***September Rainbow babies 2013 - 4 boy & 5 girls born so far***

Zebra glad your scan went well.

Greener - unless you know exactly when you OV you could be a day or 2 out, hence the 2-3.
I assume you are taking your dates from your LMP, so you are basing your dates on a 28 day cycle, but in reality not many people would OV exactly 14 days after LMP, I didn't OV until day 21. One of the moms at school is PG, she went for a scan at 12 weeks, but she was only measuring 10 weeks, which means she probably OV about day 28. Unless you were using OPk and temp you won't know when it happened, so don't worry.

I have a digi left, but I am not going to use it because I think it will be too mUch of a worry if goes back. Scan 2 weeks today so I will wait for that now.

How is the snow everywhere.. It is snowing here, but the roads are clear so Solihull schools are open. My DH takes kids to school so I don't have to go out. My youngest is watching an ice age DVD. Might take him for a walk in the snow later!

Edit - now snowing heavier, roads not so good, expect we will get a text from school at some point saying they are closing!

Further edit! Kids can be collected from school at 12 noon onwards. DH will get them, so I don't have t g out!
My cycles are extremely irregular and I can have cycles that last anywhere up to 130 days!!! I've ov'd before on cd99! My last cycle was 24 days so this cycle is anyone's guess. Could've been 24 could've been 30 but I think we only had sex on Xmas eve so unless its a super sperm and lasted up to a week I think I should be 5 weeks by now. I do hope I ov'd a few days later as it would improve my chances of it being a girl and I would love a girl to complete my family

Lots of snow here. I'm hibernating till it goes away. I'm so scared I'll fall and lose the baby. Paranoid about everything which could have a possible effect :(
My cycles are extremely irregular and I can have cycles that last anywhere up to 130 days!!! I've ov'd before on cd99! My last cycle was 24 days so this cycle is anyone's guess. Could've been 24 could've been 30 but I think we only had sex on Xmas eve so unless its a super sperm and lasted up to a week I think I should be 5 weeks by now. I do hope I ov'd a few days later as it would improve my chances of it being a girl and I would love a girl to complete my family

Lots of snow here. I'm hibernating till it goes away. I'm so scared I'll fall and lose the baby. Paranoid about everything which could have a possible effect :(

On average sperm can survive 3-5 days so you could have OV 27th dec, which would only put you at 5 weeks. Or if you OV 31st, outside chance of this, then you would be less than 5 weeks.
To be on safe side, if you left it until this time next week, think yo would get the result to wanted.
Zebra2023 congratulations on the scan sorry it's late

Greener Grass :hugs: falls shouldn't hurt the baby they are well cushioned.

I having a bad day today, sickness isnt too bad. But i am so tired as dh was in and out of bed last night so that kept me up. and woke up with a really chesty cough this morning

I think everyone is on the front page now, let me know if not.
Hi ladies :)

Less than 2 weeks till scan! I am utterly exhausted today. Laying in bed dozing and playing with the iPhone ;) and doing laundry in the most lazy way possible.

I told my bf about the pregnancy, and she didn't seem that excited :( kind of a bummer. Anyone else get reactions that were less so than they expected?
Hi everyone,

I feel you with the tiredness, I could sleep for Britain if my toddler would let me lol

The snow is fab!!! Only because I dont need to go anywhere in the car and Asda delivered a months worth of shopping so its all good here.

Should get my scan date on Monday morning. I'm hoping its on or after Tuesday as not sure if I am 7 weeks ( going by LMP) or 7+2 days ( going by ovulation day) and I really want to see what I should see at 7 weeks and not worry more.

I told my mum and her reaction was..."we'll see". I think because of the losses which she never counted as real pregnancies this pregnancy is the same to her. I have no idea when we'll see turns into congrats!!! grrrr

How is everyone doing?? any symptoms guys?? I still have zero, besides being tired but that could be because I am tired as not sleeping to well with thinking about lots of stuff. xxxx
That sucks :S my mom is stoked, but I'm trying to prep her for the worst. She told literally everyone about my last pregnancy, and in the store today someone asked if I had left the baby at home :( it's so lame that people are still talking to me about it. Between loch and my mom the whole town knew, even though I told them to keep it to themselves. I think they have learned their lesson, hopefully.

My only symptoms are being tired and sore boobs. They fluctuate, some days they are sooo sore and others more manageable. I am more hungry too :) what about everyone else ?
i have told my sister, my mom and my friend. They have reacted the same as me and DH, pleased that i am PG again, but not getting excited about it just yet.

