* September Stars 2014 * 41 babies born!

Corben Leon was born on the 28th of August weighing 8lbs 8oz :happydance: I did get to VBAC but unfortunately the labour wasn't great and we ended up being transferred from the birth centre to the hospital where he was delivered by forceps. We're home now and settling in, he's absolutely gorgeous and his big sister loves him to bits :cloud9:


Congrats beautiful bubba xx
Forgot to update, my Gem, Gabrielle Elyse, was born on August 14th!
Congratulations to all the new babies. Happy September ladies, we can now say we're due this month!!!! 20 days to go for me! X
Congratulations to all the new babies. Happy September ladies, we can now say we're due this month!!!! 20 days to go for me! X

so close!
16 for me..
eek, i couldn't be more excited that it's finally september :happydance:
Congratulations on all babies born :) Happy September, 18 days for me but looking like it will be less than that for me due to baby's unstable lie.
Still with you on the unstable lie!! After 9 days in hospital my csection is booked in for tomorrow morning. Can't wait to meet my little man!!
Still with you on the unstable lie!! After 9 days in hospital my csection is booked in for tomorrow morning. Can't wait to meet my little man!!

Sorry he's not moved for you and you've been stuck in hospital all this time. Good luck for tomorrow x
Still with you on the unstable lie!! After 9 days in hospital my csection is booked in for tomorrow morning. Can't wait to meet my little man!!

Sorry you have had to stay in hospital that long. Good luck with C-section tomorrow.

I went to see community midwife yesterday and baby is lying oblique/breech and she said she doesn't think baby will move head down now. I've got scan and consultant Thursday so they should book me in for C-section and I'm hoping it will be 12th when I turn 39 weeks, just hope they don't say I have to be admitted.
Went to have scan and see consultant today and baby moved yet again and fluid as increased to 10cm so I'm booked in for C-section on 15th September, they tried for 12th first but booked up. So 11 days and counting!!
Eric Jean-Paul George born 2nd Sept here :cloud9: We have stupidly long hospital stays over here in France so I only got home yesterday. He is gorgeous and we're all smitten, he's taken to the boob like a pro and already gaining weight back.

Birth story for those interested:
Birth story, I think it's all there anyway. It goes foggy so fast :(

- It started Aug 31st in the evening, I think. I had loads of sciatic pain which had me nearly in tears. Contractions woke me through the night but all pretty mild.

- The morning of 1st Sept contractions were a mild pain in the bum, every 15 mins or so.

- 4pm I went for a walk to have blood tests, contractions were coming every 10 mins ish, it was REALLY hard to walk through but somehow I managed.

- 10pm We went to bed early to try and get some rest (didn't happen), I had to hold Nicolas' hand through them. Still coming every 10mins. They started to get very focussed just above my pubic bone with a pain running down my leg, which was how they stayed til he was born. The leg pain was the worst bit! I think I'm about 5-6cm dilated here.

- 1am We call the midwife, contractions were every 4-7 mins and I'm starting to moan a little through them. She tells us to come in and we get Firefighters called for us (it's pretty normal in France to call an ambulance/firefighters for labour, though you have to pay if it's a false alarm).

- 1:30am The firefighters arrive and question us for ages on why we don't have a car, why somebody else can't take us, why we didn't plan ahead (seriously?!?!). We both felt really judged and stupid, it was not the time for a lecture. For one thing the midwife said to call, and another, we wouldn't call emergency services if there was another option. I got out of the front door and start having a contraction so I stopped walking, fucking assbucket driver told me to "go on". YOU go on, I am in masses of pain, wanker.

- 1:45am Arrive in hospital, the midwife tells us not to be too concerned by the firefighters attitude as they just don't like taking labouring women since they don't have much training. We were shown into a labouring room (same one I laboured with Élise in!) I'm checked, 7cm and contractions still coming every 4-7 mins, then hooked up to monitoring.

