****September Stars!!****


Thanks for all the guesses...I just hope we do find out tomorrow!

Had a bit of what felt like wriggling today and last night.

Amy sorry to hear of your bleed hope your doing well:hugs:

Last night doing the sleep study was horrible lol. I couldnt move in the bed because I had to move all my cables too. Teamed with me being hormonal and not liking OH for taking overtime without even asking me (silly but really upset me) so he was trying to talk to me for ages once I went to bed then Nathan was up at 5am (luckily OH was getting up with him:haha:) I think the birds singing woke him up.

I am so knackered today due to the heat/sun and work so possibly and earlyish night tonight....that said we are getting a dominos pizza for a bad tea tonight as all I could think of all day was pizza. Well I am having pizza as OH hates cheese os he gets a few sides:dohh:

Good Luck to all the ladies due for scans this week.:hugs:

Hi Girls

Well the scan went well, in terms of baby being healthy but they couldn't confirm the sex! I left the scan feeling a bit upset to be honest as I only got to see the screen for 10 seconds at the end after lying there in silence for 30 minutes and then had to crane my neck to see it, then he said he couldn't confirm the sex as 'there is too much of mum to get through' and started going on about me being overweight. He did say that he had managed to see everything he needed though which is the main thing. The picture they gave us was poor quality as well and he said he couldn't have got one any better as I am too overweight... strange when three weeks ago I had a private scan and got some perfect pictures! He also grilled us about our decision to turn down the downs screening and made us feel really bad about it.

So, although at the gender scan they said baby was almost certainly a girl, we were hoping to have it confirmed today but he wouldn't even try, so we'll have to wait to know for sure at the 4d scan we want to have at 26 weeks. But like I said, the main thing is that baby seems to be healthy and growing properly O:)

Oh and he also said I have a low lying placenta but this should sort itself out as my womb grows so this will have to be re-checked at another scan at 32 weeks.

I hope everyone else is well :flower:

Em x
Emzy I can't believe the cheek of that man!! How rude and totally unnecessary!! Of course you were sad, you poor thing and to only see your bean for 10 seconds is terrible. We were allowed to see ours the whole time. Re your low lying placenta, I was told mine was the same so I also have another scan booked in for 32 weeks. :hugs: x
Evening all!!

Well been a quiet day, got a son who is nagging me now about birthday presents, I have said all along at 10 he is not allowed a 16+ xbox game, and all he does is ask, when i said no! It really bugs me he keeps asking, yet he just keeps asking, and nagging, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

Fish and chips, thanks got ticker sorted xx

Becks, how was Nanny McPhee?
Really wanted to go and see it, but not sure i will get the chance, may take the children for a treat next week xx

Emma, hope you enjoyed the pizza, yummy! xx

Glad everything good with scan, and baby doing well.
What a cheeky git though, how bloody rude! Your post made me so cross, there is no need to be like that, if he saw all he needed he could surely look to see the sex, and to comment about how much or little of someone is was just plain rude. It is your desision what tests to have and none of his bloody buisness!!
At least you get another shot at it at 26 weeks:happydance:xx

Well I am going to bed now, my 2yr old has been sleeping all afternoon so i think i have no chance of getting her to sleep tonight!
My son is having a look at the argos catalogue to see what he wants for his birthday instead of the game i won't let him have, I bet i will end up giving up as well, i am such a softy, why they nag me, they know i will eventually break!
Did look at dopplers but dh talked me out of one again, he said i would only be using it till i feel kicks which will be really soon, and then i won't use it, I can sort of see what he is saying but still would like one, just gave up on the idea for today!

Night all!

:baby:thinkpink xx
Hi Girls

Well the scan went well, in terms of baby being healthy but they couldn't confirm the sex! I left the scan feeling a bit upset to be honest as I only got to see the screen for 10 seconds at the end after lying there in silence for 30 minutes and then had to crane my neck to see it, then he said he couldn't confirm the sex as 'there is too much of mum to get through' and started going on about me being overweight. He did say that he had managed to see everything he needed though which is the main thing. The picture they gave us was poor quality as well and he said he couldn't have got one any better as I am too overweight... strange when three weeks ago I had a private scan and got some perfect pictures! He also grilled us about our decision to turn down the downs screening and made us feel really bad about it.

