* September Stars 2014 * 41 babies born!

Been feeling her move around and kick like crazy! Anyone else feeling a lot of movement already?
Been feeling her move around and kick like crazy! Anyone else feeling a lot of movement already?

I do. Usually in the evening when I'm lying on the couch or in bed. It's more like a trapped goldfish for me, but I feel pretty lucky to feel movement already :)
Been feeling her move around and kick like crazy! Anyone else feeling a lot of movement already?

I do. Usually in the evening when I'm lying on the couch or in bed. It's more like a trapped goldfish for me, but I feel pretty lucky to feel movement already :)

Yeah she is super active at night when I'm sitting or laying down. Especially when I'm in bed and I toss and turn lol. I must be irritating her or something :p

Still no movements for me. Starting to get concerned!!!

I wouldn't worry too much. I've read some women can't feel anything until like 20+ weeks.
:hi: ladies, is it ok if I join please?

My name is Heather and I'm pregnant with #2 due 19th September, we will be finding out the gender at our scan on 7th May.

Be nice getting to know you all :D

heather, hi!
nice to have you :)
i'm due with #1 on 17th september. will be nice to read a lot from you on here!

Thank you :flower:

Oh wow your due only 2 days before me :)

Will you be finding out the gender at your next scan?
We will definitely be finding out the gender, we would love a boy this time as we already have a girl but the health is the main thing. What sex are you hoping for or are you :yellow: ?

Yeah, we definitely want to know, if baby is willing to show its bits :laugh2:
Im sort of hoping for a boy, but both my fiance and i think its a girl, which is just as fine :happydance:

We also just got our blood results back for downs..im at low risk with 1 : 2114 :) yay!!!

Are you waiting for the NHS scan or are you paying for a private gender scan?
I'm waiting for the NHS one which isn't until 7th May, it isn't without trying to get a private one but my husband doesn't want to pay and I can understand because the money could be used for something for the baby instead.

That's great that your at low risk :D We decided not to have the downs test.

We're waiting for the NHS one. We had a private scan at 7 weeks or so and looking back I think it wasn't worth the money. I hope the NHS one reveals the gender cause I don't think well be paying for another private one. There's just soo many things we could buy for the baby instead of splurging it on another scan :)

I think that's the only way my husband might consider a private scan if the NHS one isn't able to tell the gender.

How's pregnancy symptoms been for you so far? I haven't had no morning sickness this time and don't really feel pregnant.

I reaaaally hope the NHS scan reveals the gender, I'd hate to pay for another private scan.

I had really bad morning sickness from week 7 to 13 and I still throw up on occasion. I also get headaches here and there and am tired a lot, but other than that it's fine :)

Do you already have a date for your scan? Mine is 7th May which feels so far a way at the moment.
:hi: ladies, is it ok if I join please?

My name is Heather and I'm pregnant with #2 due 19th September, we will be finding out the gender at our scan on 7th May.

Be nice getting to know you all :D

Hi Heather, I'll add you to the list now :)

Have you got an inkling to whether it's a boy or girl? Xx

Thank you for the add :flower:

I'm swaying a little towards boy just because everything feels so different from when I was pregnant with my daughter, like no morning sickness this time and I don't really feel pregnant.
I would love to be right and it's a boy, have to wait until 7th May to find out though because didn't want the extra expense at the moment with a private scan.
Feels like most of you ladies are finding out the sex early though so feel like the odd one out :haha:
jessicasmum, I'm also waiting until my 20 week scan to find out the gender, which is on the 17th :) getting quite impatient about it now! It certainly does feel like the odd one out, having to wait so long!
jessicasmum, I'm also waiting until my 20 week scan to find out the gender, which is on the 17th :) getting quite impatient about it now! It certainly does feel like the odd one out, having to wait so long!

Glad I'm not the only one waiting then :) I'm the not the most patient person at the best of times. One good thing is I will find out the gender 4 days before my birthday :)
Do you have any thoughts on what sex it is? Which would you like it to be?
Ahh I find out about 10 days before my birthday! I'm planning on telling people who want to buy me something to just buy something for bubs! :)

I really think it's a boy. I'd be happy either way, as we went through so much just to get pregnant...but I think I'd secretly love a little girl! Which is weird, because I always thought I wanted my first to be a boy?! As I said, I'm more of just over the moon to be pregnant!

Do you have feelings about yours?
Aw there's only 9/61 of us that have found out early so you're definitely not the odd ones out for waiting! In my August group literally everyone found out early and as I'm due 31/08 then I was the last one to find out lol xx
ohh that's not as many as I thought, bananabump! Is it really only 9?! I feel like everyone's been revealing genders! Feel better now :)

Going to pluck up the courage to get a bump pic on soon!
Hi ladies - been having major doubts if things are going ok in there so I've booked myself in for a private reassurance scan on Saturday. After previous losses I'm completely paranoid! I told myself I was going to hold out until my scan on 23rd April but I just need to know if bean still has a heartbeat.

Anyone else having serious worries - it's almost crippling. I wish I could just relax and enjoy being pregnant. Not even told my best friend yet!
I am also waiting for my 20 week scan which is May 15th. I just want the fatigue and the not knowing what I want to eat/nothing looking appetizing to end! Everyone keeps telling me that I will soon start to feel better...but, ugh! Oh, and the last of the family now knows. We hadn't told some of the extended family because 1. we are really not close to them, 2. there were issues when mom told them early on and then miscarried, and 3. I really don't care if they know. But, we were visiting for my grandfather's 90th birthday so we told them all this past weekend. The other thing is that I have decided not to post anything on Facebook. I don't know, I just don't feel the need to. The people that I want to know, know. And eventually, the rest of the world will find out. But, it just isn't something I feel like doing at this point in time. I told DH if he wants to, he can post. I just don't feel the need to do so.
I think I am finally feeling some movements! First baby and I am 70kg with a bit of some tummy tub, so not entirely sure... but most times I lay or sit down and relax I can feel little thud type movements on and off below my belly button. Been happening more and more for the past week... Told myself it's gas, but it's becoming more frequent and feels so different to gas! 10 days til my next scan with obgyn. Anomoly scan on the 22nd.
Yeh there is.. send me a private message with your FB name and I'll add you to it xx

Did you find me? :)

I haven't received a message from you x

I did send a pm on here but never done it before so might not have worked! My name is Donna Moulding on fb. I have platinum blonde hair x

Thanks. Is your hair short? And are you wearing a leopard print top? X

Yep, that's me :)
Hi ladies,
Feeling baby move properly now, amazing feeling.
It's when I'm laying on the sofa relaxing.
Got to hear baby's heat beat again today :-D

Having pain in my hips and legs when trying to sleep. Someone in work recommend drinking tonic water, so may give that a go.

How's everyone else doing?? x xx

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