****September Stars!!****

Hey ladies! Anyone else get really BIGGGG in the last week??? i went from not having a noticable bump to a HUGE mountain!! LOL i havent bought any big shirts so im just walking around with my bare belly hanging out!!!:blush: need to go shopping!!

HAPPY V-DAY DREA!!!! :) I join you tomorrow!!
Hello everyone!

Well i went a bit mad earlier, told the OH i was going to order some baby grows online from asda or tesco.....ended up spending almost £85! oops!

Love to Amy & family today x
I havent been on in a while but am thinking of Amy at this time xx
Happy V day girls! I am having a very lazy day off at home. DH and I spent yesterday on the lake and I have been exhausted all day. Is anyone else having Braxton Hicks contractions? I have been having them horribly and they are really painful. I had one last night that seemed to last forever which I chalked up to overdoing it yesterday.
Happy V Day Drea! :hi: Sayuri, long time no hear! Glad to see you back.

So.. Brigitte.. not only will I OFFICIALLY see you here tomorrow but that is OFFICIALLY a brilliant collage! I'm very impressed with your style and bump! lol

Bekklez hope the spotting isn't anything serious. Hopefully it's just a little cut or something. Are you in any pain?

Just read Amy's journal about little Darcie. That is truly heartbreaking. My heart goes out to her and her family. In my thoughts. xx
gosh its just taken 3 leisurely hours to catch up with you lot!!!! thatll teach me for not coming online over the long weekend.

I just want to say - along with everyone else - that im so deeply sorry for amy's loss. i cant imagine what she is going through.

Drea - happy V day!!

as for me baby is on one side today looks rather weird lol.

love to all
Hi everyone!
I had a strange day today.
I was teaching back to back programs in one of our on grounds classrooms that is far from any kitchen, so I brought fruit and a couple of pieces of cheese with me and planned to eat my (frozen) lunch after the programs (around 2), when I could use the microwave.
I got back to the office and was feeling so dizzy, and then my vision started blurring. It really freaked me out. I talked to my doctor and she said if I didn't improve significantly to go straight to emerg. I ate some lunch and was feeling better in a couple of minutes. I'm guessing it was a blood sugar thing?
I have really healthy blood pressure and I'm not swelling or showing any signs of pre-eclampsia. I haven't heard anything from the clinic indicating that there was a problem with my gestational diabetes test.
And it's not like I didn't eat anything. Between 9:30 and 2:00, I ate 2 apples, 2 cheese portion, a granola bar and 4 slices of watermelon. The only thing I can think of is that all of these were pretty sugary and that I needed more protein?
Lots of strong movement from baby, so I think everything's okay?
Anyway, sort of an unsettling day. :(
i havent been on this thread for a while just wanted to see how all my fellow september mummys are getting on, i wonder how big everyone is now?
could you add pink stork next to my name please? im having two girls x
Wow genies girl! Two girls! Congrats! Good to see you are keeping well!

Sarahka hope you are okay, maybe just one of those weird things that happens sometimes? My vision in general is worse when I am pg and I definitely have the odd dizzy spell, but I don't think it's like anything you described. Maybe get checked out if you still don't feel so good? Good that the little one is moving around though. :hug:

So today is the 1st of June! Can't believe it!
Happy V-day to Drea and Jessica.
Happy 7th box to MamaBird and Fish&Chips too!

MamaBird, your collage is fantastic and it makes me slighty sad that I haven't really taken many pictures and now I am moving into 3rd trimester. :-(
LittleA your dog is so gorgeous.
Sarahka I had a day of dizziness yesterday, but I put it down to being hungry. I also felt quite sick mid-afternoon which soon passed...so maybe it is our hormones??

I will try not to mope, but I have had the worst bank holiday and have lots of things I now need to try and sort out. I haven't cried yet but I am sure that will come soon. Just needed to say it out loud...so thanks for listening!

On a plus note though, I am 27 weeks today and bubba seems to be fine wriggling around in there all day which is so lovely.

I will still post in here too until all 2nd tri ladies move over, but it is really exciting to know we are facing the final stretch.

Hope all you ladies are well.
Hi ladies, I've not had chance to catch up yet as we only got back from Wales late last night/early hours of this morning & I'm just logging on now from my bed using the iPod.
Hugs & thoughts are going out to Amy & her family:hugs: as i'm sure most of us did, I sobbed my heart out when I heard the news:cry:
I'm just waiting for the on-call doc to call me back. Had to call in sick to work with severe mid back pain :nope:. Been having milder symptoms for about 6 weeks now but I just kept an eye on my urinealysis & had the gp send samples off (paranoid following my admission with pyelonephritis last October). I don't quite fancy a relapse thank you very much! Has anyone else had any similar symptoms? I now have severe pain on each side of my back about half way up, it becomes sharp if I yawn or take a deepish breath in (even a sigh makes it worse). I am suffering leg cramps too & I know the 2 combined can be related to potassium levels. Paracetamol is no longer taking the edge off it & the only position which offers relief is being on all fours (oer) or lying on my side with DH rubbing my back.
I'm hoping the doctor doesn't just fob it off as pregnancy back pain as it doesn't seem like a normal back pain at all.
Well, enough whinging from me. Gonna go & try to get comfortable until doc calls.
Hugs to you all xxx
Good Morning All xx

