enjoy your food coma, hope it gives you a good night's sleep!

@Zoboe95 omg I have never had baby brain so bad as this pregnancy. I keep “losing” stuff that is right in front of me, I can’t remember words lol, and my memory is shot. I totally feel you.
@Suggerhoney omg a day before!!? That would be so stressful! At least you know it will be the week of 37-38, but still wish they could give you a day sooner.
@LoneWanderer haha well if you are like me you enjoyed the pizza but will have terrible heartburn tonight. I hope you don’t though! I have tums right by my bed just in case as it always hits at night
Do you think? Don’t really remember this like it’s so stop start I guess if pains hit badly or waters go il know lol@Bittersweet definitely sounds like things are slowly happening for you!
Also had terrible loose stools sorry tmi not diahorroa jist loose stools in the night
What do you mean you’ve got no control over that? You have complete autonomy and can choose to birth however you like… whoever is telling you you can’t go for a vbac after a failed induction and a section is not allowing you your rights and only concerned about their birthing statistics.Just catching up and enjoying reading all birth stories!
I had a 4 day failed induction leading to an emergency c section with my first so induction is not even an option for me!
Confirmed elective will either be at 37+6 or 38+3 but will be confirmed by consultant in a couple of weeks. Tbh id like to go into natural labour before then and give vbac a go but as we all know I have zero control over that!
we’ll both have to stay in 24hrs because of the GD anyway. I’ve got my head round that now. Really struggling in afternoons now just seem to lose all energy!!