September October buddy:)

Eee how exciting! Wont be long for you! Enjoy it! Seriously... we went out yesterday and everyone was pregnant and it made me sad!! Even tho I was holding my beautiful boy I was upset I wasnt still pregnant! Hormones! Lol xx

Yes trying to make the most of it, it's my last baby and I don't actually want him here until due date as I want to get Jack settled at school. He has just started in reception - He starts full time on the 21st! So hang on baby haha
Hope you are both doing ok, probably both very sleep deprived. Hope those little babies are behaving. Are you out of hospital yet?
Hi! Little miss went back in hospital for 4 days with severe jaundice :( awful! She's out now and doing well. Feeding was horrendous as she was prem and sleepy from jaundice she was having such trouble breast feeding. The hospital wanted me to express 45ml every 3 hours for her else they would top up with formula. I spent all night every night massaging, expressing, to make sure I got the amount. Which 45ml of thick yellow colostrum in 3 hours is ALOT! But I was bloomin determined! So that wasn't fun.. she was tube and syringe fed as I didn't want her on a bottle if she was struggling to feed off me. As the days went on her latch got stronger and eventually 7 days after birth. . She fed from me properly! Perseverance certainly pays off and now she's a little boobie monster hehe. .
She's feeding every 2 hours but at some point in the day she will have a few hours of cluster feeding.

I'm still not over the birth. My whole body aches my stiches ache and I'm still getting scary flashbacks :( it was awful.. I'm sure I will get over it in due course! :D

How is everyone else?

I'll try and upload a pic now
First born all scrunched up...

Then 1 day old on the right :):kiss:


  • Collage 2015-09-15 23_51_32.jpg
    Collage 2015-09-15 23_51_32.jpg
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Aww beautiful!!
Im expressing atm, 2 full days with just mummy milk!! He was being topped up with formula because I couldnt hand express any colostrum and my hospital doesnt like pumps to be used till day 2. So he would have a small suckle off me, but it would make him fall asleep plus he would only feed off one side!! Then formula top up to keep his blood sugars up.
Im doing good with pumping now :happydance: he also has the occasional feed from me but its still too much hard work for him. Xx
Hospital doesn't like? That sounds a bit crazy... Yay for mummy's milk! Your doing a fab job!m

My LO wouldn't suckle very good, she learnt to latch but not keep the latch. At home 2 nights ago I got so worried as she had no wet nappies and I was really worried! I gave in and gave her a bottle with my milk. Next feed came and I tried her on me again and she latched and fed perfectly and has ever since! I think her sucking on the bottle made her learn that suckle equals milk. Since then she's done great.

I defo recommend lots of skin to skin, hand expressing a little before trying him on the breast as sometimes a hard breast doesn't help. Stimulation and massage. Keeping him near the breast when topping him up. Etc x
Wow 45mls is a lot to express, you done good..and so well done for persevering with the breast feeding..sounds like she has the hang of it now so that's great!
She is beautiful awww, thank you for the picture and seeing her next to your scan picture in your profile is amazing!

He will get there Amber as Claire says he just needs to associate boob with feed.
I've been lucky with both of mine they latched straight hoping this one does too. Remember to get eating and drinking well, you kinda forget when you're up every two hours but it's so important for your milk.

I'm still a week from due date which is crazy to think you've both had your babies a week!
Yeah they said pumps are too harsh for the first day or so, so to just hand express? I dunno, iv never done it before so I dont know any better?
I do keep trying him on the boob but it just seems to knacker him out :(
Aw I really wish I could upload pictures xx
That was the problem with my LO, she would have a few suckles and just fall asleep or come off. It seemed such hard work for her. It was so fustrating!!

My LO is called... Halimah Sa'Diyah :) the name means mild, gentle and patient. It's a Muslim name, Halimah Sa'Diyah was the wet nurse of our Prophet Muhammad. So it's a beautiful name which has a lovely meaning :) I think so anyway hehe..

14 days old today! How bizzare.. she should still be inside!!
That was the problem with my LO, she would have a few suckles and just fall asleep or come off. It seemed such hard work for her. It was so fustrating!!

My LO is called... Halimah Sa'Diyah :) the name means mild, gentle and patient. It's a Muslim name, Halimah Sa'Diyah was the wet nurse of our Prophet Muhammad. So it's a beautiful name which has a lovely meaning :) I think so anyway hehe..

14 days old today! How bizzare.. she should still be inside!!

Really is a beautiful name, Wow I can't believe she is 2 weeks old already! And mine is still getting bigger and bigger by the day inside!! :wacko:
Due date tomorrow!
Crazy our babies are 2 weeks old already!!! Beautiful name! We have settled on Lucas :) took 10days for us to finally decide lol xx
DUE DATE TODAY!! Come on baby!

Lucas is a lovely name, hope he is doing ok. How's the breastfeeding going now? X
Happy due date!
Breastfeeding is rubbish! He is still so so sleepy and lazy. Doing my best expressing for now but dunno how long im gunna be able to carry on for x
Happy due date!
Breastfeeding is rubbish! He is still so so sleepy and lazy. Doing my best expressing for now but dunno how long im gunna be able to carry on for x

Thanks, Aww lazy boy..I've got a lazy boy too..he's not moving anywhere!
I hated expressing too, you've done well to do it so long - I think if I couldn't breastfeed, I'd be on the formula by now I think! Is he good with the bottle? X
Yeah he is good with a bottle.
I dont mind pumping but its just finding the time and making sure i keep up with it.
The end is in sight, baby will be here before you know it!! X
Amber have you tried stripping him off for feeds? I have to do that for Halimah sometimes, and even during a feed she will being herself off but if I offer again she will carry on so I have to keep offering unti she gets mad and defo doesn't want anymore lol..

Has he been checked for tongue tie? And have you had any support workers help you out with the feeding?

Cannot believe our LOs are nearly 3 weeks old.. she's 18 days today! Time flies.. and she's changing so much every day!
No I havnt tried stripping him off! I dont know why I didnt think of that because I used to do with my first son! Ta for the reminder!!
Yeah he was checked for tongue tie before we left hospital.
Its crazy how quick this time is going!! X
Did it improve things Amber, stripping him off? Make an appt with a lactation consultant too they really helped me!! They'll come to your house.

How is everything? How's it being a new mummy again?

And has Kath popped?? I'm going to stalk her profile..
No I'm still here now 12 days overdue :growlmad:
had a sweep Thursday..lost bits of plug over Friday and Saturday and nothing another sweep booked for this afetrnoon and if nothing will be induced Wednesday...REALLY didn't want to be induced and Im worrying about the size of this baby. The longer it is going the bigger He is getting!!
The second sweep worked for both my boys but this is the longest I've gone overdue! Eek
Poor you gosh! ! My LO is 4 weeks old tomorrow and yours is still cooking.. how bizzare. Clearly he's nice and cosy inside.. but we want to see him! Are you trying all the remedies.. raspberry leaf tea, pineapple, rumpy pumpy?

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