Birth story... PART 1 {Stage 1}
I started having mild contractions on Sunday night. They were like bad period pains that came and went. I had them every night and a little during the days that week.
On Wednesday, my midwife measured my bump and it was only 36cm at 39+6, so my next scan was brought forward to that afternoon.
The babys growth had tailed off a little (now estimated at 7lb), so we made the decision to start a gentle induction to get things moving properly. I was given a sweep which did make the contractions start up again that night, but they stopped again in the morning. I was able to have some acupuncture on Thursday, which helped to calm and prepare me.
I was admitted on Friday morning and my lovely midwife Jess broke my waters at 6.10pm. She commented how low the baby was and how much hair she had! The contractions came thick and fast almost immediately. I was assigned a wonderful midwife called Lucie to take me through my labour after Jess finished at 8.
At 10.45pm, I was 2-3cm dilated. At 3.15am, I was 3-4cm. We could see that things needed a bit of a boost as I was exhausted from 5 nights of poor sleep, so I accepted a low dose of syntocinon. I also started using the gas and air. Immediately things got very intense.
I was able to move around a lot. I found that standing leaning slightly on the end of the bed during a contraction then sitting on the birthing ball between them helped conserve my energy. I used long out breaths to help ride the waves of the contractions. Robert rubbed my back with a massage glove and I used a TENS machine when I had some intense back pains.
Birth story... PART 2 {Stages 2-3}
At around 6pm, my midwife went on a break and the student midwife took over. I was shattered and tried squatting on the gym mat. Suddenly, I was overtaken by a huge urge to push. It was out of my control and came out of nowhere. I screamed that I was pushing and my poor student called for help! I was terrified that I wasnt going to be 10cm, but they examined me and said I was now fully dilated... Id gone from 3.5 to 10cm in under 3 hours much to everyones bewilderment!
I was so tired and overwhelmed that I sat on the bed and grasped the side handles. It was too late for any other pain relief and gas and air is not much use in the second stage, so I felt every push! I made a lot of noise, all totally out of my control.
I pushed for just under an hour and finally, blissfully, my beautiful girl arrived at 6.52am on Saturday 22nd September, weighing exactly 7 pounds (clever sonographer!) As she was delivered, I felt something tear in me. No pain, but a massive give. We delayed clamping the cord until it stopped pulsing - around 5 minutes. I had the injection and eventually birthed my placenta after about 20 minutes. I was able to cut the cord myself. The whole thing was the most intense experience I have ever had and I have no regrets at all. She is so perfect and healthy. After birth, she didnt cry, just let out some adorable mews. She looked up at us all with huge, dark eyes and rocked her thick, dark brown hair.
My husband was an absolute star throughout and he keeps staring at me in awe now! Our relationship has never been stronger and we both have a new level of respect for each other.
Birth story... PART 3 {surgery}
***Warning- graphic surgery and tear details given***
The midwives did an examination after delivery to see how much damage had been done. They said a surgeon needed to decide if it was a 2nd or 3rd degree tear as that would determine how the stitching would happen (local anaesthetic in the room or spinal anaesthetic in theatre). He took one look and said it was a 3rd degree tear.
Kirree had been on me skin to skin from birth to the theatre, then I passed her to Robert, who scrubbed up and came in. The anaesthetist was the same one as during Finlos caesarean!
I couldnt sit up for the spinal, so they got me onto my side for it. The minute it kicked in, my whole being changed. I smiled and joked and relaxed. For the first time in about 16 hours, I was in no pain!
My legs were then put in stirrups and the surgeon started a proper exam. Once he had worked out the exact nature of the tear (it was a 3b), he started work. It took him 2 more hours to stitch me up. The tear had severed my perineum and affected a large part of my anal sphincter. He is a very skilled surgeon and they get excellent results with this when they know what they are dealing with.
We then returned to labour ward and Kirree had a good breastfeed. I was kept under observation for a bit. The spinal drugs caused me some horrible mental side effects but they passed once the feeling started to return in my legs as it wore off. We were taken to the postnatal ward and I had a very comfy bed by a window with Kirree in her cot by my side. I ate and ate and ate.
Birth story... PART 4 {Postnatal}
Robert went home to get some rest and collect Finlo. He then brought him in to visit in the afternoon. Throughout my pregnancy, Finlo had called my tummy sissy because I said sister. He took one look at Kirree in her cot, pointed at her and said Sissy!!!!! After my boys left, I had a massive mood drop. The extent of my injuries hit me and I also felt a bit shocked by the labour. The staff were lovely and I started to calm down. And ate some more! My catheter came out and I mobilised straight away. Needed to wee 200ml before Id be allowed to go home and couldnt seem to get enough yet, but I knew Id be staying overnight anyway.
When staff changed over to the night shift, I was over the moon that Lucie came on. She was the midwife with me the night before in labour.
I had brought in some colostrum Id collected so Lucie took Kirree from 10pm-4am and I slept. At 4, I woke up and went and got her back. They midwives were all in love with her. Shed not cried at all, just woke for feeds twice and made a tiny mew. She is tiny and beautiful, like a little pixie. I fed her then fell asleep again and got 2 more hours. When I woke again, Lucie had gone and the next midwife to come to me was Kelli. She has a little girl Finlos age and we did Waterbabies together!!!!!
I managed a proper wee at last and was cleared to go home.
Robert came in and we collected my medication. Prescribed lactulose and clindamycin, with shop bought paracetamol and ibuprofen for pain.
We packed both children into the car and off we went!!!