September 2021 due date babies!!!

My friend just had her coil taken out coz she said it was making her feel awful, like PMS x1000, so been a bit put off by that. But I'm pretty rubbish with memory so taking a pill every day would suck. I dunno. Don't fancy the implant or jab.

Probably go with 'just stay the fuck away from me' for a while and see how we go :rofl:
I remember very little of the actual baby bit tbh, luckily other half had the camera out so I can look back and fill the gaps in. So I remember the cannula going in (urgh) and then the spinal (not terrible at all to be honest) and then being asked to swing my legs up to the bed, but they'd already gone dead and nurse had to do it :rofl:

Then I went a bit funny because of the hand needle (such a wuss, me) and everything went wobbly, but they gave me something in my drip and I pinged right awake again. And then they took my bloody glasses so that was it, no more vision for me(!)

Other half came in around then, I remember... and then that's it for ages, I don't remember them starting or hearing or seeing baby or anything. But I do remember the radio being on - I Can't Dance by Genesis and Ebenezer Goode by the Shamen. Then I sort of remember a tugging feeling, guess that was the stitches, and next thing it's the big sheet and on the bed and off I go.

Then recovery... theres pics of me holding baby and looking v alert and happy but I can't bloody remember it! And then I was on the ward eating lunch and it's all more clear from there. Whole thing took about three hours (baby born four mins after op started, 40 mins stitching, rest was chilling on recovery).

So I guess I blocked any bad bits out, side effect being I don't remember the boy's first moments much. But tbh I think if I'd laboured I'd have been just as out of it, I do shut down a bit when under stress. And soon enough I was on ward with a squishy cuddly baby so, success!

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My spinal wouldn't go in with my last section they tried about 4x and finally went in with the threat of being put to sleep to do it! Iv got a phone consultation tomorrow at 5pm with the anesthitist so going to tell him my worries cos need the head guy there at my section! Iv also got such terrible veins the Drs usually have to get the scan machine to find them!
@Suggerhoney definitely pack it just incase as you never do know. I’ve heard hints of a heatwave too. They didn’t really do anything but I’ve had a bit of my show today - not much of one but a little one - though again I know that can also mean nothing.

@Bittersweet I have a funny feeling I’ve got a good week or two left yet tbh, what with my dates being moved 4 days forward anyway! personally haven’t got to worry about contraception. My waters didn’t got til 9cm with either of my girls with DD1 they have to burst them for me as I slowed down at 9cm and they said waters were to blame so they burst them while I was in the pool. with DD2 they went at 9cm while I was in the pool.
I had a coil fitted after lo was born was great, no periods until I had it removed! I had migraines once a month, but that seems to not be related to the coil, and my mum is on medication for menstrual migraines so probably that! Affected my hormones far less than when I was on microgynon pill! ...only thing to bare in mind...when you have the coil removed there is a real come down from it! I was an emotional wreck for a couple of weeks, and I seem to remember it making me feel ill! (Have a look on Google for more info on that bit!)... However, it was also a quick comedown, I got pregnant the next month!
With lo, my waters went on the way to a firework display ...I was literally just walking up to the ticket gates ...was looking forward to it as well! I had missed the same fireworks the year before because we moved house that day but didn't end up getting the keys until 5pm! Managed it the year after lo was born, then last year cancelled because of Covid...think I should give up now!
@Zoboe95 haha I followed along just fine! Last night was my first night of bad back pain too. Makes me feel for the ladies who have had it so long. I could not get comfortable or sleep no matter what position. So mine weren’t labor like thankfully but even when i got up I was in pain.

@MadamRose i am so jealous of all the fun things you are doing!! My doctor called me himself yesterday (which never happens so I was freaked out!!) and he straight up told me not to go anywhere except appointments until baby is here. Apparently over the weekend there were so many pregnant women in the hospital with delta variant. Then he sent me an article which scares the shit out of me. So now my anxiety is through the roof again. So worries about the kids going to school. They will wear masks but it is not required so it everyone will. I just want to keep my family healthy but it’s so scary!! The numbers here are going up like crazy. We are already back to where we were last summer. With school starting next week I am sure it will get worse.
I don't know a great deal about the delta varient if I'm honest. Iv had both shots of the vaccine so have to keep telling myself that iv done what I can and prey it's enough, whereabouts do u live again?

