September Stars

Blondie, fab that Ben has put on weight and his jaundice has improved

genies, the twins are looking very well, so cute snuggling together awww
great news that the cow and gate has been a success.

Asher, he smells lush, i was tempted to have a bath in the stuff myself

Emzy, thanks for the tip :thumbup: we change him mid feed but we dont take his clothes off so i will try that.

thought i would change my avatar pic as oliie has changed so much over the last week :)
Thanks everyone :hugs:

Yesterday went better and she fed 3-4 times during the day, two lots of expressed milk 90ML and she woke every 2-3 hours during the night to feed but dropped back off after until 6am this morning when she decided she'd rather stay awake to see daddy back off to work. I think I'm going to wait until later today after the midwife has been and Ellie has been weighed again to decide wether I want to move to formula or not - if she hasn't gained much weight since Tuesday last week I'll move to formula!

Emzy - Sorry you didn't get much sleep last night and now cleaning :dohh: maybe you can fit in a sneaky hour somewhere

Genies - The twins are gorgeous :cloud9:

Daisy - Ollie is sooooo cute!

Can't wait to have more September mummies over soon, lots have been born or are on their way! :D
Im feeling very hormonal today, i cocked up the asda delivery so no shopping came, i wanted to go out this afternoon but dh was waiting in for his new iphone to be delivered and now he is playing with it and im totally jelouse because i want one.
All very irational but its bothering me so i need to write it down so i can see how silly im being!
Just wanted to share a few pics of Ellie


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genies :hugs:

Bekklez gorgeous pics!

Well after Holly's restless night she continued screaming all morning and I sensed something was up because her crys sounded different, a bit more high pitched and she was crying so much she was all red and wasn't pausing for breath. Then I noticed a red bumpy rash on her chest. So I took her to the doctors this afternoon and the poor little love has a virus :cry: He said he couldn't see any problems with her ears or throat, but he has prescribed antibiotics to get rid of anything he couldn't see and prescribed paracetamol for her high temperature. Poor little love, virus and constipated no wonder she was so upset :cry:

On another note, I wanted to share this pic of her in the bath. She loves her bath and her little face looks so cute in this one!! I've also attached another couple my mum took last week. She looks so much like her dad in the spotty top pic xx


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Awwwwww sooo many gorgeous photos...only have 1 photo of me and Rosalie and that was just born :dohh:

Well i'm BF i have a huge supply but Rosalie still feeds as soon as she's awake and has cluster feeds when she wants to up the supply :dohh: I dont worry if she's getting enough though she has lots of dirty and wet nappies so thats good enough for me :)

I seem to find it so much easier with two than i did with one :wacko:
Genies ive been the same today, i left andrew in bed and i got up with bethany and ollie (he did the night feeds) when he woke up and came down stairs i burst into tears :nope:

Ollie has been awake all day and just seemed to want to be comforted, DD is going through a cheeky phase since starting school and shes not use to sharing attention just yet so i struggled to entertain her, think it all just got on top of me :cry: tomorrow is a new day.

Bekklez loving you pic's of Ellie, shes so cute!!!

Holly is a little cutie pie, she looks so relaxed in her bath.

I seem to find it so much easier with two than i did with one :wacko:

Thats great Blob, i think once DD go's to school fulltime and we get a routine sorted then things will be easier.
after going a week of mornings she is now going a week of afternoons :dohh:
which has :wacko: her no end.
Poor Holly hope she gets better soon the pics are so cute.

And Bekklez Ellie is gorgeous
Yay - HV came today and Olivia is now 6lbs 14ozs so has put on 9ozs (Shes now 17 days old) Im so happy as I was starting to worry that I wasn't feeding her properly.

All the baby pics are gorgeous. xx
Quickest reply in the world from me tonight, I've just got both my hands back after spending a couple of hours in feeding land! He may be awake again in a mo, hence the speed!!

Aw Emzy, poor Holly, it's awful when they're poorly so young. :hugs:

Daisybell, you sound all tired and hormonal, that was me yesterday. Today I feel so much better, thank goodness.

Laura, yay, Olivia is doing fab! And you, of course!

Gorgeous pics of Ellie, Bekklez, and you look so well too!

Genies, what a poo day! When you're at home with a baby (or in your case, babies!), you're so tied up that even the thing which would normally be a small blip in your day becomes a really big thing! I don't blame you for being annoyed!

Sorry to anyone I've missed, I really don't feel as though I've got my eye on the ball at the moment!!

I need to upload a few pics of Sam (and the other boys too), but can't seem to get round to it. I use photobucket and find it a pain in the bum. What does anyone else use?

