@Bittersweet with ure job that's amazing. Very well done you.
Gosh my dh snores too sooooo loudly. It drives me nuts lol.

Sorry ure hips have been sore.
I had SPD and PGP in my last 3 pregnancies.
With ds and dd it was terrible and I was given crutches.
With Tommy (our youngest) I started getting it around 17ish weeks and it got quite sore but never as bad as it was with the other two.
I remember getting quite bad tho around 27 weeks and I had sciatica too and cudnt put my foot to the floor.
Normally it gets real bad in 3rd tri but it wasn't too bad, not sure if it was because it was summer and warm.
With our dd and eldest ds they were both winter babies, Feb and January. My SPD was horrific with them but it cud of been the cold weather making it worse.
It was definitely much more manageable with Tommy and he was due October 14th but I was induced September 22nd and gave birth on the 23rd September.
That's why I'm really happy this one will be a September baby. September is such a lush time to have a baby.
It's not too hot and it's not freezing cold.
I won't know my induction date with this one untill 35, 36 weeks, but all I know is it will be around 37 weeks and that works out to be September 4th.
Being heavily pregnant when it's boiling hot isn't fun but Normally mid August is when the nights start getting a bit colder and it's not as hot.
So I'm hoping it will be manageable and comfortable toward the end of my pregnancy.
My eldest was a August baby. She was due 24th but came on the 19th.
The year I had her was so so hot and I really struggled.
I had to wet towles with cold water and drape it over me at night to try and keep cool. It was just horrible.
When she was born she just wore vests because it was so hot.
I know it will probably be roasting here in June and definitely July (it's always baking in july) but I'm hoping by August it won't be too hot.
Trying to stay cool when heavily pregnant is near on impossible.
But I do like being due in September and being able to wear nice summer dresses and showing off the bump, where as in winter u have to be all covered up because its too cold.
Still waiting for summer to start here.
I think we're having the April showers now lol