September Stars

Daisy and Fishy, Holly loves her dummy but I had to try different brands before finding one she likes. She hates the tommee tippee closer to nature ones, tried boots own as well but she only likes the Phillips Avent ones. She loves it BUT it is a pain in the backside at night as it falls out and I have to keep popping it back in!! Bit of a nightmare really but the dummy has been a real soother for her when she is colicy. I hold her close to me wrapped in a blanket and sort of hold the dummy in her mouth with my chest (if that makes any sense lol) so it can't fall out and she goes right off to sleep

Holly had one at about 4 weeks :wacko: She CONSTANTLY wanted feeding and then all of a sudden was into 0-3 month clothes after not fitting into newborn properly until that week!! It seems like she hardly wore her newborn stuff and it was a bit sad putting it all away, although I was looking forward to her 0-3 stuff fitting her as she has some really nice outfits in 0-3! x
lol..I know what you mean! I'm glad Amelia is still small her new born still is still massive!! So she will get loads of wear out of them. She is only 7lb 15oz. But she has some super cute 0-3 stuff I'm dying to dress her in!!!

But In a way I'm glad that she is still so little because they grow up so quickly and I wont ever experience the new born baby stage again!!!
Well, I've finally decided to move Ellie on to formula feeds or at least combi feed a bit today. I'm feeling really very sad about it all and I feel so guilty but she just wasnt satisfied with the breast milk and cried every minute of the day for more. I gave her the first formula feed an hour ago and she seemed like it's the first time she's had a good meal and actually took the time to look around afterwards and take in her surroundings. After being weighed yesterday she's put on 1oz in 1 week from 6lb 4oz to 6lb 5oz and i was hoping for a bit more weight gain :shrug:

One of the main reasons I didnt want to formula feed her is because I'm scared she's going to sick up in the night and choke on it, it's terrifying me :(
Hopefully she'll feel better now and be more calm, poor angel.
Daisybell aww your poor girly is she enjoying it though?

Asher i looooove having a full fridge etc :)

Louise OMG thats awful :shock: hope something gets sorted.

Bekk why would formula make her throw up?

Well Rosalie has put on 8oz in 4 days :haha:
Health Visitor has just been and Lilia now weighs 6lb 15ozs at 15 days old... she was down to 6lb 3ozs at 5 days so I'm really pleased that she has put 12ozs on in 10 days, all from booby juice! It has really motivated me to keep going with it, even on those days that it's so painful and she can't get enough!

A couple of days ago I was tempted to give in with the BFing, I was so sore and she kept wanting just a little bit more at bedtime, then hiccups/pooing etc and would need more, so I thought that maybe it was time to give up... at least them DH could support me and help out more... but then I realised that next Wednesday he will be gone, so I won't have him to help out with night feeds anyway so it makes no difference all for the sake of a week's help!
Louise Rosalie poos as soon as i've fed her then demands more :dohh: But really its the most amazing thing. Anything worth doing is worth working for.
I just heard that formula makes babies more sicky than BF'ing.

Maybe there is something wrong with my Breast feeding if ellie only put 3oz on in 2 weeks :( everyone elses BF babies seem to be gaining so quickly. I've had loads of people out giving advice and helping, I've been told I'm latching her on great and I'm not sore so that's good. She just doesnt seem to be getting enough to be satisfied and I guess the lack of gain is proving my point. :(
Just feeling like a bit of a failure atm.
Bekk every baby is different my HV said today some gain fast and others gain slower. She's not losing weight so your body is doing great hun :hugs:

They are perhaps more coliky due to sucking in more air but i dont think its the formula
Bekklez I don't think it's an issue unless they are staying the same or losing weight... if concerned speak to your midwife/HV.. some babies do gain faster/slower than others.. I think there is a group in the parenting section all about slow gainers.. maybe ask in there? Don't worry I'm sure she is fine :hugs:
Here are a few updated piccies of my princess :cloud9:

Is this what you call nipple confusion?!


alfie goes for my OH nose and lips too lovely pics
my lil man 17 days old he as gained one whole pound since he was born yay for booby milk
Rosalie only attacks me :haha: shes too greedy unless you smell like milk its a no go

Bekk really should i not be worrying 8oz in 4 days is silly Tabs also would put on 1/2 - 1 lb sometimes more a week its insane... i was advised to wean her at 3 1/2 months as she was so big and greedy :dohh:
Blob she is loving it, we have tears sometimes when we go to collect her, she says that she wants to stay longer :dohh:

Louise thats great that you are sticking with the BF and Lilia has put on weight too so she is defo getting enuf booby juice :)

Bekklez all babies are different, like blob said some gain fast others gain slow, dont beat yourself up over it hunni :hugs: i also changed from BF to formula

Louise lilia is lush, i love the pic with her daddy, Ollie likes to eat our faces too lol

ThatGirl awww Alfie is so cute!!!

well HV came today to weigh Ollie he is now 9lb 2oz at 10days old :shock: he was 8lb 8oz born! she is coming again in just over a week as the whites of his eyes are still abit yellow (but much better then when he was born) she was happy with everything else and said how a few mums have told her that there lo's were unsettled yesterday too, could it be the change in weather :shrug:

Spoke to the MW about Ollies wind and the fact that he kept sucking his bottle and didnt seem to be taken much milk & falling asleep, she suggested to change to med flow teats (which i was abit debious about) but we tryed and i have to say he is feeding so much better! he's also been trumping like a trooper today :haha: better out than in :)

The pelvic specialist had a cancellation and I can get in to see her tomorrow!! :happydance:
My original appointment was Oct. 6, so I am really pleased that I don't have that huge wait anymore.
And I have an appointment with the BF clinic to sort out Toby's latch issues. He was doing really well, but he seems to be slowing down and sleeping more than eating. Last night, he slept six hours without a proper feed. I just couldn't rouse him. I feel like my milk is slowing down, too. :(
It takes awhile to get the BF stuff sorted out. I just don't want to be pressured into supplementing yet.
Lovely pics Louise. Ollie also goes for our noses and lips so cute
Hey did I not know you were here!?

Thanks Emzy for posting the link. x
No probs Teeny, Little A didn't know we were here either so I thought I'd post the link again!

Bekklez hun please don't beat yourself up. I know it is sooo hard and I was really upset and totally beat myself up about changing from BF to FF but I know I did it for the right reasons. As I said the other day, trust your instincts, you know what is best for your baby. And combi feeding is a great way to get the best of both worlds. I will say though watch your supply, as when I started combi feeding my boobies got a bit confused and I stopped producing any milk (even though I was trying to express to keep my supply up- it wasn't very successful and I was only getting a little bit off) and so had to move to FF only. With regards to the sick, blob is right about the taking in more air. It's not to do with the formula, but babies who feed from bottles gulp in more air. Holly has reflux which means she sicks up a lot after every feed, but is on baby gaviscon now which pretty much stops that. It is normal for FF babies to sick a little bit after a feed though, it's usually as they have taken a little bit too much. Try winding her regularly throughout the bottle and sit her upright when you feed her. This will help the milk go down and also stop air from gathering under all that milk, which will contribute to the sick! (I didn't wind Holly during a bottle earlier and she finished the bottle and then promptly projectile vomited across the room, all down me, in my slippers, all over the sofa... etc etc!)


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