Reached a compromise with other half's work and he's going part time from 13th until baby comes. So that's a relief, not much longer for me to struggle with toddler and dog by myself all day.

And hey, maybe baby will come even sooner anyway. 36 weeks tomorrow eeeek.
That's great news!! I hope for your sake baby comes when you feel ready!

I keep hearing rumours that were gonna get a 40c heatwave the last 2 weeks of August.
It's really freeking me out.
I cudnt stand that last heatwave we had. 40c wud kill me..

Hope it don't happen.
It's so hard being so heavily pregnant when it's boiling hot and also its horrible having a new born to deal with when it's hot too..trying to keep them cool is a nightmare..
I'm hoping by the time I have baby it won't be really hot.
But I'm also hoping it don't get mega hot now for the rest of the year.

Sorry to sound like such a misery guts ladies..
I'm so with you!! 5 of mine were winter babies and Evelyn was born in an August that was quite cool! I seriously don't think I could take a heatwave now!! Wow doesn't your dd look like you!!! Beautiful pics!!
@Suggerhoney aww he’s so cute!
Possibly but maybe tech just has a benchmark for the bag packing?

I’m still in a fair amount of discomfort and pain it’s been pretty much this way the whole day I just hope it means induction will be quick if Labour doesn’t come before. inow have 3 appts put in for next week which is weird as I only had 2 scan and doctor and now there is a third? Same day just 15’mons after the doctor one. So I can only see on the app so I don’t know what it’s for or who
Can you ring the consultant secretary and ask them? So sorry your still in so much pain!! Also I'm having my tubes tied during my elective section xx
Do you know, I've never had to think about contraception before and it's so weird trying to decide now! I came off the pill aged about 22 with my ex, not trying not preventing, never happened. He turned out to be a complete **** anyway so thank god. Never went back on anything, soon enough was with the ex fiance - didn't happen then either. Again, good job, the cheating little wanker :rofl: besides by this point I suspected something wasn't quite right.

So me and other half started eight years ago with the not so foolproof pullout method, thinking wouldn't be the worst if it happened, and then actively trying for six ish terribly heartbreaking years before #1 surprised us.

So that's what... 12 years of my life not thinking about contraception and just assuming (later knowing about) my infertility... and suddenly here I am, 34 and almost two kids, wondering where to start and what to take.

I'm not done, but defs am for a few years yet hahaha
Did you have to have fertility treatment this time around? If not would the pull out method be optional- only reason I say is my sister took 2 yrs for the implant to leave her system!
Hehehe yeah I think I mite do my hospital bag over the weekend at least then it's packed. See what consultant says tomorrow first hehe.

Oh gosh. I had the sudden gush of water with my eldest. Was well embarrassing. They went in the car as we was parking at the hospital and when i stepped out the car they just kept coming out haha.
Walking down the hospital corridor and every contraction water came out haha. I Was soaked lol.
I'm actually really jealous my waters have never gone on their own I would have loved to experiances that!

I had the coil but my body rejected it and it got attached and stuck in the lining on the way out so had to go to a&e to have it removed! Was scary Lol!! My oh had the snip in March and I'm getting done with cesarean so thank God I don't have to worry about it again!! 7 is enough !!

I no I'm quite a bit behind u guys but iv had such a rough day with pain. Feeling very sorry for myself can barely move the spd etc has been awful! Physio tomorrow to help and fingers crossed it does help! Does anyone get Braxton hicks just along panty line and round to the back? It's been getting worse throughout the day but not closer together? X
Just catching up and enjoying reading all birth stories!

I had a 4 day failed induction leading to an emergency c section with my first so induction is not even an option for me!
Confirmed elective will either be at 37+6 or 38+3 but will be confirmed by consultant in a couple of weeks. Tbh id like to go into natural labour before then and give vbac a go but as we all know I have zero control over that!

we’ll both have to stay in 24hrs because of the GD anyway. I’ve got my head round that now. Really struggling in afternoons now just seem to lose all energy!!
I’m not vaccinated yet but will get the jab
As soon as I can after baby is here. I was too nervous to get in done while pregnant. So I will be just hanging out with my family until I’m vaccinated. Yes the pregnant women here are getting it bad too.

love all the birth stories! Can’t believe we will have new stories soon!!

