I remember very little of the actual baby bit tbh, luckily other half had the camera out so I can look back and fill the gaps in. So I remember the cannula going in (urgh) and then the spinal (not terrible at all to be honest) and then being asked to swing my legs up to the bed, but they'd already gone dead and nurse had to do it
Then I went a bit funny because of the hand needle (such a wuss, me) and everything went wobbly, but they gave me something in my drip and I pinged right awake again. And then they took my bloody glasses so that was it, no more vision for me(!)
Other half came in around then, I remember... and then that's it for ages, I don't remember them starting or hearing or seeing baby or anything. But I do remember the radio being on - I Can't Dance by Genesis and Ebenezer Goode by the Shamen. Then I sort of remember a tugging feeling, guess that was the stitches, and next thing it's the big sheet and on the bed and off I go.
Then recovery... theres pics of me holding baby and looking v alert and happy but I can't bloody remember it! And then I was on the ward eating lunch and it's all more clear from there. Whole thing took about three hours (baby born four mins after op started, 40 mins stitching, rest was chilling on recovery).
So I guess I blocked any bad bits out, side effect being I don't remember the boy's first moments much. But tbh I think if I'd laboured I'd have been just as out of it, I do shut down a bit when under stress. And soon enough I was on ward with a squishy cuddly baby so, success!
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