Symptoms - not a lot - 5 weeks and 5 days today.

Tired all the time - I am going to bed slightly earlier than ususal, and sleeping slightly later, but still waking up tired. Also waking in night for a wee.

I am certainly going for a wee more often.

Sorry if TMI!! Bowel movements!!! usually regular every morning just once a day, but things are a little different now. Sometimes i am going twice a day, then the other day I had dhiarrea (spelling?) the following day then i didn`t go at all. the day after that it was about 9.30am(FRI) yesterday was about 3.30pm. Woke up today feeling `bunged up` had a very slight movement when i got up.
Sorry if i have given too much detail, but things are certainly different here.

i also have a really stuffy nose. not a cold, but a constant stuffed up nose.

I am hoping these are all good signs!
Hi ladies - hope you are happy for me to come and join!

Just got my BFP after a loss last feb at 16 weeks and a further early miscarriage at 5 weeks.

Did a test on the day AF was due and it was positive, did a digi the next day and it said 2-3 weeks already!! Do pleased also as in my last two pregnancies I started my AF both times even though I was pregnant and nothing this time!

Anyway enough yabbering, delighted to be here :happydance:
Welcome Cracker.

Sorry for your losses and congrats on a sticky bean :) xxx
Hi Cracker , sorry for your losses and welcome!:hi:

Greener - have you done any more digi since last week?

When are everyone scan dates. Only 11 more sleeps until mine. I am trying not to think about it because I know on the day I will be a nervous wreck.

Had a bit of a sicky feeling yesterday. it happened mid morning I just felt a bit funny and ending up heaving a couple of times, but not sure if i made myself heave, thinking about it too much, if you know what i mean.

Sorry if TMI again, but is anyone suffering with gas!!!!!! It comes and goes with me, but last night i was rather gassy and sorry again if TMI but rather smelly as well.!!!

I read that this is to do with progesterone, slowing everything down to make sure it takes all the nutrients from food to pass to baby. if this is the case, at least i know the progesterone i am taking is doing what it should.

Have to say though, don`t really like putting it in!
Yes I have gas!!! Well last night was just thinking how bad the smell was and hoping it was pregnancy related. Otherwise I really do have a problem.

I saw the GP this morning and I thought she would ring the EPAU and get me a scan date today but no she is faxing a request and I should have a date by the middle of next week!! Another week of anxiousness for me. 11 days will soon come around how may weeks/days will you be?? xx
Yes I have gas!!! Well last night was just thinking how bad the smell was and hoping it was pregnancy related. Otherwise I really do have a problem.

I saw the GP this morning and I thought she would ring the EPAU and get me a scan date today but no she is faxing a request and I should have a date by the middle of next week!! Another week of anxiousness for me. 11 days will soon come around how may weeks/days will you be?? xx

Glad i`m not the only one with gas issues:dohh:

When I go for my scan i will be 7 weeks and 3 days. If all is good, they will have me back 2 weeks later.

i hate the waiting and not knowing. I saw my doc 2 weeks ago as I need to get sorted under the gestational diabetic clinic at the hospital and I am still waiting for the letter to go there.

Anyway, i am watching what I am eating regarding sugar intake, so the longer it is until i go, the longer it is until i have to start checking my bloods 4 times a day!
At least at 7 weeks and 3 days you should see a snuggly bean. I think I will be more like 8 weeks by time i get one.

Oh don't about the gestational diabetes. I had it with DS so when i fell pregnant with the next 3 pregnancies i cut out sugar and ate so healthily from the moment i found out. I still went on to lose them so until they send me to the diabetic clinic i am just carrying on as normal for now. Were you diet controlled or on insulin? i was on insulin from 22 weeks. xxxx
At least at 7 weeks and 3 days you should see a snuggly bean. I think I will be more like 8 weeks by time i get one.

Oh don't about the gestational diabetes. I had it with DS so when i fell pregnant with the next 3 pregnancies i cut out sugar and ate so healthily from the moment i found out. I still went on to lose them so until they send me to the diabetic clinic i am just carrying on as normal for now. Were you diet controlled or on insulin? i was on insulin from 22 weeks. xxxx

In my first PG it was picked up at 34 weeks and they put me straight onto insulin. I had to go to Birmingham heartlands Hospital to have him rather than Solihull, due to the insulin.

