Hi All,
Well I am back in the land of nearly the living! I have had a vile few days feeling soooooo poorly, and I think being pregnant not only reduces your immune but really doesn't help make just a cough and cold into anything nice!
All my mucsles down my sides are pulled and my mouth is all chapped, I am a right mess but do feel better today despite not being 100% it is still so much better than b4!
I must say my husband had amazed me, he has been totally fab, he has looked after the house, the children and me, and for once after being poorly i am not now faced with blitzing the house as well from lack of housework being done!
He has made all the children chip in with help, and done cooking, cleaning and looking after everyone, he even bought me flowers yesterday, another unheard of! We had words recently and so i think something must have gone in there! All I know is he is being the husband i thought i married, and that is wonderful!
Optical, The 2 things in life we want to be done perfectly for are our wedding and our babies, so I totaly see where you are coming from on both counts.
The nursery you will just have to say, look i want this perfect, I know it is everyones best but not quite what i wanted, lets just get it right. If it causes argument its kind of tough really, it needs sorting and by pretending its all ok it will just be left.
As for the wedding, again not easy but you will have to be more forceful, its your wedding and should be up to you.
We paid for our wedding and so just basically sent invites out to both parents and if i ever got any advice i would say thanks very much and still do what i wanted!
I was disapointed with my hair on the day which sounds like a brat but i really wanted it all to be right, and still i see the pics and am not happy with my hair! But the day went well and it was just me fussing about my hair!
Hope you can put your foot down and get your way more with it all

Louise, sounds lovely that everyone has tried so hard to do something special for you, 3 days

I have 5 days til break up and then i can rest up!
Welcome newbies :wave:
F&C thanks for the well wishes hun xx
Asher, you are very clever, I am rubbish with anything like that despite being fairly artistic, my sister is amazing at anything needlecraft, (she runs a needlework shop too) she does lessons and stuff, I just wish she would do more stuff for me!
Laura, Like anything you are unsure of hun its worth asking when you have your appointment, I understood it was normal as everything is starting to push things upwards so getting short of breath was part of that, but even so mention it just so your sure xx
Pinky, hope you manage to get on top of the diabeties, not much fun for you, the normal diet sounds reasonable to do first then go from there.
Well i feel like i have missed out not being posting for a few days! I just want to hug everyone for being here, but then i am feeling rather over emotional!
I have been worried about coughing so much, poor baby! Getting plenty of kicks and wriggles so i think i am forgiven for all the jolting about of the last few days! My bladder has been the worst of it, i was ok lying on my side but as soon as i was sat up i needed a pad to cough, I was glad about that because i would have worried about it being my waters but because it was only when everything was pushing down it happened. Oh the joys of pregnancy, my friend always is joking to me about not wanting to be a tena lady, I intend to get my pelvic floors well and truly sorted after this baby!
Anyway sorry for missing everything going on, good luck to everyone finishing work in the next week or so, and

to those who don't.
Congrats to those at the 34wk mark already, wow it is getting exiting now!
I am 31 weeks today, only 9 weeks left! I think i am ready, I don't want to get the moses basket out too soon and be falling over it but then i do want it aired as it smells all new and not of anything nice and baby like!
I got the matching bedding so really look forward to putting it all up, I also have the rocking stand as well as the normal one, so it will look lovely.
Well i say have it, something else that i need to put together!
Time to go, dh bought a chicken yesterday so going to shove it in the oven for a nice easy roast dinner, have peeled spuds already and veg is frozen so all a bit lazy but should be nice!
I think i need a home cooked meal!
I am not so worried now about baby coming along and not getting any help, just need to drop hints about a balloon now when baby arrives!! (long story but when dd was born i really wanted a pink balloon bought to the hospital because flowers were not allowed, I didn't get my balloon so i think i will nag this time and make it clear they pick me up with a balloon or not at all

Bye for now all, glad to be back and feeling well enough to type!

thinkpink xx