Dear mkgs. thanks for your above reply. Please bear in mind that I don't mean to harm you or attack your belief system but simply "believe" that humans need to give each other the space they would like themselves in these matters. If we start one upmanship in religions we end up with wars.
I am curious to know exactly what scientific evidence is sidelined because of biblical text. (Note I said biblical text, not religion.)
Well if you take the Bible LITERALLY lots of things. I don't want to sit here and point and jeer and I do not intend to do so by pointing out all the things in the Bible (or ANY religious texts) which are at odds with science or logic. I PERSONALLY think that Jonah in a whale is a MYSTICAL or SPIRITUAL or METAPHORICAL/SYMBOLIC experience. I think most of the stories (in most religions) when thought of in this light are actually very beautiful, powerful and relevant. I actually think (personally) that they are FAR more important and relevant when seen in this light than when seen as actual events which makes them somewhat (in my PERSONAL view) silly and random. I do not think Jonah was swallowed WHOLE by a whale and survived. If someone used UNBIASED thought (I am X who is educated and seeks knowledge and all I request is proof and evidence to support claims, I have no bias towards any culture or religion) then I think that X would not take on a human being swallowed by a whale as a fact without the intervention of FAITH. X need not believe in science or religion or anything. He or she is just a rambling man with no commitments to anything.
As with the age of the universe. If you see that there is order in the universe and world (for me that is what makes me believe in God as with other religiously inclined people I think coincidence, even with those anthropic principles in place, is just not, for me, a viable option) so if you see the order and you realise that science has discovered RULES and LAWS and a mathematical nature to the universe, then if you are religiously inclined, do you think these are essentially the fingerprints of God or do you think they are arbitrary things which actually have no base or reason or worse still things that are put in place to trick humanity by working time and again just as a misdirection, to a much less majestic, much less magnificent and much more humdrum "reality"? Because if you use cosmology to date the age of the universe by using those very laws and by seeing what goes on in teh universe (speed of light being quite important and what the universe is doing now, expanding, at a certain rate, etc.) then its basically impossible for the universe to be a few thousand years old unless it just puffed up in this state out of nowhere.
A 13 billion year old universe is much more magnificent and to me, an indication of divinity, than a few thousand year old one.
And these two things (amongst MANY others) show me, that IF we are religiously inclined, then we MUST broaden our minds and realise there is a SPIRITUAL realm which is not PHYSICAL and when things are described in religious texts and they contradict scientific evidence then maybe in a way we are denying the magnificence of God by limiting our understanding to those cultures of centuries past.
I like rafwife's comments on the progression of mathematics and the concepts understood for a certain time. How would you tell someone from 1000AD for example, about the speed of light?
In determining the Age of the Earth, scientists must make assumptions that seem reasonable based on observable data. I understand that you have brought up the age of the Earth because it is important to the theory of evolution (in order for evolution to occur, millions of years are needed).
As covered by me extensively, this isn't the case. The case FOR evolution is made MUCH stronger BECAUSE there is evidence of the universe being BILLIONS of years old and the earth being ... I don't know how old, but like more than geriatric.
All that being said, how would the age of the Earth discredit creation?
I personally don't think it would. But I do think it would discredit a very closely literal translation of PROBABLY any religious text ever written.
I think my above statement covers this.
No it really doesn't. I'm glad Sarahkka has joined the discussion
but it's not just about WHAT a "theory" is but WHERE that theory comes from. What is the BASIS of the theory and what are the principles of the theory? I could come up with a theory which was very specific to my world. It could be ANYTHING from an observation to a prejudice. But what is the BASIS of my theory? What evidence does it have? What tests has it undergone? How biased is it? How have people disagreed with the theory? what evidence have they provided? What are their motivations?
When you see that the VAST majority of scientists in this day and age DO NOT accept literal translations of religious texts, do you think "its a consipracy!" or do you think honestly that its because they are intelligent enough to learn things for themselves and are like you and me and life has taken them to that place?
Your belief in evolution, my friend, is lead primarily by faith and not by the unbiased search for what is ACTUALLY going on out there. That is why it is called the THEORY of evolution, not the FACTS of evolution.
No it REALLY isn't "faith" unless you mean faith in the facts and evidence that point to that theory. Reading a text and following your heart and soul and emotion is faith. Reading a text and questioning its validity, learning counter arguments, considering all global input of opinion, knowledge and specialised understanding, looking openly at the OTHER options available and what the validity of those are is actually using your BRAIN and MENTAL capacity and cognitive skills to come to a conclusion for yourself. It's not the same as faith. I, as I have said previously, sometimes wonder at the theory of evolution, but then I think, well what alternatives are there. And I'm afraid there aren't any which are viable enough for MY understanding when I look at things in an open and honest way with the BEST and most honest intentions. (Except the leaf insects which are OBVIOUSLY aliens or placed here SPECIFICALLY by God as a little joke
) There is no point when looking into Evolution do I hear a counter argument and say "well no!!! that goes against Charles Darwin and hence it's SACRILIGIOUS!!! I can't accept it or hear it as it would mean Charles Darwin was lying!!!!" I don't give a t*ss about Darwin quite frankly.