In my second PG they got me checking my bloods very early and I was so determined not to go back to Bham Heartlands for the birth that i diet controlled it and had baby at Solihull - Only put 7 pounds on in whole PG.

Third PG - i was checking bloods but had MMC.

Fourth PG - checking bloods very early on and diet controlled. Couldn`t go to Solihull as they closed maternity for 3 months to change to mid wife led unit so I went to the Alex in Redditch.

Fifth PG - checking bloods for 10 weeks - MMC
Sixth PG - checking bloods for 2 weeks - MMC

Seventh PG - awaiting appointment!!!!
How long did they let you go for? were you induced?

I only put 9lbs on the whole of my pregnancy and little man was 7lb 2oz. I really want a home birth but i know they willl say no due to the high risk but i will ask.

My sugars went back to normal at 37 weeks without the insulin so that was a nice little break. I'm hoping to be diet controlled this time but the Dr said because I was on insulin so early last time i will probably need it again.

I don't really care as long as I get to 9 months xxx
How long did they let you go for? were you induced?

I only put 9lbs on the whole of my pregnancy and little man was 7lb 2oz. I really want a home birth but i know they willl say no due to the high risk but i will ask.

My sugars went back to normal at 37 weeks without the insulin so that was a nice little break. I'm hoping to be diet controlled this time but the Dr said because I was on insulin so early last time i will probably need it again.

I don't really care as long as I get to 9 months xxx

In my second PG the doctor kept telling me i would be on insulin, but I was determined to prove them wrong and as i say, just diet controlled, i was very pleased with myself.

At 36 weeks with first they did scan and said he was about 8 pounds and they would induce at 38 weeks, however he arrived early at 37 weeks weighing 6 pounds 3.

Second baby - she was breach, so was delivered by section at 38 weeks.she weighed 7 pounds 3.

Third baby - due to previous section and diabetes they said they would not let me go past 40 weeks and would induce at this stage, however he too decided to come early and was born at 38 weeks weighing 6 pounds 10 ounces.

So all mine have been early. However i have a biconuate womb, so this may be the reason why mine are early ones!!!

In my secong PG I ate a lot of porridge and this helped to keep sugar levels low.

Like you, I don`t care what I have to do, I just want my rainbow.

I insert progesterone twice a day vaginally!! If 7 week scan is good i will be given a drug called clexane which needs to be injected into the stomach on a daily basis, and will also have to check bloods 4 times a day.

I don`t care what I have to put in me or up me!!!!
You are lucky you go early naturally. Induction was horrible. Aww what little babies you had.

Well done you staying diet controlled, I'm going to give it my best shot.

What alot you have to go through to stay pregnant. It's a good job they are more than worth it. Will you be stopping at 4??

Hello ladies,

I felt so sick last night, but didnt' mind at all..! Just hope this means everything is right on track.

I had Gestational diabetes with my 1st pregnancy, it was diet controlled, and I had him 4 days late and he was 8lb 1.5oz.

My 2nd pregnancy ended in MMC, as well as my 3rd.

My 4th pregnancy I didn't get diabetes but did get induced due to protein in my urine bang on my due date. I had him 2 days later and he weighed 8lb 6oz.

They said it was really unsual to not have diabetes again, so I'm hoping we'll get lucky again this time and miss it.

4 more sleeps for me.... woohoo!
You are lucky you go early naturally. Induction was horrible. Aww what little babies you had.

Well done you staying diet controlled, I'm going to give it my best shot.

What alot you have to go through to stay pregnant. It's a good job they are more than worth it. Will you be stopping at 4??


We were going to stop at 3, DH was adamant that 3 was more than enough. he would have been happy at 2. Hence the ages of our kids DS 11 DD 8 and DS 2!!!

However when I got PG at end of 2011 it wasn`t planned, so was a bit of an awkward time. Once we had scan at 12 weeks we started then to plan life with life 4 kids, but sadly, a check up at 17 weeks, found baby had died at 13 weeks.

I was in a bad way for a while, because I desperately needed to try again and DH was very reluctant. Finally, after seeing specialist at hospital he agreed to try again. (after 4 months of not knowing)

Sadly we lost that one too, but he agreed to try again straight away, hence this one now.

We will definately be stopping at 4. I am 41 now, 42 in august and that is something that does need to be taken into account. DH will be 44 in August.

What about you? Will 2 be your final amount?

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