Hi ladies, some of you I don't know and some I do know from the July IUI thread.
I wanted to give you guys a update...after the failed IUI in July my DH and I decided to try on our own for two months and then attempt another IUI in October. For those that don't know, our fertility issue has been with motility from an 11 yr vasectomy. My doctor has my DH on two types of vitamins.
Well it worked!!! I got my

this morning!!! You should have seen my reaction...I've taken these tests so many times and always saw a negative that I didn't think any differently this time. The only thing I noticed was sore BB's for two weeks. It's happened before and I kinda shrugged it off as ovulation symptoms. So when I POAS this morning I wasn't expecting any big suprises. Boy did I get a suprise!!!
I'm still a little nervous since it's so early in the pregnancy and I haven't even been to the doctor yet. I have an appt tomorrow morning. Now the next question for us is one or two babies...twins run in my family(two sets already).
I'm so unbelieveably excited right now!!! I want to tell everyone but I'm trying to remain calm. Don't want to many people to know just yet.
For those still trying, I know it's an emotional battle every month, but never give up. Baby dust to everyone!!!