- 2:30am I needed to pee, so we call the midwife and she says she'll check me afterwards, get me into a delivery room (also the same one Élise was delivered in) and pop my waters to speed things up. Turns out I was 10cm which was a total shock to me since I could still breathe/moan through contractions and I had absolutely no urge to push. I'm totally fed up of waiting by this point so I asked for gas and air.

- 3am(ish) Waters are popped, contractions slow down and get way less painful. I'm so disappointed I started getting angry at myself :haha:

- 4am(ish) Still hardly any progess so the midwife offered to hook me up to some pitocin. I reluctantly agreed and I'm fairly miserable at this point, grumping in between contractions that I just want to hold my baby.

- 5am(ish) I started to feel a bit pushy, contractions are finally picking up and I began doing that primal roar thing and felt a bit silly. Midwife "prepared" me for pushing by putting my legs up in stirrups and reclining the bed, and I'm left seriously sour faced. When she left the room Nicolas sat the bed back up for me <3

- 5:20(ish, I think), I wanted this baby out so I started pushing with each contraction, he did not want to come out! When I finally felt him descending I went a bit crazy and totally lost my bottle. Midwife wouldn't let me have gas while I was pushing so I was whimpering like a child and begging and pleading! I kept snapping NO! when the midwife asked me to do anything and just begging for gas instead. When I felt like that ring of fire was about to happen I yelled YES (because it was nearly over) and GET IT OUT (because it fucking hurt) and pushed even when the MW was yelling at me to stop. Pretty sure I felt myself tear but I didn't care at the time, lucky it's only tiny and I only needed 2 stitches. I had to stop once his head was out so they could turn his shoulders which I found almost impossible, but then I heard him cry even before his legs were out and I found myself just saying thank you thank you thank you. 5:33am he was plonked on me and I've been totally in love ever since <3

After that, we were left to bond and I felt a bit forgotten about. It was around 9am when they finally got me off the soggy delivery bed and to my room (also the same room we stayed in with Élise!). We were shattered, trying to sleep but far too uncomfy, we were just lucky we had the cutest little guy to keep us sane.

Eric Jean-Paul George born 2nd Sept here :cloud9: We have stupidly long hospital stays over here in France so I only got home yesterday. He is gorgeous and we're all smitten, he's taken to the boob like a pro and already gaining weight back.

Birth story for those interested:
Birth story, I think it's all there anyway. It goes foggy so fast :(

- It started Aug 31st in the evening, I think. I had loads of sciatic pain which had me nearly in tears. Contractions woke me through the night but all pretty mild.

- The morning of 1st Sept contractions were a mild pain in the bum, every 15 mins or so.

- 4pm I went for a walk to have blood tests, contractions were coming every 10 mins ish, it was REALLY hard to walk through but somehow I managed.

- 10pm We went to bed early to try and get some rest (didn't happen), I had to hold Nicolas' hand through them. Still coming every 10mins. They started to get very focussed just above my pubic bone with a pain running down my leg, which was how they stayed til he was born. The leg pain was the worst bit! I think I'm about 5-6cm dilated here.

- 1am We call the midwife, contractions were every 4-7 mins and I'm starting to moan a little through them. She tells us to come in and we get Firefighters called for us (it's pretty normal in France to call an ambulance/firefighters for labour, though you have to pay if it's a false alarm).

- 1:30am The firefighters arrive and question us for ages on why we don't have a car, why somebody else can't take us, why we didn't plan ahead (seriously?!?!). We both felt really judged and stupid, it was not the time for a lecture. For one thing the midwife said to call, and another, we wouldn't call emergency services if there was another option. I got out of the front door and start having a contraction so I stopped walking, fucking assbucket driver told me to "go on". YOU go on, I am in masses of pain, wanker.

- 1:45am Arrive in hospital, the midwife tells us not to be too concerned by the firefighters attitude as they just don't like taking labouring women since they don't have much training. We were shown into a labouring room (same one I laboured with Élise in!) I'm checked, 7cm and contractions still coming every 4-7 mins, then hooked up to monitoring.

