Just a quick update before I get back to life with a newborn and a toddler!!
Tobias Oscar (Toby) was born at 1:43 pm on Sept.11, weighing 8 lbs 6 oz.
Induction took awhile to get going, but once I managed to get the dilating going, things progressed really quickly.
I wound up with back labour again and would like to personally thank whoever invented the epidural. Seriously, that is one awesome and useful medical procedure.
Actual pushing stage was so fast: less than twenty minutes from 10 cm to delivery.
Giving birth definitely helped the pelvic pain, but it hasn't resolved, so I am going to see a specialist as soon as I can. I can't believe how hard the last 2-3 weeks of this pregnancy were on my body!
Here is a quick pic of Baby Toby. He is such a sweetheart and oh my god - the smell of newborn babe! I just melt every time I am anywhere near him.
As with all of us who have delivered, I will be checking back when I can, but highly doubt that I will be able to keep up with everyone's news. Please accept my heartfelt congrats to all the new mums and the best wishes for all still waiting for arrivals!
morning ladies, i'm off for my sweep- nervous!!!!
becs- u still here?
lilbumpblue- good luck to you!!
see ya later!!!
Ya see crumpets sound fab but then the butter = Heartburn!!! Im off for some Jam on Toast actually, although i really fancy egg on toast but got no eggs left cos i have 2 at a time!! lol!! xx
Just popping by to say good morning,
Congrats to all the new mummies, some lovely babies popping out!
Morning sickness been bad last few days, can't believe i still get it!!![]()
Nothing exiting happening, no plugs, or anything!
When does the star sign change in the month? And what are the possibilities, i think Sept Oct is Libra? What is Aug Sept?
I have a really itchy belly, it has been for a while but its driving me nutty at times, the skin feels thin and sore so i can't scratch like i would like to so i have to rub it!
My last baby started off the equivilent of tonight, dh said baby would come today, he has gone back to bed, but i suppose he has quite a while b4 baby proves him either way! I have a few good bh every now and again, I ache like mad but nothing actually feel like its kicking off any time soon!
I feel like i have been kicked up the bum today, i remember this as something i get after birth, so baby must be pretty low and it must be pressure.
Dh and i are really worried about dd, she has never been without us since she was born, one or other of us has always been with her, and so we are hoping for a quick trip to hospital while she is at our friends, so she doesn't notice! She has other siblings with her so hopefully they will comfort her, I am sure she will be fine it's just us being daft softies!!
Back later,to due and overdue!
tp xx