Mixing theology with science in an attempt at discrediting is foolish. Faith cannot be separated from the bible, just as faith cannot be separate from science (is anything absolute?).
I'm sorry but that's just not true. You analyse the word theory yet leave out all the context of the theory and now you bandy about the word faith without analysing it at ALL.
The US was built on faith and God.
Pledge of Allegiance......."ONE NATION UNDER GOD"
Declaration of Independence...."We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
You have misused the meaning of "separation of church and state" for the context of this debate.
Under God was not the original pledge. And the term "their" God, in my opinion, says a LOT! I actually didn't know that's what it said and have a new found love and respect for the founding fathers in choosing those specific words.
I understand the influence of religion in the USA and I also understand that, I living in the UK live in what is primarily a Christian country. That doesn't bother me AT ALL. But the idea that ANY services provided to a diverse people by the government (education or any other service) has religious indoctrination instilled in it is just utterly wrong. Whatever that religion is in whatever country.
Again, please explain how the THEORY of evolution is scientific fact.
Theory [thee-uh-ree, theer-ee]: a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.
Not only has sarahkka responded to this quite well BUT when teaching science I would appreciate VALID and respected and tested scientific theories to be taught. Ones which have lots of scientific evidence FOR them and ALSO have it explained to children that should we find the bones of humans which date back to dinosaur times then those theories will cease to exist, but that its VERY unlikely due to the MASSES of genetic information available and ongoing study and unbiased SCIENTIFIC research.
Also, explain how God is tricking us?
If you take away your "faith" for an experimental period (which I doubt you can do actually) and look at things outside of your viewpoint you may understand what I mean. If God did make the universe then he made th rules that it abides by and these rules all point towards things which the LITERAL translation of the Bible will not confirm. And if God wrote the Bible (through divine inspiration or whatever) and he also made the universe and its laws, and he also made the human mind to be the way it was, they SOMEWHERE you either have to say, well thats NOT FAIR!!!! Or you choose where you stand.
I think the story of the garden of eden and the tree (of knowledge or not) is BEAUTIFUL. I LOVE it!!!! To me it indicates the sanctioning of free will by God. To others it indicates the eternal sin we all are born into. I suppose MY instinct is to try and do RIGHT. To attempt to NOT hurt people and to make choices which are better. I'm not great at it but neither is anyone. So maybe I'm not one of those people who NEEDS to feel sinful, who needs to be taught how to live so that I care for others. I believe most humans are the same if you allow them to be and if they are not harmed or ill. Maybe I'm wrong?
We could debate back and forth forever my friend, as life is one big bundle of faith. The real question is not about the beginning, but the end. Are you willing to gamble with your soul's eternity?
Here is where I have to border onto the nastier side of debate as I think the above is really very rude.
The above is the part of your post that does 2 things.
1. It is offensive. It would not be an issue for me if you thought this and kept it to yourself, but the fact you try and bring FEAR into a discussion where it is out of place is in my opinion in very, very bad taste. I personally am not bothered by it as its one of the age old tools of religious indoctrination but the thought of people (younger people) reading it and feeling GUILT, or anguish or self loathing for trying to search for the truth in a free minded honest way upsets me very much.
2. It shows your own bias and fear. It says "I won't be going on an honest search for the scientific truth because I fear if I do so I will find things which threaten my belief and hence my eternal soul and I'm simply not willing to take that gamble."
And lastly, what makes the Bible superior to any other religious text? What if you're on the wrong bandwagon? No one of the major religions who has the type of faith you do will ever know as fear will keep them locked into the one they have.
End (lame ass) note: I was in Thailand last year and visited a Buddhist temple. I am embarrassed to admit that my OH and I were being quite childish in the temple of the reclining Golden Buddha all very quietly. Then I saw an old Thai lady in prayer and I almost wept. I thought of all the people all over the world born into all types of religions in prayer. And when they put their hands together (or however they pray) and ask God for something they're directing their hopes and dreams and burdens in the same direction, to the same belief and in the hope that the ULTIMATE powerful being, the creator of all that is, the bringer of heaven or nirvana, will help them. They have lives, they are individuals, they are HUMAN beings who turn to any faith through circumstance and chance and it makes NO sense to me that a God, would reject either their prayer, or their goodness, based on the circumstance they were brought into this world in. So I wont fear God, I have faith God will find me as I search for him.