Alea - So happy that your strong little girl is home with you now!
And thank you all for the kind things you've said regarding losing my daughter.
Just wanted to update about my appointment today. I had another ultrasound today because my ultrasound at 32 weeks showed that Everett was measuring fairly small - I believe he was right around the 25th percentile. He was also breech during that ultrasound. So I've had the worry about his size on the back of my mind for a month. Fortunately, it's been good news today. Everett must have had at least a little growth spurt since he's now measuring at the 31st percentile. They're guessing his weight is around 6lbs, 1oz right now which is really reassuring. They also were able to see him do a little practice breathing. So everything is great with him
He also has turned head down, so at the moment I've got the green light for a vaginal delivery. My doctor also checked and said I'm starting to dilate already, which is pretty exciting. He told my OH not to get his hopes up about having another 3 weeks before getting thrown into parenthood
Otherwise the plan is that I'll be induced at 39 weeks - no set date yet, but the most likely days are either August 28 or August 29
They did notice that my fluid levels were slightly high and that the placenta was showing some signs of getting to be over-mature. However, my doctor is confident that 39 weeks is the earliest I'll have to deliver. He was going to discuss the ultrasound results with one of the other doctors in the practice to determine whether or not I'd need another ultrasound, but he's not worried about it if one isn't done.
Overall, I am feeling so much better about everything and I'm starting to get very impatient to have little man here with us.
I will definitely try to get caught up with everyone tomorrow