Yes yes yes feeling ure pain esp with the constipation and insomnia urghhh.
My legs keep threatening to cramp as well when I'm in bed.
I had terrible leg and foot cramps with DS and I'm dreading that starting again urghhhh.
The foot cramps were the absolute worst, so darn painful.
Sorry ure sick again too. I can still get neasea here and there but not as bad as first trimester.
Ure waterbirth sounds amazing and it will be so cool when u pull baby up and see that willy hehehehe
My scan is tomorrow ladies eeeeek. Very very excited now but nervous just hope baby is in a good position and they can get everything they need and I hope all will be perfect then maybe I can actually start relaxing a bit.
I also had my blood results for liver function and bile acid and all came back normol woohooo.
So my itching is not ICP such a relief.
Not gonna get too excited tho because I have about 90% chance of getting it again but being diagnosed so early at 17 weeks last time was so so scary.
Wud be lovely if I didn't get it at all this time but If I do i hope it holds off until the end. A safe time so it they need to induce me they can.
I think I've had a few braxton hicks.
Sorry u been suffering with them for a while.
They are so annoying.
Mine normally pick up around 22 weeks.
I actually pre dominal Labour with DS from 33 weeks and lost the whole mucus plug at 34 weeks. It gross and big and looked like a plug.
I always have to go in for monitoring in 3rd trimester and my contractions were picked up on that. I had to stay in hospital because of them at 33 and again at 36 weeks.
I only went into be monitored and I was having
These contractions and the midwife was like i think ure in Labour were keeping u in. The contractions got quite bad and was 2 mins apart but by morning they just fizzled out.
Managed to get to my induction at 37+3 weeks and had to have the stupid passery because i was only 1cm dilated