~* September Sparkles 2018 *~

I had my baby girl on 9/17! 4th baby with no meds. Definitely my most painful labor & I'm so glad it's over! How you all are doing well! <3

No progress here, contractions keep stop starting :( gutted. OH has started paternity leave early, didn’t have much choice as I keep thinking I’m in labour and then it all stops.. hope things progress soon cos this is driving me a little crazy, I don’t mind going over but contractions 2 mins apart for 3 hours and no change isn’t fun!
Congrats snowbunnie!

Ugh, Amy that's so annoying! Hoping it starts for real soon :hugs:
Oscar was born at 11:54am weighing 8lb 7oz on the 28th Sept!

Woke up to a mega contraction at 5am, had 2 more and woke OH up.. Who said ‘you’ve only had 3? Don’t you wanna wait?’ I was like nah this is it for sure we need to go. So we got Finley up to take him to his aunties so she could take him to school, dropped him off at 6am then went straight to the hospital. I was 5cm. I got into the bath on the birth suite and it really helped! Got to around 10am and I wanted some gas & air to help with my breathing.
At 11 she thought I may not be progressing and explained that in 45 minutes I’d have to get out for a wee and to check my dilation. I really didn’t like the thought of getting out lol with all that pressure! Anyway 45 minutes later I needed to push :lol: waters went as I was pushing and he was born less than 10 minutes later!!
The most amazing experience. I had a 2nd degree tear but totally worth it lol and he’s latched like a tiny pro!

So different to Fins birth! His was so hard and ended with an episiotomy, heart rate monitors, doctors and suction cup so I was very anxious this time but it couldn’t of gone more smoothly and big brother is tottttally smitten ! :)
Hope you guys are all well! We’re nearly at 6 weeks now and have tonnes of smiles. Combi feeding still. Not sure what he weighs but I’m gonna find out Thursday!

Would love an update on the babies, it’s been super quiet in here! X313B98FA-8BC6-42D9-B2B6-903A40E816F4.jpeg
Hey! What a gorgeous picture!

We are 11 weeks old today and doing really well, found our hands so spend most of the day sucking on these and staring at them in awe lol. Still not the best sleeper but getting there with effort to routine! Time goes too fast!!
Beautiful picture Amy!

We are 10 weeks old today, also found his hands 2 days ago and pretty much hadn't stopped sucking on them since! Haha! His latch is still pretty painful thanks to a tongue tie not being discovered and fixed until 6 weeks old, but hes getting plenty of milk and growing heaps, doubled his birth weight this week which is crazy! He's so heavy!
He has reflux, lots of wind and gas pains, but I have started a baby massage course and massaging his tummy is helping a little with the gas pains I think!
He is sleeping quite well at night too which is great, goes about 6hours for his first stretch and feeds and goes down for another 3-4hours so I'm quite happy with that!
Ahhh so sweet! Adorable they have both found their hands. Bless them.
I hope sleep gets better waiting! We get a 4hr stretch and then 2hr gaps after that. He settles quite quick so it’s not too bad.
& I hope the latch and gas pains start getting considerably better lightning!

Had Oscar weighed he was 11lb 5oz at 5w+6d :)
Ahhh so sweet! Adorable they have both found their hands. Bless them.
I hope sleep gets better waiting! We get a 4hr stretch and then 2hr gaps after that. He settles quite quick so it’s not too bad.
& I hope the latch and gas pains start getting considerably better lightning!

Had Oscar weighed he was 11lb 5oz at 5w+6d :)

That's great his weight is going so well Amy!

That's a nice sleep routine, ours was similar earlier on and he is spreading that first sleep longer as we go. Had a 7 hour gap twice last week!
That's great his weight is going so well Amy!

That's a nice sleep routine, ours was similar earlier on and he is spreading that first sleep longer as we go. Had a 7 hour gap twice last week!

Ooh this gives me hope for the future then lol!
Finley didn’t sleep through til he was 3!! So I’m hoping Oscar isn’t the same! X
Kirree is 2 weeks old today and such a beautiful pixie <3

I hope everyone is doing well.

D’oh! MONTHS!!! Sorry, baby brain!!!
This was the picture my OH got of our little girl turning 3 months old!!
time needs to slow down!!!
Also got her 2nd set of immunisations this Thursday.
Happy New Year! How is everyone doing? I cant believe Lexie is 4.5 months old already, where does the time go!! Had to get rid of the small newborn clothes the other week, it made me a bit sad!

Hope all of you and your babies are doing great!
It’s all going so fast! Oscar is rolling now, from front to back, unaided which is exciting for him! We’ve agreed to no more children but we’re already broody because Oscar is such a dream baby!
Hope the rest of our September sparkles are doing great, happy and healthy!
Kirree is such a perfect little thing that I’m sure I’d like a third! I can’t believe how fast the last 4 months have gone though! She’s now 13lb and such a doll. She looks like an anime character!

Hi everyone! How are all the babies doing? Charlie is 7.5 months old, and 10kg! He is sitting and crawling, loves his solid foods, and is cutting his two top teeth, (he got the bottom 2 at 5 months old)
Hope everyone else is doing well!
Hey! We are good, Lexie will be 8 months old tomorrow, is sitting but not yet crawling - gets all over the place with rolling so seems content with that and to be fair I am not encouraging anything else right now lol! We have two bottom teeth through now. She is a massive foodie - loves all things we have given so far, fruit is favoured but eats veggies well too.

Charlie sounds delightful Lightning - I cant believe how old they are already. Where did that time go!

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