Hey Ladies!
I just havent felt like being on BnB...I have been so emotional the last few days with everything thats being going on.

My thoughts are still with Amy and her family.xx
Hope your all good.
I am slightly begining to panic as we havent really got a name for baby yet. OH likes Hannah ALOT but I am still not 100% on it. Sooo still no name
Nursery has hit a stand-still. We have new skirtings and power sockets and a lovely eeyore light switch. We have also chosen the colour of paint too but OH not picking it up until tomorrow night as my mum gets 10% OAP discount on a Wednesday

and we are getting stuff for the garden too.
I do have some curtains which I got on ebay! They are eeyore too and are huge! So will be getting my mum to take them up for us....I got them for 99p with a £3.50 postage...cost the poor person £4.50 to post

so she gave them away for 1p in reality...so she got great feedback!
So once the painting is done we just need a carpet then I can get the cribe and baby stuff down from the loft from when Nathan last used it and get washing and organised. Then it may start to feel a bit more real!
I only have 9 weeks left at work until mat leave (including this week) am only working 8 of these weeks which is now only 15 shifts to go

where has the time gone?!?!?
Well tomorrow I am off to the BnB Edinburgh zoo meet...I am looking forward to meeting people from here (even though I am very shy!) but god I wish I could just spend the day in bed instead as I am so so tired! that and every 5 mins I need to either sit down or go pee!
Off to catch up on news...