****September Stars!!****

yeh they were f & c i no he turned up with a big bunch of flowers 2 say sorry but still not speakin 2 him im sure things will be ok just gonna make him work 4 forgive ness xx

I should think so! I remember me and dh having a few choice words when i was preggy last time, it is funny how different it is this time!
I would be shocked if dh came out with that though, not exactly Mr charming is he?!!
Hope your talking soon!

Cazza darling, sending love and :hugs: - Really good news about the results. It will be you soon babes, I just know it. :dust:
Hello girls!
Just sitting here listening to my stubborn little toddler fight off his much-needed nap. First it was loud playing and chatting to himself, now he is getting a bit more shrill about his apparent plans for no nap today. We were hoping to go for a family swim this afternoon, but no way am I taking an overtired 15-month old anywhere. :nope:
Oh well. We'll see.
optical- another Austen fan? :thumbup:
I love forcing my husband to watch Jane Austen movies. He's more of the zombie type, so it's particularly tortuous! :) although, I was very excited to see that novel, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies come out. Apparently, they are making a flick of it and Nathalie Portman is starring as a zombie-fighting Elizabeth Bennett. Hilarious! And perhaps a bridge across the great gender gap in entertainment? ;)
We don't have a doppler, but my husband is a paramedic and pulled out his stethoscope to listen to Simon-in-utero when we were around 6 months, I think? Simon kicked him right in the ear. I have heard that babies in utero hear some sort of funny echo from listening devices and that lots of them kick out at this. I have no idea if that's true or not, however.
I'm getting more and more excited about my upcoming scan. I'm dying to know baby's gender. I feel like this one might be a girl, and that would be my first choice as then we'd have one of each, but I'm just excited to know regardless because it makes me feel like I get to know baby just a little better, you know?
Aha! Quiet from Simon's room. Mama wins again! :)
Hi everyone, choc, hope you're ok tonight after your OH being stupid earlier. Hugs!

Cazza it's so good to see you, and good news about the fertility tests. I bet you will be back on in no time, I have big big FXd for you and a sticky BFP.

I am shattered. We've had such a busy day, which ended up with us spending almost 4 hours at the viewing park at the airport (Archie loves planes). So my back is killing me from all the standing up. DH is making spicy bean chilli with coriander rice, salad and BBQ spare ribs for supper. Yum. Bed very soon after that methinks!
Hey there!!!

I have had such a fantastic day!! I am shattered now!! Just had a bath and thinking about going to bed in a bit!!! Gone are my wild Saturday evenings lol!!!
Hi Ladies

So nice to hear from you Cazza and great news about the test results. You have been terribly unlucky. FX for a sticky bean very soon :dust:

Well while you have all been out enjoying the sunshine I have been at the hospital as my DH is ill again and has been in since Friday. I feel awful as I don't know if I am going to be able to visit him today. I seem to have come down with a terrible cough and cold over the last 48 hours and I feel awful. I really want to see him but I don't want him to catch it, or to give it to any other patients to be honest.

I called my midwife yesterday because I have been worrying about a few things, I wasn't supposed to be seeing her again until 28wks as my 22wk appointment is with the doctor. I think she felt a bit sorry for me so she told me to drop into the clinic on Tuesday for a chat. I also found out there is a hip/back specialist in the maternity unit so I can make an appointment with her to discuss my SPD. I've been feeling really upset since the physio all but abandoned me saying there was nothing more she could do to help me. The midwife said the woman in the ante-natal clinic sees people with the same problem all the time so should be able to help.

I've been worrying a lot about not being able to feel the baby move (well I have felt what I think are movements but it's only been once or twice so I'm not sure that it definitely was) My DH pointed out that I was moved forward 5 days at my last scan and if they were wrong I'm only just coming up to 17 weeks rather than 18. I'm trying not to worry but it's hard. My DH won't let me buy a doppler because rather than helping he thinks it will make me even more paranoid. I'm so tempted to buy one and not tell him but he would go nuts if I did that and I don't want to be dishonest. Have any other first time Mum's not felt movements yet??

Better go and get some breakfast feeling a bit dizzy. x
Just saying Good Morning all xx

Ds feeling better today, energy drinks and rich tea biscuits did the trick, he was eating by the afternoon and by evening watched Harry Potter and was talking all the way through so that's a sign he was better!

Dh had 'an xbox night' where he sits up late on the xbox in the peace of the house and i go to bed! It is one of those things most people would probablly hate but i get to watch some total rubbish on tv in bed, then cuddle up in the whole bed, using the entire duvet, he says he has to unwrap me to get the duvet off me whan he goes to bed!!:haha:

Food shopping day today!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Still no movement on baby, think i will look at dopplers today on ebay!

