Ttcisapain: good luck on both accounts!
Ali: that is amazing! I hope this is it for you! Good luck tomorrow.
Lady luck12: oh my gosh, i am so sorry. I am here for you. I pray it will clear by Friday.
Mrsjennyg: good luck!
6DPIUI ... prog test this morning, should know results tomorrow. So, I think to myself ... do y'all think you make up pregnancy symptoms like I do? I think I go crazy with every little twitch ... I am sure it is my stress levels that are causing me not to get preggers. Wish I could turn my mind off during the 2WW!!
Also, I am rarely political, but since my DH and I have been looking at adoption, we found out the Tax Credit is supposed to be ending in 2012 unless Congress votes to extend them. That means there will no longer be a $12K tax credit for adoptions. It will actually go down to $6K but only for special needs adoptions which does not cover infant adoptions. The Bill is HR4373. My local rep is co-sponsoring the bill but it would be great if the bill gets more sponsors before the end of the year.
Hey All,
I had the ET (embryo transfer) yesterday, and was ordered to stay in bed for 2 days. Well I've done that and I'm going stir crazy! Luckily I can get back to my normal lifestyle starting tomorrow. Although I am still going to take it easy, but no more lying in bed!
So they were able to transfer 2 excellent blastocysts, and the FS said the transfer went off without a hitch, and he was pleased with how everything turned out.
Now we wait, I guess I've been in the 2WW since Friday of last week, so I'm 6DPO, 1dp5dt, or whatever the terms are. I go in on Monday for my progesterone test, and then again the following Monday (Oct 1st) for the BETA. Personally I think that is way too long, as that would be 17DPO. I am sure that I will see aon a HPT before then if I am pregnant.
Can I just say that I hate the 2WW! It is absolutely unbearable!
Hey All,
I had the ET (embryo transfer) yesterday, and was ordered to stay in bed for 2 days. Well I've done that and I'm going stir crazy! Luckily I can get back to my normal lifestyle starting tomorrow. Although I am still going to take it easy, but no more lying in bed!
So they were able to transfer 2 excellent blastocysts, and the FS said the transfer went off without a hitch, and he was pleased with how everything turned out.
Now we wait, I guess I've been in the 2WW since Friday of last week, so I'm 6DPO, 1dp5dt, or whatever the terms are. I go in on Monday for my progesterone test, and then again the following Monday (Oct 1st) for the BETA. Personally I think that is way too long, as that would be 17DPO. I am sure that I will see aon a HPT before then if I am pregnant.
Can I just say that I hate the 2WW! It is absolutely unbearable!
Im glad to hear everything went well. Im definitely cheering for you. I know that waiting 10 days for a BETA test sounds grueling. My suggestion is to not start testing too early because you will be more crazy than Im sure you already are. I really hope this is your month.
TTCisapain: I hate POAS, but it may be too early at dpiui to get the BFP right? Good luck with the adoption agency! That is so exciting!
Alicatt: Yay! So glad your embies did so well! I hope they stick. How would you feel if they both did and you got twins? Good luck Monday!
TTCisapain: I hate POAS, but it may be too early at dpiui to get the BFP right? Good luck with the adoption agency! That is so exciting!
Alicatt: Yay! So glad your embies did so well! I hope they stick. How would you feel if they both did and you got twins? Good luck Monday!
I would be super happy to have twins! In fact I'm hoping I get twins![]()
Karenh -- I will be 13 DPIUI on Wed, so that sounds about right to POAS. My cycle is usually 27 days, so if no show on HPT should get AF by next Friday (Im super regular)
Alicatt -- Congratulations!! Hoping for your BFP!!!
All -- I heard back from the adoption agency today too ... we were accepted into the program for this month, so we now need to sit down and make a decision. We wont have the $ for both, so it is either IVF or adoption. I dont like the odds w/ IVF, and in adoption there are no guarantees either, but the success rate is a little higher. Decisions, decisions.