So, although at the gender scan they said baby was almost certainly a girl, we were hoping to have it confirmed today but he wouldn't even try, so we'll have to wait to know for sure at the 4d scan we want to have at 26 weeks. But like I said, the main thing is that baby seems to be healthy and growing properly O:)

Oh and he also said I have a low lying placenta but this should sort itself out as my womb grows so this will have to be re-checked at another scan at 32 weeks.

I hope everyone else is well :flower:

Em x

Yikes Em - what a rude man!! Pleased to hear all was well but I can't believe what a tactless, rude man your scanner was. You wonder why people like that have jobs with the public. There is a nurse at my docs practice and she is evil. When I was on the pill she treated my like I was some ten times round the block ta*t and now I'm pregnant she's even worse. Never mind I've been with my OH nearly 7yrs!! Grrrr, it should be a lovely exciting time - some hospital staff can really put the dampners on it. Don't let him get you down Em, big :hugs: x x
Thank you girls :hugs: I know I shouldn't let it get me down and I keep telling myself that the main thing is that baby is healthy. Thing is, although you know that the purpose of the scans is to check for anomalies, I'm yet to come across anyone that hasn't been excited to see their baby at the 20 week scan! What with the rude midwife when we had to go in a couple of weeks ago and now this rude sonographer I've been so disappointed with the maternity unit at Bolton hospital so far and I don't even feel like I want to give birth there, but I don't really have a choice as the other hospitals are too far away.

Also, Matt and I have just had a look over my notes and the sonographer has written 'seen' next to everything except 'upper limbs'. He has written 'see comments' then not written anything in the comments about upper limbs! Matt is really unhappy and said he is going to call them tomorrow to ask about this as if there was a problem with seeing the arms or anything then he should have said. Grrr!!

On a brighter note, my mum is visiting for a few days and brought all of the nursery bedding with her. To cheer me up, she helped me make up the cot with the bedding and the mobile, etc and it looks so lovely :happydance: She also bought a few pink outfits for baby which are soo cute. Also, as it's my birthday in 2 weeks, she has bought me a bunch of maternity clothes which I tried on and they are all lovely. I'm so pleased as I was seriously running out of clothes that fit!

Emzy - I agree with the others. Who the hell does that technician think he is? Seriously, he's not a doctor. He has absolutely no right to comment on your Downs test or your weight or anything else. His job is to be respectful and to take the pictures. If he could also achieve cordial or pleasant, that would be great. Pardon my language, but what an asshole. I think you should make a complaint. He is way out of line.
Oooooh look, he's got me all steamed up and ranting. Lucky for him, he's quite far away. :)
I had all sorts of things to say and now I've forgotten them all. Amazing how much like swiss cheese my brain seems to be turning these days.
Oh! I know what I was going to say! I have huge garden envy of all of you. I am dying to go out there and get planting but we are enjoying a lovely spring snowstorm. Boo! Hiss! :(
Calgary is a very weird gardening zone and we can't safely plant anything until late May/early June. It just about kills me. I do seed propagation to take the edge off! :)
Hi everyone! Just needed to share that I am going to have a son! Team Blue! I'll post pictures later...Its been a whirlwind of a day.
Hi everyone! Just needed to share that I am going to have a son! Team Blue! I'll post pictures later...Its been a whirlwind of a day.

Congratulations on your blue bump-welcome to team blue!! xx
Morning girls!!!

I slept like a log last night, just having a cuppa before I have a shower and start some housework! Wanna vax me carpets upstairs this morning!!! Ian has took the dog to work so gonna make the most of it!!!

Everyone keepssaying I have the pregnancy glow, I know I feel amazing!! That must be it lol!!!!
This is a pointless post, but just to see if my ticker says- 20 WEEKS!!!!! Half way there!!!! xx
Awwww yaaay!! :happydance:

Congrats to all those who have had more scans and found out sex etc... CANNOT read through everything since i was last here :nope: We had internet issues and ended up in hospital the other week :cry: But everything is ok i just HATE hospitals SOOOO much :grr:
Amy I really feel for you i got a taste :( i got up the other night to a gush of blood didnt really notice till i was in the bathroom and saw blood all down my legs and then there was a trail all the way from the bed :shock: Hospital was crap when i went in and didnt even check baby hb or anything just had a ton of internals for them to say 'we have no idea why you keep bleeding' :dohh:

:hugs: i really hope they have some answers for you though. :hugs:

I would be marching backto that hospital with a compliant! how rude!!
and Blob..hope things are ok for you! take it easy?

