Most of me wants to believe in evolution. When I look at animals and things, I think its evolution. When you look at your babies you look at them and think "wow he/she evolved"? I don't. I don't really know what I think about the whole way everything came together. I mean, how can something as perfect as babies just come out of apes?!?! I mean, apes aren't that cute
I also don't believe in God the persona. I believe in spiritual energy that is just everything. Its God, its Allah, its astrology, its the law of attraction...its just one spirit, its all the same thing. God = fate = destiny = us. I just think its the whole joining of everything in the world together is God, if that makes any sense?!?!
Global warming is our faults and we should be ashamed of ourselves.
Hey you, long time no chat!
I do look at Byron and see him as a product of evolution, if I'm thinking that way. I'm more amazed that I've been able to create something so wonderful than that nature has. And I don't think he's perfect, not in this sense (of course he's perfect to me!). He has a constant sticky eye so his immune system isn't perfect (possibly inherited from me); no doubt he'll have inherited all sorts of peculiarities from us and developed his own form random mutation.
And apes are pretty cute when they're babies! lol I find it difficult to look at most adults (arguably all male) and NOT see the similarity to apes!
at the climate change comment!
And I'm glad you mentioned astrology as I'd like to put that one out there too. Do any of you believe it has any basis in reality? I don't believe a jot in horoscopes however I do believe that astrology (as in describing someone's characteristics based on when they emerged into the world) has some serious credibility. To go along with this we need to consider astrology just as a timekeeping device, not attributing traits to the planets themselves so much as that their movements document the passage of time (and thus changing conditions) on our own planet.
I did scientific research into body clocks, which are governed by genes, and learnt a lot about the environment and the influence it has on our genes (look up environmental genomics if you want to know more about it). For my own animal subject we didn't know how the tidal body clock got started, whether it was genetically passed on from the mother (these are marine animals that spawn out eggs and sperm into the sea so no nourishing maternal environment!) or whether it was started by the conditions in the sea at the time of fertilisation, or metamorphosis, or some other stage. Or if it was a combination of these.
If it's not too much of a leap, think about the female human body clock and the effect it has on our personalities. The clock is set cycling by genes like all the other clocks and these genes ultimately cause the cycling of hormones. It's almost certain that our menstrual clock derived genetically form a lunar clock presumably from when our evolutionary ancestors lived in the sea still. So in the past these would've been linked to the environment, controlled by lunar changes.
Still following? If this is making any sense at all you'll begin to see that it's no great leap at all to think that the particular conditions on earth at the time of being subjected to it (i.e. birth) (the time of day, the time of the moon, the amount of sun flaring at that time, etc, all of which happen upon regular cycles that could be documented over time and thus linked to a timekeeping device such as the passage of the planets), could control certain characteristics of ours through influence on our genes via systems that use external inputs, such as body clocks.
But to predict the future with this system is nonsense!
I wonder if we should start a science club in the club room?