- 2:30am I needed to pee, so we call the midwife and she says she'll check me afterwards, get me into a delivery room (also the same one Élise was delivered in) and pop my waters to speed things up. Turns out I was 10cm which was a total shock to me since I could still breathe/moan through contractions and I had absolutely no urge to push. I'm totally fed up of waiting by this point so I asked for gas and air.

- 3am(ish) Waters are popped, contractions slow down and get way less painful. I'm so disappointed I started getting angry at myself :haha:

- 4am(ish) Still hardly any progess so the midwife offered to hook me up to some pitocin. I reluctantly agreed and I'm fairly miserable at this point, grumping in between contractions that I just want to hold my baby.

- 5am(ish) I started to feel a bit pushy, contractions are finally picking up and I began doing that primal roar thing and felt a bit silly. Midwife "prepared" me for pushing by putting my legs up in stirrups and reclining the bed, and I'm left seriously sour faced. When she left the room Nicolas sat the bed back up for me <3

- 5:20(ish, I think), I wanted this baby out so I started pushing with each contraction, he did not want to come out! When I finally felt him descending I went a bit crazy and totally lost my bottle. Midwife wouldn't let me have gas while I was pushing so I was whimpering like a child and begging and pleading! I kept snapping NO! when the midwife asked me to do anything and just begging for gas instead. When I felt like that ring of fire was about to happen I yelled YES (because it was nearly over) and GET IT OUT (because it fucking hurt) and pushed even when the MW was yelling at me to stop. Pretty sure I felt myself tear but I didn't care at the time, lucky it's only tiny and I only needed 2 stitches. I had to stop once his head was out so they could turn his shoulders which I found almost impossible, but then I heard him cry even before his legs were out and I found myself just saying thank you thank you thank you. 5:33am he was plonked on me and I've been totally in love ever since <3

After that, we were left to bond and I felt a bit forgotten about. It was around 9am when they finally got me off the soggy delivery bed and to my room (also the same room we stayed in with Élise!). We were shattered, trying to sleep but far too uncomfy, we were just lucky we had the cutest little guy to keep us sane.


congrats! he is soo beautiful :) enjoy the cuddles!
So glad to hear about all the babies being born. Dominic is now 3 weeks old crazy to think he wasnt even suppose to be delivered by csection for another 3 days and wasnt even due for another 10. He is finally 5lbs 4.3oz!!! Cant wait for us all to have our little babies. Congrats to us all!!!

First pic is Dominic right after birth 4lbs 12.8 oz. 2nd is the other day 5lbs 4.3 oz


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No more bump but a little boy Zackery Stephen Albertus was on by an emergency C-section on September the 3rd of 2014 at 09:15 am.


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Little late in joining as only just found this thread oops...today is my due date and we are expecting a girl x
Look at all these beautiful babies! So lovely. Congrats, mamas!
Finn arrived on Fri 12th September at 8.05 am at 37+4 weeks weighing 6lbs 5oz after an emergency section. :flower:

Waters went on Friday at 00.00 after I got up to go for a wee and luckily was still sitting on the toilet when the first gush happened. More came after that and didn't stop for hours in the end so we went in. Contractions started immediately at the hospital but I was advised to go home and wait it out there. Something told me not to though and I refused. Had a bath which dI'd absolutely nothing :haha: and had more and more contractions which got longer and closer together. Got to try out some gas and air (which I clung to for the rest of the labour) and had my first examination. Immediately she told my husband to pull the emergency cord and I stared panicking. She said she could feel the cord first above the baby's head. Crash team flooded in and I was examined by a doctor who confirmed it wasn't the cord - it was his foot and he was breech!! Was taken down to theatre and after 45 minutes of attempts to get the spinal in they went to town, and 15 mins into the op they pulled out our little boy. :cloud9:

Congratulations on all the new beautiful babies! I can't believe it's September already! Just updated the front page xx

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