***September Rainbow babies 2013 - 4 boy & 5 girls born so far***

Got a call from doc got a scan for weds but I'm so scared ill only be 6 weeks 3 days by then, will I see a heartbeat? As that's the whole reason I want one...

What do you ladies think?
with ds i saw it at exactly 6, and with this pregnancy i saw it at exactly 6.

So Id say your chances are really good. :thumbup: But try not to stress if its not there. Ive read online from other women who didnt see it at 6 but did later on.
hi all, chimp glad you got scan, you may see HB, but i am not too sure. my scan is booked for 1st feb and i should be 7 weeks and 3 days then, HB can def be detected then, but they didn`t want to do much earlier in case, so see what happens, but let us know how you get on.

strange as it sounds in my last PG i was desperate for MS to start and it didn`t until about 7-8 weeks and then wasn`t very much, but i was taking vitamin B6 which apparently helps keep MS at bay,

I will be 5 weeks tomorrow so a little early yet for too many symptoms. i am feeling tired, but then i am waking in night to go to the toilet, which i don`t usually do. i have been going to bed about 1/2 hour earlier than ususal, but i was awake for hour in night, but then slept until 7.00 this morning, which is late for me.

Also a little gassy as well!!

mwaah hope your scan goes well next week, keep us informed.
baby - MS is a good sign.
Hi mwaah and new ladies :wave: Not feeling pregnant much over here either :shrug:
Just seem to be hungry constantly.....Even after eating a full meal, Im ready for round 2 lol.
DH ordered a big double cheeseburger and fries, i ordered one too, and after we both finished, he was stuffed, and i was ready for seconds! lol. :haha:

Next appt: jan 28th- first official prenatal appt

Pink- Let us know how your appt goes! :)

Hehehe well if thats a symptom I'm constantly hungry too!! oh your 1st appointment. It will make it all seem real. I'm not booking in with the midwife until at least 10 weeks, I'm too scared.

Got a call from doc got a scan for weds but I'm so scared ill only be 6 weeks 3 days by then, will I see a heartbeat? As that's the whole reason I want one...

What do you ladies think?

I'm sure you will but my DR said she wouldnt send me for a scan until 7 weeks incase it was to early and I didnt see one and worry more. Good luck xx

hi all, chimp glad you got scan, you may see HB, but i am not too sure. my scan is booked for 1st feb and i should be 7 weeks and 3 days then, HB can def be detected then, but they didn`t want to do much earlier in case, so see what happens, but let us know how you get on.

strange as it sounds in my last PG i was desperate for MS to start and it didn`t until about 7-8 weeks and then wasn`t very much, but i was taking vitamin B6 which apparently helps keep MS at bay,

I will be 5 weeks tomorrow so a little early yet for too many symptoms. i am feeling tired, but then i am waking in night to go to the toilet, which i don`t usually do. i have been going to bed about 1/2 hour earlier than ususal, but i was awake for hour in night, but then slept until 7.00 this morning, which is late for me.

Also a little gassy as well!!

mwaah hope your scan goes well next week, keep us informed.
baby - MS is a good sign.

Going to the toilet lots is a very good sign, unfortunately I have the worlds biggest bladder.
Thank you, I'm sure I will be back with news, good or bad xxx
Chimpette, I had a scan last weekend at 6 weeks 1 day and they saw a heartbeat of 109 beats per minute. It took my breath away with the excitment and happiness, best feeling ever. Good luck to you, I am sure you will be just fine x
Thanks for the reassurance.

I spoke to the lady from EPU who looked after my last pregnancy and she has agreed to look after me again, so I've cancelled the scan for tomorrow and I'm having one next friday instead. Now I just need the next 10 days to go superquick please big man in the sky!
Well I am worrying today!

When I lost my LO in jan 12 I had about 3 migraines with aura in a week, around the time baby died. Just before I had MMc In sept, I had a very bad headache a couple of days before.
Today I have had a migraine with aura. The last one I had was dec 11.

When I sat down and starting thinking about it, I have got myself all worried that the migraines caused the MC, so I am really worried now about my scan in 2 weeks time.
May I join please? I am 6 weeks 4 days today after 4 miscarriages.

Congratulations to everyone :dust: x
had a miscarriage about a year and a half ago and it killed me but now here i am with bfp last tuesday and im due september 16! still skeptical and afraid to get too excited until i see that first us tho.
its so nice having other ladies to talk to who understand the stress and worry.