We've not had a bad day today. Sam has been a little cracker. Jack hasn't been quite so nice, but I think he's bored at home, I'll be glad this time next week when he's got a 3 hour session at nursery every day! MIL came round for an hour this morning, and I went out to Morrisons and did a BIG shop! Last time I did one was about an hour before my waters broke! It was lovely to do lots of shopping and see my fridge and cupboards full of lovely stuff!! I've been popping round to Morrisons most days as it's round the corner from us, but I've only been getting a few bits, and it's been costing far more than doing a proper shop. I can't seem to get my head around online food shopping. Maybe it's something I should get into!!

Right, little man is on the wriggle, I am going for a wee before I'm back on the sofa underneath a feeding baby!! :hugs::hugs:
Quick hello from me!

I am coping far better than I thought I would. No complete meltdowns yet! :)

But, two things happened today that are going to push that envelope:
1) Simon figured out how to escape his crib. Oh. Shit. :shock:
2) This head cold is now a full-blown sinus infection and seems to be spreading to my throat. Blergh.

I wanted to share an article I read about breastfed babies and weight gain. It really helped me feel better about Toby's slower weight gain. I do not think he's going to be back up to his birth weight by Thursday and I'm bracing myself for the public health nurse to tell me to start supplementing. I would really rather not do that this time around. I don't think Toby is in any danger of wasting away or failing to thrive. I would really like to exclusively BF and I feel a lot more confident with him than I did with Simon. Anyway, I thought the article was great - really reassuring. Hope others find it useful, too.

And beautiful baby pics, everyone!
Yay Sarah, glad you're getting on okay! Sorry to hear about you feeling so crappy, and you're gonna have your hands even more full with an escapee on your patch ha ha!!
Morning, Ollie had a very unsettled night, he seemed to want to use his bottle as a pacifier to get to sleep but 2mins after we put him in his moses he started crying :nope:, did all the baby checks wind,nappy, ect but all to no avail, even left him to cry for abit.

tryed a dummy & he hasnt taken to them at all (tryed 2types/shapes) i'm now worried that he is "under the weather" the HV is coming out this morning to weigh him ect going to talk to her.

sorry to go on, you must think im a right moany cow :haha:

Laura thats great news about Olivia putting on weight.

Emzy i hope Holly is better very soon, the poor little lamb :hugs:

Sarah :hugs: hope the sinus infection clears up soon chic, oh no an escapee too, when DD figured out how to do that we put a baby gate on her door, we were so scared that she would escape during the night while we were :sleep:

Claire i use imageshack for uploading pics
Daisy that sounds like Harry and he won't accept a dummy either. We have to either rock him to sleep or stick a finger in his mouth until he eventually gives up!
Morning all! Sounds like we have a few unsettled babies at the moment...

Emzy I'm sorry Holly is poorly, it must be awful for you seeing her ill :hugs:

We went up to Robin Hoods Bay yesterday to meet Wayne's parents who had finished their help for heroes coast to coast walk.. I gave Lilia a big feed before we set off back (9pm), it took us just under 5 hours and I really expected that she would wake up for a feed during the way back... she didn't so we carried on.. then about 8 miles from home she decided she wanted feeding, and screamed and screamed and screamed broke my heart! I've never made her wait that long before and I felt so horribly guilty! She fed for aaaaaaages.. then slept for 5 hours! Problem is my boobs were so full and painful last night I expressed a bit off before I fed her... then because she went so long in the night I had to do it again this morning because they were painful again... viscious cycle as now they'll be thinking that's how much she needs and therefore it's going to carry on happening!!

We have a week left until Wayne deploys. Not excited about that :( Especially as we've had some awful news about my SS's... their neighbours stopped Wayne as he dropped them off on SUnday (yes he was allowed to see them one last time woohoo!) as they were so concerned. It appears that his ex has a constant flow of men in and out the house, in flashy cars, so much so all neighbours are convinced she's a 'working girl'.... children were left in house alone last friday until after 2am, they are very badly behaved there apparently and are known to the local police, they throw stones at cars, swear at people, and apparently the whole neighbourhood breathed a sigh of relief when they weren't there for the summer! The boys are the sweetest, most well mannered boys you will ever meet so to hear that there are ASBO's possibly starting to be put into place etc is just so so shocking. It's like they are different children when there. Apparently all she does is leave them out playing between 9am and 10pm and then screams them to come in. The neighbour has recordings of them screaming and crying at 1am on school nights and refusing to go to bed. Wayne is beside himself, finding this out a week before he goes to Afghanistan. Really don't know what to do, we have asked all the neighbours to speak to social services which they have done, as has Wayne, and now we're waiting to see if they'll do anything but we're short on time!

Sorry for rant...
how did i not know this was here??? lol HI every one lol!!!

We are having the 6 week growth spurt!!! ahh!! its had keeping up with her and 2 energetic little boys!!
Little A I was wondering if people had forgotten about this thread! Might post in the other as a reminder! Hope you get a break soon Little A... I must have the 6 week growth spurt coming up too although it feels like she is always having a growth spurt LOL


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