I feel crap this morning. dizzy light headed sick i have a rash on my arms. I just am feeling so sorry for myself thismorning :(
awww blob thats not good, glad to see you're ok tho... i had a completely girly moment last night.....

I was meant to be selling my piano tonight and as i was dusting it off i burst into tears because ive had that piano since i was a little girl and always wanted to one day see my kids messing around with it and i was sobbing like an idiot, so i called mum and apologised that she probably didnt need it, but whether or not she thinks i shold get rid of it and she said that when it was at her house everytime she mentioned selling it i would get really upset, so she said theres no point and i should keep it.

So i had to call the lady and let her know that it wasnt for sale anymore - im such a wimp but i didnt realise how sentimental it was....
:hugs: blob hope bleeding has settled for you, i woke up to more this morning but i dont reckon anything is going to change, just have to hope for the best xx
Just popping in to say Good Morning all, feeling crap today, seems mornings are getting worse, just waiting for dh to get his lazy arse out of bed then i am getting back into it! Not thinking that will be any time soon as he was up on the x box til the early hours!
My head is splitting with a headache, and my dd does this high pitched scream, lots, she is my only one to do it and i don't know how to stop her, its every time she doesn't get her way, even slightly she lets out this scream, and i can't deal with it today!

Hoping every one well,

Carley, I would have been exactly the same with the piano, i wish i coulf fit one in our house, i don't really play but my granny has one and it is a childhood reminder of lovely times spent at my grandparents!xx

LittleAurora, You have my sympathy, i am feeling rubbish too!! xx

Blob, hope you have your feet up and taking things easy, bloody hospitals! xx

Teeny Weeny, YAY for 20 weeks! xx

Becs, Glad your getting the 'glow' mine kicks in about the 8 month mark, for a few days!!:haha:xx

Zo23, congrats on your blue bump :happydance:xx

Sarahkka, I was steamed up too over that nasty rude man, good job none of us are that close! xx

Em, I have been really lucky so far with my hospital, been better than my midwife, just don't want to talk too soon and have a bad experience at my 20 week scan!! The baby clothes sound nice, its so lovely to get little clothes to look at! When is your birthday, my son is same day as my scan, 28th April!:hugs:xx

Well that is just about me done for today, just b4 i need to run to be sick!!
Was looking at an old forum i was on for dd and it was such good reading, i was still being really sick at 20 weeks, just read to about 23 weeks last night, it brings back momories of things you really do forget so fast, I think some things are the first time and they are not, and you remember things wrong, i got my cravings totally wrong, i thought i craved sweet with dd but it was savory, could be a girl yet!

Really must go!!!!!!!!!!

I tried to post this 3 times last night(gradually got shoter)- went down every time I pressed post! :dohh:

emzy - I'm glad baby is healthy and well but I can't believe he said that to you! how rude. He sounds like he just wanted to be an arse to be honest! I'm overweight(pre preg bmi 34 uh oh :'( )
like you, I've always had fine ultrasounds and clear pics before with nobody saying anything. Screw him, he was just being awkward. But main thing is babs is ok i guess :hugs:

Blob - sorry to hear about your bleed, glad baby is ok though and I hope you eventually find out what caused it! :hugs:

Zo23 - Congrats! a little boy! :D

TeenyWeeny- Happy 20 weeks!

Carley - Happy 18 weeks to us!

And Babythinkpink - Hope you feel better soon

Also, I was just wondering if anyone else has been sneezing more lately? I've been sneezing all night, sometimes about 5 times a minute! I don't feel unwell or like I'm coming down with anything I just feel sneezey!
I am pooped!!! Just cleaned all my carpets upstairs, dusted and cleaned the whole house, hung washing out and mopped floors!! I think thats enough for today!!!

To all you ladies that feel like poo, I hope you feel better soon xxxxx
I am in the middle of decorating my whole house :dohh: not fun... but it will look fabbb when its done :D

Bathroom getting done today, needs painting and new flooring down. Will do the painting today, probs put the floor down tomorro x

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