What gorgeous bumps ladies...to think what the "bumps" were like in 1st tri to now

5 Miles....jeez I would be so sore and have to sit down every few mins. Well done you.
I must say with Nathan I was fine until I stopped work and started to take it easy...thats when I started to seize up and hurt so this time I will try and do things rather than vegetate!
Just popping on quickly today. Am totally shattered after our montser boy refused to go to sleep last night and we had to get his cot back out and do controlled crying...luckily he gave up and slept after only 10 mins. I on the other had was a wreck and blubbing all over the place.

Then I did the same for his nap again today but he only slept 20 mins and is now giving it big zzzz on the couch after falling alseep in the car on the way home from my mums. But gonna keep at it. Luckily (so far) he only kinda wakes a little once during the night just now and last night my OH just lay him back on his pillow and he slept until 6am.
Am trying not to think about my "wee" happnings yesterday but its playing on my mind alot...I mean am sure it probably was wee as I had no more "dampness" at all but I have this voice at the back of my head saying but what if it wasnt? Would I have pains by now if it had of been? Would baby be moving different/more/less etc etc....I have a scan on Tuesday at 1pm anyways so will hopefully get reassurance then. But what if it has been my waters other than the risk of infection will a baby be ok for a few days?? Sorry for my crappy negative questions....its all just whirling in my head
Kinda wish I had said I was a bit damp so I could have been checked over...I mean when my waters went with Nathan I was on a hospital loo in labour and put a pad on and they couldnt test that some how (I dont think it was damp enough) so the mw got snippy and said she would examin me and see if "I really thought my waters had gone" ie she never believed me

See its dangerous to think.
Love to you all.