i wish i could walk 5miles!
im struggling just walking about 2miles per day. but it seems so pointless to drive to town or toddler groups when im not working now and have to find somewhere to park etc
my feet just kill all the time?! is this normal?!
also i weighed myself today and im 10stone 8lbs, i started off at 8stone i think, well before christmas i was 7stone 10 but im guessing at xmas i put on a few pounds. thats 2stone 8lbs already!
im going to try eat less from next week, it was my birthday yesterday and our house has polished off 2 big cakes and cupcakes!
my OH and munchkin got me a yummy mummy changing bag and some asos maternity dresses and tops

he was also going to book us another 4d scan, we had one at 16 weeks but the next appointment seems late at 32 weeks! not sure if that will be too late really.
today we finished baby shopping completely, not allowed to buy anything else until we are all moved and settled into our new house incase any new costs arise.
3 weeks till i move and i havnt packed at all! argh!
louise- sorry to hear hubby is away alot

i hate it when my Oh is away.
asher- welcome!