Just saying Good Morning all xx

Ds feeling better today, energy drinks and rich tea biscuits did the trick, he was eating by the afternoon and by evening watched Harry Potter and was talking all the way through so that's a sign he was better!

Dh had 'an xbox night' where he sits up late on the xbox in the peace of the house and i go to bed! It is one of those things most people would probablly hate but i get to watch some total rubbish on tv in bed, then cuddle up in the whole bed, using the entire duvet, he says he has to unwrap me to get the duvet off me whan he goes to bed!!:haha:

Food shopping day today!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Still no movement on baby, think i will look at dopplers today on ebay!


I know EXACTLY what you mean my OH has alot of xbox nights... i love them but dont tell him that lol!!!! i get to chill out and relax without any bother tis wonderful..... hehe

My little beany likes the car - wriggles alot.

I was using my doppler last night and felt it everytime i heard a kick which was really nice because it kind of confirms that im not being crazy and it really is bubs!!!

Cant believe how far along some people are congrats to apaton and emzy half way through its going soooo fast.

Mrs Jo8 - i think its quite normal not to have felt anything yet i dont think i would have noticed mine so much if i didnt have the confirmation of the doppler. wont be long now though and when you do feel it you'll wonder what all the worrying was about!!!

Love to all xxx
Sarahkka - I can't believe you can even force your oh to watch those with you! mine's so stubborn if I put that on TV he'd leave the room and be moody for the next 4 hours, unless I turned it off. :(

Mrsj08- Hope your dh is feeling better soon and you can enjoy the sunshine!

I think I've been feeling baby move quite a bit over the last 4 days! I've felt perhaps 4-5 prods that're really noticable lower down in my stomache that I'm sure must be baby kicking! sometimes a weird prodding near my bladder or something, that feels so strange and my stomache in general has felt "weird" inside, like somethings swimming around in there. I had a listen on the doppler today after I thought I could feel movement and the baby was definitely moving around and banging around in there - A LOT!
I didn't feel anything noticable from the outside that went with the noises on the doppler but baby is definitely lively in there. It was all *boom, boom, boom, boom, boom* private disco!

Hope everyones had a nice weekend x
Mrs Jo8,
Really don't worry, this is my 5th baby and i am not feeling anything yet, and i was sure i would be by now! They say you feel subsequent babies earlier but I am not this time!

Dh always says 'do you mind' when he wants to go on the xbox all night, I just say 'no its ok' while i am thinking, 'YES'!!! Like you say best not tell them!!

Anyway, done our huge food shop, really enjoyed it today, got huge bag of pnut m and m's, 30 eggs as i have a boiled egg craving!! Some crisp thin things i also love, just perfect to be putting the egg on! And for tea we were going to have roast dinner but that has changed to pizza, southern fries, kettle chips and dips and generally naughty stuff which i look forward to!

So enjoying no school runs, 3 months left of school runs then local school from Septmber, oh bliss, no car needed, so exited about pushing a pram to school, it is one of those things i think i will cry when i first do as i have been so looking forward to it!!
Oh we also got burgers as the bbq may get dusted off this week!!:happydance:

Hope everyone is good,

:baby:thinkpink xx

Ps has anyone else's ticker moved? I am not 17 weeks until tomorrow? How very strange, it was right b4!!xx
Just had a very productive day.. bought some fresh bits and bobs from a local farm shop, then came home and washed all the baby clothes we have been given, then cleaned the garden furniture, then dh did a BBQ and I made fairy cakes!! Had a bit of a whoopsie with the cakes as was following the wrong recipe!! lol. Thankfully it was really easy so made another batch in no time so now we have a hell of a lot of fairy cakes.. although one set is heavier than the other!! Yum!!

Hi Ladies

So nice to hear from you Cazza and great news about the test results. You have been terribly unlucky. FX for a sticky bean very soon :dust:

Well while you have all been out enjoying the sunshine I have been at the hospital as my DH is ill again and has been in since Friday. I feel awful as I don't know if I am going to be able to visit him today. I seem to have come down with a terrible cough and cold over the last 48 hours and I feel awful. I really want to see him but I don't want him to catch it, or to give it to any other patients to be honest.

I called my midwife yesterday because I have been worrying about a few things, I wasn't supposed to be seeing her again until 28wks as my 22wk appointment is with the doctor. I think she felt a bit sorry for me so she told me to drop into the clinic on Tuesday for a chat. I also found out there is a hip/back specialist in the maternity unit so I can make an appointment with her to discuss my SPD. I've been feeling really upset since the physio all but abandoned me saying there was nothing more she could do to help me. The midwife said the woman in the ante-natal clinic sees people with the same problem all the time so should be able to help.