I hope y’all don’t have another heat wave. That sounds awful while pregnant. I wouldn’t make it without air conditioning. Do stores there and hospitals and stuff have them?
@atx614 I personally haven’t been jabbed yet either. I wasn’t willing to take that risk myself after looking at the options, I said I’d get it a week or two after birth depending on how I feel after birth (want to feel recovered first incase of side effects)
Hi girls

I’m on Tuesday so maybe me unless you go first @Bittersweet it must be so frustrating getting all these pains my BH have been lots daily and super sore. My little Lump was measuring the size yours is now two weeks ago :wacko:

I hope everyone is well <3
@wantingagirl I think you may definitely be first!

@Suggerhoney I think I’m definitely having prodromal labour had pains again last night they weren’t braxton hicks but didn’t really progress just stayed about the same for the whole thing. Honesty didn’t realise this was a thing and it’s rather annoying ](*,)
Hello, 36 weeks! :o
Although given that this particular milestone has arrived bearing headaches and period-pain cramps, maybe it can just bugger off again.
Omg I’ve had these labour pains too before for weeks but mine seem to be when I’m on RLT so avoided that this time lucky really considering all my issues but now I’m probably in for a long labour esp because I’m being induced at 36+6 :wacko:

boy I’m sure going to miss all these kicks :cry:
I’ll be going on depo until hubby gets the snip.

I must catch up on everything the wireless drops here all the time!

@Catmumof4 that sounds awful I thought a 5 year stretch was bad enough!

@LoneWanderer happy 36 weeks!
So it’s nice here today - predicted to turn horrible from tomorrow. So the girls and I are going for a walk around the local nature reserve and to feed the ducks before they go to their dad’s this afternoon for the afternoon.

@LoneWanderer happy 36 weeks

@wantingagirl I’m definitely going to miss the kicks too!
So it’s nice here today - predicted to turn horrible from tomorrow. So the girls and I are going for a walk around the local nature reserve and to feed the ducks before they go to their dad’s this afternoon for the afternoon.

@LoneWanderer happy 36 weeks

@wantingagirl I’m definitely going to miss the kicks too!

sounds lovely hun….. I try and go for a walk every day but I’m struggling to walk more than 10 mins.

oh my goodness the big rolls, bump snd having him to myself is all I’m going to miss. I think it’s why I have so many can’t believe this chapter is closing. I hope it’s easy for me to accept but I have a feeling it won’t be. Always wanted to be one of these people that were like I’m so done!
Must remember too though that this it’s a good time to be induced as last few weeks are miserable but I can’t have a little pang I’m losing last two weeks. It’s also been really hard to accept that this is my last considering I’ve spent my last trimester at hospital kids haven’t felt kicks much or me getting bigger and hubby has missed all that too. Not to mention I’ll be labouring in a hospital where I don’t know anyone then up in a ro
With 6 other woman and 6 other babies. I usually stay in a very quiet hospital to bond for at least 3 days x
Wantingagirl I totally get what you mean I’m so sad that actually we won’t be having any more and I’ll never get to go to due date and have the waiting and the ooh is this it sort of thing?

pains are still here and the pressure making me feel like I need to poop :(. jn absolutely knackard. My friend said she thought the third appointment was for inductions on Monday so we will see. I’ve put my bag into my boot today and packed my sons up so just need to add his toiletries when the time comes.
Wantingagirl I totally get what you mean I’m so sad that actually we won’t be having any more and I’ll never get to go to due date and have the waiting and the ooh is this it sort of thing?

pains are still here and the pressure making me feel like I need to poop :(. jn absolutely knackard. My friend said she thought the third appointment was for inductions on Monday so we will see. I’ve put my bag into my boot today and packed my sons up so just need to add his toiletries when the time comes.
If it’s so bad I’d be tempted to go back the triage - the pressure really doesn’t sound nice :(
If it’s so bad I’d be tempted to go back the triage - the pressure really doesn’t sound nice :(
It’s not any worse than yesterday to be honest. Yeah it’s weird it feels like my whole womb is falling out when I stand up as well

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