Just coming by to say hello, Teeny hope you are feeling a bit brighter today, and thanks for waiting for us lot! Won't be long!:flower:

NurseKel, I get the odd tightening, they make me pretty hot and are a bit uncomfortable, but not painful, I get a few a day, but if i over do it i will get more.xx

Sarahkka, I think we are a bit sensitive to stuff when we are pregnant, it sounds like you didn't eat much in the way of substantial food, fruit is not a carb or protein or even a fat and the sugars are natural, perhaps a nibble on a sandwich with chicken, ham or cheese with some salad would be a better sustainer while you are supporting baby. (watermelon is just water, well a very high percentage!)
Hope the funny spells stay away! :hugs:

Genies girl, that is lovely 2 girls, someone will be busy in September! :thumbup:

Yay, June, going nice and fast! Another month ticked off:happydance:

I was sick again this morning, not much fun! Feel a bit weird, and constantly in need of food although not hungry for anything, i fancy lots but when it comes down to it i don't want it!
I am certainly more savoury at the moment!
Having to wait in all day for a delivery, I missed it the other day and they give me from 7am to 9 pm as a time slot with nothing more defininete, great! At least it's raining!
Have sent eldest dd upstairs as she was bugging my other dd, who screams out if she is annoyed, and i was getting head and earache!!
Ahh, peace!
Little monkeys certainly know how to set each other off, I think 6 minutes is the record i have been out of the room without an argument breaking out, but if i just remove 1 from the situation it doesn't happen, so madam trouble maker is playing dolly's in her room!

Time to go check other things :hugs:

Hope everyone has a great day xx:hugs:
Hi ladies, I've not had chance to catch up yet as we only got back from Wales late last night/early hours of this morning & I'm just logging on now from my bed using the iPod.
Hugs & thoughts are going out to Amy & her family:hugs: as i'm sure most of us did, I sobbed my heart out when I heard the news:cry:
I'm just waiting for the on-call doc to call me back. Had to call in sick to work with severe mid back pain :nope:. Been having milder symptoms for about 6 weeks now but I just kept an eye on my urinealysis & had the gp send samples off (paranoid following my admission with pyelonephritis last October). I don't quite fancy a relapse thank you very much! Has anyone else had any similar symptoms? I now have severe pain on each side of my back about half way up, it becomes sharp if I yawn or take a deepish breath in (even a sigh makes it worse). I am suffering leg cramps too & I know the 2 combined can be related to potassium levels. Paracetamol is no longer taking the edge off it & the only position which offers relief is being on all fours (oer) or lying on my side with DH rubbing my back.
I'm hoping the doctor doesn't just fob it off as pregnancy back pain as it doesn't seem like a normal back pain at all.
Well, enough whinging from me. Gonna go & try to get comfortable until doc calls.
Hugs to you all xxx

Got to agree with you, it doesn't sound like 'normal' pregnancy pains, sounds urinary, and if tablets don't touch it then hope the doctor is sensible!
Would call someone else if he doesnt, does your last infection make you more prone to these things? make sure he knows your history, sometimes they are a bit blind to it if its a phonecall!
Hope you feel better soon :hugs:xx
Hi everyone hope ur all well. Still got amy and little darcie on my mind sending lotsbof hugs and thoughts to her.

Well I went to bed lastnite but couldn't sleep cos of bk pain. Finally dropped off but about 20 mins later woke up with really bad period pains felt like someone was squeezin my insides made me feel really sick.I got up to go for a walk and I was really sick. That eased the pain but since wakin up this morning the. Pains bk wasn't as strong but is gettin stronger and makin me feel sick agen.
Anyone any idea wat it could be??

Wat Are braxton hicks like could it be them ??
Ok I think i've caught up now:thumbup:. Babythinkpink I've suffered with my kidneys since birth although it all settled when I hit my 20's & reared it's head last year. I was very poorly with the pyelonephritis & they never told me at the time but they had prepared an itu bed for me as they thought I was going septic & would needventolating whilst my body fought the infection :nope: luckily the iv antibiotics kicked in quickly & it was avoided. I'll never forget the horrendous pain & yes they warned me I'd be subsceptible (?sp) to recurrence in the following 12 months.........& pregnancy increases the risk.
Still waiting to hear from doctor, I'm guessing they won't class it as an emergency & will pass it onto my gp surgery when they open.

Emma, my mom is great thanks for asking. She enjoyed her visit when we went to the baby show. She reads all the posts on here but hardly replies (just keeps me updated bless her).
Louise, I have 2 bump bands I bought from Asda & they offer comfort more than anything......oh & they help keep my trousers up lol. I have experienced achey sides, almost stitch like too & my midwife said it sounded like baby flipping over! It ached for a day or two, then bubba went quiet, then became active once ache settled.
Mamabird & Ann they are lovely collages! I so wish I had remembered to do the same, especially as my hobby is scrapbooking! So wanted to create layouts of my changing body. I also meant to measure my a
waistline weekly to match the photo's grr!
Finally a big congrats to all the viables & hello to the new September stars, welcome to our family :hugs:

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