Found out i had a yeast infection today at the doctors. i'm nervous to take the prescription...just want bubs to be alright....I cant wait to be in 2nd tri. I think i will be a lot less stressed.
Des258 - welcome.

We all know the worry and apprehension we are all feeling and it is only natural after what we have been through.

I am going to my weekly acupuncture session shortly, I will mention to him my concern about the headaches and see if he has any thoughts.

Roll on 2 weeks Friday, I am so worried now about my scan.
Hi please can i join? i got my BFP two nights ago after suspecting i was pregnant for a few days. i think im due around the 19th of september. Although i have PCOS and my cycles are completely irregular. My last cycle was 24 days which is amazing for me and i'm only cd35 now so i must've ov'd quite early.

We have been ttc for 34 months now, we got pregnant after 27 and were over the moon but unfortunatly lost our little bean :( started bleeding brown, had a scan and they couldn't see baby, could see something but wasn't how it should be, i began heavily bleeding the same day. So it has taken 6 months to get pregnant again. I am beyond terrified. I done a digi yesterday and got 2-3. this is good and bad. with my mc i got 5 2-3s on digis and never got past that point so i am terrified until i get a 3+.

i have a dr's app booked next wednesday and am also gonna ask for a early scan. im hoping my dr will do blood tests so i can see everything is progressing how it should. i had one last time to confirm i was pregnant but would obviously like 2 this time.

had a little bit of blood in my pants last night and i thought it was all over, no more since. i can't even describe how terrified i am. i feel as if the fear has taken over the happiness and joy of finally being pregnant and i resent that

feeling alot more pregnant this time than last which i'm praying is a positive. although i am also feeling even worse if my boobs aren't as sore etc.

have read the whole thread and feel like i know you all already

hope to be chatting to you ladies for the next 8 or so months. if i disappear i guess you know why :(

very sticky baby dust to everyone xxx
Hi please can i join? i got my BFP two nights ago after suspecting i was pregnant for a few days. i think im due around the 19th of september. Although i have PCOS and my cycles are completely irregular. My last cycle was 24 days which is amazing for me and i'm only cd35 now so i must've ov'd quite early.

We have been ttc for 34 months now, we got pregnant after 27 and were over the moon but unfortunatly lost our little bean :( started bleeding brown, had a scan and they couldn't see baby, could see something but wasn't how it should be, i began heavily bleeding the same day. So it has taken 6 months to get pregnant again. I am beyond terrified. I done a digi yesterday and got 2-3. this is good and bad. with my mc i got 5 2-3s on digis and never got past that point so i am terrified until i get a 3+.

i have a dr's app booked next wednesday and am also gonna ask for a early scan. im hoping my dr will do blood tests so i can see everything is progressing how it should. i had one last time to confirm i was pregnant but would obviously like 2 this time.

had a little bit of blood in my pants last night and i thought it was all over, no more since. i can't even describe how terrified i am. i feel as if the fear has taken over the happiness and joy of finally being pregnant and i resent that

feeling alot more pregnant this time than last which i'm praying is a positive. although i am also feeling even worse if my boobs aren't as sore etc.

have read the whole thread and feel like i know you all already

hope to be chatting to you ladies for the next 8 or so months. if i disappear i guess you know why :(

very sticky baby dust to everyone xxx

Hi, sending lots of sticky dust you way too.

This is the third time. Have been in this situation.

Back in July 09 I lost one then got pg again sept 09, constant worry until my little rainbow was born in may 10.

When I was pg in sept after my loss last jan, I was in a constant state, I kept checking all the time to make sure there was no blood and feeling really uptight when I went to the toilet.

This time, I am worried, especially after the migraine, but I don't feel as wound up as last time. That may be down to the acupuncture, I don't know.

The acupuncturist was working on my gall/ bladder and stomach following my migraine and the side the pain was on! Hoping this will do the trick and all will be well this time.

Being pregnant after loos is the scariest thing in the world, the joy of being pregnant and looking forward to a new life is filled with with worry and fear.

Sticky dust to all of us.
Hello ladies,

Greener - I'm glad you found us, and hope we can all go through the worries and happiness (which is going to happen for us all..!) together.