I've been worrying a lot about not being able to feel the baby move (well I have felt what I think are movements but it's only been once or twice so I'm not sure that it definitely was) My DH pointed out that I was moved forward 5 days at my last scan and if they were wrong I'm only just coming up to 17 weeks rather than 18. I'm trying not to worry but it's hard. My DH won't let me buy a doppler because rather than helping he thinks it will make me even more paranoid. I'm so tempted to buy one and not tell him but he would go nuts if I did that and I don't want to be dishonest. Have any other first time Mum's not felt movements yet??

Better go and get some breakfast feeling a bit dizzy. x

I haven't felt any movement yet either. And in fact I still don't really have a bump either (I have a tummy but think that's still mostly fat/bloat as I can still suck it in).

Haring the heartbeat has definitely helped me although I can see how using a doppler could stress you if you don't find the heartbeat.
so tired!! the sun really takes it out of you!! I have a bazillion freckles now! and my chest has taken a little too much sun!!
It's been a productive day all round ladies!! This weather definitely is quite inspiring though I think!

We did the usual stuff, then I made some cupcakes, my latest thing. So I did some vanilla ones with blue icing and stars on for the boys, and some grown up ones, poppy seed and lemon drizzle.....yum!

I am back at work tomorrow after almost a fortnight off and I don't want to go!!!! boo hoo!
Hello ladies!!!

I have been shopping and pricing a few bits up for baby!! Still not bought anything as we are waiting till after our next scan!! Got some new clothes for myself and hubby and just had a lovely time with my Mummy!!!

Now relaxing and having an early night!!
how do u get the september stars in ur signature?? I really want it :D
Hey Ladies!

I havent been on here for a few days.

The sun has been great, getting loads of washing and cleaning done and my mum is on the school easter hols so she has been over helping to get the garden sorted (we moved here in Nov and its like its never been done in years!) plus looking after Nathan so I can get bits done around the house.
And I too have a bit of a chest with too much sun:blush:but I had loads of freckles to start with...they just stand out more now.

I have my scan on Tuesday at 1pm and I am absolutely scared stiff!
Although I felt small baby kicks weeks back I have to admit over the last few weeks all I have felt is a pressure sensation moving about or the odd twingey feel in my bed at night. My mw said not to worry too much and to stop compairing this pregnancy to my last but I cant help but compair it:dohh:
So I am scared stiff something is wrong....plus with Nathan we bought a doppler so I was able to listen in for him alot but we sold it not thinking we would have another so soon. So I dont have that to comfort me:cry:
I guess I am just working myself up (AGAIN!) but it was a bit reassuring to read that someone else (sorry I cant remember who as I am a numpty!) wasnt feeling baby and its her 5th preg....I am hoping baby is just comfy and burrowed deep and safe.

I am so shattered too by the sun and heat plus all the work I have been doing...and tonight I am taking part in a sleep study in pregnant women for a medical student. I basically have to hook myself up via 3 belts (one under my boobs, one over my belly button and another to secure the box device) that measure something and can tell if I snore or stop breathing. I also have to wera a finger probe and little oxygen tubes up my nose to monitor if I nose breath....this is going to be fun!! I am also doign another study for a research doc where I have to chew on a bit of cotton wool stuff before bed, when I wake and 1/2 hour after I wake. Its somethign to do with stress hormones in your saliva....LOVELY!

Cant believe I am 19 weeks....wasnt that long ago I was peeing on sticks or telling OH we need to BD now! Poor guy hasnt had any BD since January as I am either knackered or sick...plus I just cant really be bothered! Last preg I terrible and he stood no chance but luckily he is understanding or too scared I will shout at him as my hormones have been REALLY bad lately:blush:

Right I better head and get stuff sorted for tomorrow then shower and hook myself up to the machine for the night!

Night all.

seems like everyone has had a pretty good weekend then!!! we've had a BBQ and cleaned up the back garden today and the bunny had a great time helping us dig up the weeds lol. so now im pooped and chillin out watching tv and catching up with the thread....

back to work tomorrow boo......

Hey all,
I had a lovely afternoon picking some gardening bits & bobs up friday, spent a few hours in the garden & felt a bit hayfever ish by the time i was going to bed. Woke up saturday with a full blown cold feeling quite sorry for myself :nope:. However i spent another day in the garden planting all my seeds, hanging baskets & some bedding plants before feeling (dosed up on paracetamol) up to going for a meal with the girls from work. I wore a lovely new outfit i have, some white linen bottoms & a blue vest top. They showed my bump of beautifully heehee.
Today i got called into work (been on call all weekend) so it was an early get up but managed another few hours outside to finally finish everything off.....i can't wait till summer now - everything is gonna look gorgeous!

Good to hear everyone else has been enjoying the weather, hey to Caz - saving my baby goo for you hun :hugs: take care all xxx

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