strong :cry:

For anyone in the same situation with a rainbow baby I can tell you that once you get past your loss date the stress and worry does start to decline. Whats the point in worrying anyway, what will be will be. FX things work out this time, they must!:thumbup:

So pleased everything is going really well & LO is having a whale of a time all tucked up in your yummy!
Its great to hear that the worry decreases slightly past that dreaded date.

17 weeks - almost 1/2 way there xx
Hello everyone :hi: Happy New Year to you all, lets hope this year is a better one for all of us than last year!

Thought I'd update you a bit on my progress - well so far so good, no problems to report as yet. Saw midwife again yesterday and all blood/urine tests came back fine. There was an abnormal result for my white blood results but the doctor who looked over the results said it was normal for a pregnant woman to have a raised whte blood count.

I have the anomaly midway scan on the 23rd and the next day will be seeing the high risk obstetrician to go over my results and see what other tests they might do. To be honest I think that will be the last time they see me as there is nothing sticking out to indicate any issues.

Starting to feel much more positive now and feeling lots of movement for the past 4 weeks which I never got with my last pregnancy. Maybe my little angel wasn't too strong :cry:

For anyone in the same situation with a rainbow baby I can tell you that once you get past your loss date the stress and worry does start to decline. Whats the point in worrying anyway, what will be will be. FX things work out this time, they must!:thumbup:

I am really SOOooooo happy for you !!!:hugs::hugs::hugs: I am glad to hear you both are doing good . I wish you all the best. Have a H&H 9 months..XOXOXOX:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
So glad to hear everything is well, and your little one is doing somersaults in there! Good to hear such postivity too :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Im so glad everything is going well for you. Xxx
hey hun! how are you feeling? im 17 weeks at the moment so we're not too far apart! i know what you mean about not posting as much im the same im terrified something will happen. and i really think second tri is a bit of a mean place lol ive never gotten much support there.... anyways just wanted to say im always here if you need anything and hope your doing well xxxxxxxxxx
hey hun! how are you feeling? im 17 weeks at the moment so we're not too far apart! i know what you mean about not posting as much im the same im terrified something will happen. and i really think second tri is a bit of a mean place lol ive never gotten much support there.... anyways just wanted to say im always here if you need anything and hope your doing well xxxxxxxxxx

Hey! I'm doing OK. Had a few panic scares where I've had to whisk the doppler out because I was convinced I'd not felt any movement but heard babys hb so all fine :dohh::dohh:

I'm actually starting to feel much more positive now, when is your dreaded week, was it 23 weeks?

I've got my midway scan next Monday and with the obstitrican the next day, hopefully everything will be fine. Can't believe I'm halfway now but still putting off buying stuff I need until about 37 weeks!
hi Ive been wondering if there are any second tri angel mommies on here to talk to Ill be 15 weeks saturday and I was told my baby girl quit growing around 15-16 weeks I found out her heart had stopped at 17w4d at a routine appt so Im so nervous how do you make it through the time you lost your lo without going insane? I have scans every 2 weeks since I was never told why she died so I had my scan today was told this baby is a girl which Im soo happy about but I guess for some reason I felt if it was a boy I wouldnt worry as much since I have 2 healthy boys so that added stress but again I am just over the moon that I get another chance to raise a girl its just all so scarry not knowing whats going to happen :cry: plus I started having the braxton hicks some today and well I had tons of them with lily to the point I finally thought they were contractions so Im now worrying over that :nope: its going to be a long 2-3 weeks!! sorry for all the rambling I just really feel I have nobody to talk to about it sometimes...
Update: Had routine 20 week scan yesterday, all fine and saw the obstitrician today who basically talked through me wanting an elective section and also offered me to take part in a new clinical study for pre-term labour. It's a test where they take a swab around 24 weeks and it tells you if you're at more risk of going into labour early. Bit confused as to why I should do it as I had a missed m/c and was induced for labour at 16 weeks.

Apprently I'm more at risk of this, has anyone ever heard of this before?! I'll do it anyway, best to know I guess.
Update: Had routine 20 week scan yesterday, all fine and saw the obstitrician today who basically talked through me wanting an elective section and also offered me to take part in a new clinical study for pre-term labour. It's a test where they take a swab around 24 weeks and it tells you if you're at more risk of going into labour early. Bit confused as to why I should do it as I had a missed m/c and was induced for labour at 16 weeks.

Apprently I'm more at risk of this, has anyone ever heard of this before?! I'll do it anyway, best to know I guess.