Dancareoi - I'm sorry your having mirgraines, and I hope this doesnt' mean what you think it does, although i'm sure it won't. I always associate seeing 1 magpie with my miscarriages and ever since I found out I'm pregnant all I see is 1... bloody things.. However I'm doing my best to ignore them, and hopefully we'll see nutties HB next friday. Have you got an early scan booked?

Sending out sticky vibes to everyone!
Hello ladies,

Greener - I'm glad you found us, and hope we can all go through the worries and happiness (which is going to happen for us all..!) together.

Dancareoi - I'm sorry your having mirgraines, and I hope this doesnt' mean what you think it does, although i'm sure it won't. I always associate seeing 1 magpie with my miscarriages and ever since I found out I'm pregnant all I see is 1... bloody things.. However I'm doing my best to ignore them, and hopefully we'll see nutties HB next friday. Have you got an early scan booked?

Sending out sticky vibes to everyone!

I thought it was just me and the magpies, everywhere I go there I just 1 magpie and every time I see one I start saying the rhyme, it drives me crazy.

I saw one fly over a roof yesterday then a couple of seconds behind another, so I called that 2!

A bit later I saw 4 in a tree together, very rare because as you say there is always just one of the horrible little wotsits!

I have scan books for 1st feb, a week after yours!

Fingers crossed for us all!
welcome all the new ladies. Congrats.

I think we are all feeling the same. I don't feel pregnant. I can't even think i am pregnant until i have my scan next week. I'm so worried and only you ladies understand what its like not to feel overjoyed when you see that BFP.
I want the second tri to hurry up too xxx
I'm very worried bc my bbs are not as sore :( I know it flyctuates and your body gets used to it, but until I get my scan (still 2+ weeks away) I won't feel safe :(

I had a dream I had a baby bump, so I hope it's a good sign <3 going to take a cb digi today and hope it's a 3+. Might be a day it two too early, but I am impatient. If its still 2-3 I will have to wait till next week to do another, as I am waiting for more in the mail.
Hello ladies,

Greener - I'm glad you found us, and hope we can all go through the worries and happiness (which is going to happen for us all..!) together.

Dancareoi - I'm sorry your having mirgraines, and I hope this doesnt' mean what you think it does, although i'm sure it won't. I always associate seeing 1 magpie with my miscarriages and ever since I found out I'm pregnant all I see is 1... bloody things.. However I'm doing my best to ignore them, and hopefully we'll see nutties HB next friday. Have you got an early scan booked?

Sending out sticky vibes to everyone!

I thought it was just me and the magpies, everywhere I go there I just 1 magpie and every time I see one I start saying the rhyme, it drives me crazy.

I saw one fly over a roof yesterday then a couple of seconds behind another, so I called that 2!

A bit later I saw 4 in a tree together, very rare because as you say there is always just one of the horrible little wotsits!

I have scan books for 1st feb, a week after yours!

Fingers crossed for us all!

LOL that is so funny because I do exactly the same thing. If I see one and then keep driving if I see another one say within 5 mins, I call that 2.. haha

ooo 4 for a boy, I'm the same I can't stop with the rhyme... And I always salute the one thinking it might not mean bad luck if I do.. crazy strange lady I'm sure people must be thinking lol

Excellent news for the scan in a few weeks :thumbup:
I'm very worried bc my bbs are not as sore :( I know it flyctuates and your body gets used to it, but until I get my scan (still 2+ weeks away) I won't feel safe :(

I had a dream I had a baby bump, so I hope it's a good sign <3 going to take a cb digi today and hope it's a 3+. Might be a day it two too early, but I am impatient. If its still 2-3 I will have to wait till next week to do another, as I am waiting for more in the mail.

I think we all imagine things that are/aren't there, that's what PAL does to you. I won't be able to stop worrying until well into second tri. A first loss occurred after healthy 3 month scan and second loss after good scan at 7 weeks, but nothing at 9 weeks, so I have sooooo far yet to go.

I feel I want to do another digi and hope for 3+ but I don't have any. All I have is OPK tests so have been and those as I got a positive on that when iGot m BFP.

Just did one after only 1 hour as I can't keep my wee in any longer than that now, I suppose that is a good sign.

Anyway, did the opk and the test line appeared before the control line, before I as even finished counting to 15 so I'm thinking that's good, the test line is soooo much darker than the control line, never even seen it that dark when getting a positive for opk!

How is everyone else?

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