I am so happy your scan went well. :hugs::hugs::hugs: What great news!!!
You give me hope :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I never heard of this, but I don't know if I would do it, I would be petrified, but that is me. Really it is only a swab so it can't hurt..
Update: Had routine 20 week scan yesterday, all fine and saw the obstitrician today who basically talked through me wanting an elective section and also offered me to take part in a new clinical study for pre-term labour. It's a test where they take a swab around 24 weeks and it tells you if you're at more risk of going into labour early. Bit confused as to why I should do it as I had a missed m/c and was induced for labour at 16 weeks.

Apprently I'm more at risk of this, has anyone ever heard of this before?! I'll do it anyway, best to know I guess.

I am so happy your scan went well. :hugs::hugs::hugs: What great news!!!
You give me hope :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I never heard of this, but I don't know if I would do it, I would be petrified, but that is me. Really it is only a swab so it can't hurt..

All the best to you for your rainbow baby hun :) Are you actively trying now? :hugs:
Update: Had routine 20 week scan yesterday, all fine and saw the obstitrician today who basically talked through me wanting an elective section and also offered me to take part in a new clinical study for pre-term labour. It's a test where they take a swab around 24 weeks and it tells you if you're at more risk of going into labour early. Bit confused as to why I should do it as I had a missed m/c and was induced for labour at 16 weeks.

Apprently I'm more at risk of this, has anyone ever heard of this before?! I'll do it anyway, best to know I guess.

I am so happy your scan went well. :hugs::hugs::hugs: What great news!!!
You give me hope :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I never heard of this, but I don't know if I would do it, I would be petrified, but that is me. Really it is only a swab so it can't hurt..

All the best to you for your rainbow baby hun :) Are you actively trying now? :hugs:

Yes I want to try around March, cause I want to be 42 when I conceive not older. At 42 i am already pushing it, so i don't have much time :cry:
XOXOOXO :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thats good news that everything is going well xxx

The only test I have heard of is the fibronectin (think I spelt it wrong - but its not that new I dont think, my hospital are going to be doing it soon as they have not used it before) I posted about this after my consultants appointment & was given mixed reviews about its success. It sounds like the one they are going to do with you might be a new one if its in the new clinical trial stage. I'm glad they are researching into preterm labour - it seems so many people experience this. I'm sure they will tell you more about it soon.

So glad everything is going well & you are at that halfway point....the count down can now begin xx
Hey Bride2b, you're right it is the fibronectin test, that's what it says on the leaflet. Apprently if you test positive they give you Progestorone and I think it's this cinical trial that is being tested - to see if giving progestorone to ladies at high risk of pre term labour helps reduce or cure it.

thanks for your kind support, very much appreciated xxx
Update: Had routine 20 week scan yesterday, all fine and saw the obstitrician today who basically talked through me wanting an elective section and also offered me to take part in a new clinical study for pre-term labour. It's a test where they take a swab around 24 weeks and it tells you if you're at more risk of going into labour early. Bit confused as to why I should do it as I had a missed m/c and was induced for labour at 16 weeks.

Apprently I'm more at risk of this, has anyone ever heard of this before?! I'll do it anyway, best to know I guess.

I am so happy your scan went well. :hugs::hugs::hugs: What great news!!!
You give me hope :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I never heard of this, but I don't know if I would do it, I would be petrified, but that is me. Really it is only a swab so it can't hurt..

All the best to you for your rainbow baby hun :) Are you actively trying now? :hugs:

Yes I want to try around March, cause I want to be 42 when I conceive not older. At 42 i am already pushing it, so i don't have much time :cry:
XOXOOXO :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

you need to get right on with it! :happydance: you're not too old just yet haha xx
Hey Bride2b, you're right it is the fibronectin test, that's what it says on the leaflet. Apprently if you test positive they give you Progestorone and I think it's this cinical trial that is being tested - to see if giving progestorone to ladies at high risk of pre term labour helps reduce or cure it.

thanks for your kind support, very much appreciated xxx

These are a couple of links I found & read. I was led to believe its new & being tested by my consultant. I felt really positive that there was a test to see if it could happen & help put the mind at ease. I didnt make it to 22 weeks when they start testing, but the consultant said its something that could be offered to me in the future. Also they can then treat you if comes back positive. I posted about this, I remember someone said they had the test & it came back negative but they went into preterm labour shortly after. I was really down hearted by this. I'm not sure if its new to the UK or to different parts of the UK or what. But as I say my consultant spoke to me like it was a new thing out & just being made available.
Please let me know if you know anymore - surely they wouldnt use it IF it wasnt very reliable?!?

I'm not sure however I too thought this test was nothing knew. Thing is aswell it can only tell you for the next 2 weeks so if it comes back negative and you go into pre term delivery 4-8 weeks later whats the point in that!

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