September Stars

I am finally here after what was a very traumatic experience for me, I am on my way to recovery just so very tired and exhausted, my iron levels are low so I am taking it very easy! So glad to be finally home, was awful staying in hospital last night, had no sleep there either as all the crying babies and it was so fricking warm!!!
Evening ladies! Wow it's been busy in here today!!

Well done Becs, I bet Hope's worth every bit of the pain! Try and get some rest if you can and let doting daddy help out! xx

The BF/FF thing is soooo hard. Bekklez, Archie was a slow gainer, but tiny to start with, so that didn't help. His latch was fine too. For what it's worth, I wished I had never stopped when I did, out of pressure for him to gain weight. But we all trust our mummy instincts and we do what's best for us and for our families! The most important thing with your little Ellie is that you love her and want to do your best by her. x

Daisybell, thanks for the imageshack link, I will give it a go for sure!

A question for the BFing mummies: are any of you using a dummy with your little ones? Both my older boys had dummies so I'm not against them per se. Sam will be 4 weeks old tomorrow (but I like to think Thurs as he was almost born on the Thurs... desperate to keep him small!), and I had not tried him with a dummy, he didn't seem to need one. We have horrendous evenings where he is so fed up and crabby, wants to suck but not feed. He's happy on the boob until the milk flows, and then he gets all upset and doesn't want the milk, just wants to comfort suck. So this evening after his bath, I tried him with a dummy. Initially he spat it out, but I put it back in and he kept it there for the best part of 20 minutes, meaning I could bath the big boys. He lay under his cot mobile sucking away, looking at the mobile, and then nodded off. Ten minutes later he woke up crying and actually wanted to feed this time. I am feeling terribly guilty that I gave him the dummy and he liked it. But now I am tempted to use it sparingly so that he can be soothed more easily. Why do we feel so guilty as mums? Help!!!
Oh! PS!! Lovely pics of Lilia Louise, I have commented in the preggers thread! And I feel really sorry for Wayne, he so doesn't need to hear all this stuff about the kids mum just before he deploys. The poor boys too, it made me sad about them crying in the night. I hope other people report her so that hopefully something can get done. Big hugs. xx
Asher - I let Olivia have a dummy at intervals during the day. She will suck it for a few minutes, spit it out and then settles easier. It allows me to settle her for those few moments when I know there is nothing wrong and she is crying for the sheer sake of it. I dont feel guilty as I dont feel she is dependant on it. Hope that makes sense !!! :hugs:
Thanks Laura, it makes perfect sense. I think I will go with my instinct, guilty or not! I need to be able to do other things, I can't be supermum! Thanks. x
Asher I'm not bf but I wouldn't feel guilty about giving Sam a dummy. Sometimes its the only thing that will settle holly! I would have thought that you have bf well established now so I wouldn't have thought it would cause a problem there. I say if he likes it, go for it! Xx
Thanks Emzy. Yep, I think the BF is pretty well established now, he's been very good at it from the start really. And both the bigger boys had dummies well before they got to 4 weeks, so I don't think I've done too bad! I just wish I didn't feel so bad about it!!

On a better note, let's hope we have another good night tonight! I am having a bit of supper now, and then am going to top Sam up before bed. I want him to do a big period of sleep again! Hope Holly's a bit better too Emz x
Asher, I offered Toby a soother and he seems to enjoy it. He doesn't always want it and spits it out when he's done. I am totally unconcerned about it. I think it's healthy and normal for babies to exercise that sucking instinct and there's no reason it has to become a habit that they have trouble breaking when they're five years old or something.
I also think it really depends on the baby. Simon was completely uninterested in soothers and rejected them completely. :shrug:
I'm home from hospital :wohoo: so this is my first official "Mummy" post in here. I came home at 6.30 pm and am very happy to be here. I just fed Scarlett, she is fast asleep but I find it hard to nod straight off after feeding. Anyway, I must try as I've got a lot of sleep to catch up on. I am still anaemic and lost a lot of blood during my section so I need to try and focus a bit more on getting myself fully fit for Scarlett's sake.

I missed you guys! I'll be back tomorrow

X x
Thanks sarah! I am starting to feel slightly less hung up about it! Hope toby's ok.
Hi mrs j we missed you! Good to see u back as a mummy! X
I repeated last night's trick and fed sam at 10.30. It worked and he slept til gone 3. He's just fed and gone back down, and as i'm typing this I heard him fill his nappy. The joys! X
Hah! Asher!
I know that sound - that loud squelching noise? It's actually pretty funny! :)
Sarah it is funny, I feel so immature but I can't help laughing every time. She always looks really surprised as well lol Xx
Ha ha Sarah and Emzy, you're both right!

Sam had a bloomin awful end to the night! He was awake, fed up and feeding from about 5am! What's that all about!! Ah well!
becs and mrsj nice to hear from you both, pleased that you are now home from hospital

becs sorry to hear that you had an traumatic experience, wishing you a speedy recovery hun

mrsj try and rest as much as you can and take things easy hun, you will get there with the going to sleep after feeding scarlett i was the same for thr first few nights.

sorry you had a bad end to a good night with sam claire, i love the pic on fb he looks so content with his dummy and if it settles him better i wouldnt feel guilty about it hun.

Ollie slept much better last night even went 4hrs at one point, then back to 2hrs afterwards, it was so blooming hot last night!
Morning everyone :flower:

Hope everyone is good! I'm struggling to type i'm that tired, i've been suffering with really bad kidney pain which has been stopping me sleeping and i haven't been able to catch up yet so hopefully i am going to have a snoozy lazy day whilst Charlie is sleeping!
I'm loving all these baby pics everyone is putting up, what cute babies we have :)
I have been forced to buy some Aptamil and now i'm giving Charlie-Jack about one formula feed a day. I had to do this because the other evening he was on the boob for about 4 hours and was still screaming like he was starving i tried expressing and nothing came out , it was like my milk had all gone :shrug: OH walked all the way to the late night garage to see if they had any formula and they didn't so we decided to buy some the next day to have as a back up. I am feeling so guilty and very jealous that he is enjoying the formula but i would rather give him the odd top up than have a repeat of the other evening with him screaming hungry and my boobs being failures!

Asher - I have tried giving Charlie-Jack a dummy when he won't settle and he completely refuses it so i think you are lucky that it helps Sam settle, so definitley don't feel guilty :)

Louise - :hugs: i hope that enough neighbours complain about how that evil cow is treating your stepsons and it all gets sorted soon. You must be so strong to put up with all this and your husband going away :hugs:
lilia is beauutiful! x

Bekklez -You should do what you feel is right for you with feeding. As i wrote above , i think it is much better to have a nice satisfied baby whos had a bit of formula rather than a hungry baba. Don't feel pressured to BF, if combi feeding or formula feeding is best for you then do that and don't feel guilty, you're doing your best for Ellie :hugs: x

Congrats to MrsJO and Becs and all the other new mummies :flower:

x x x
Hey all,
With regards to BF I am having more trouble this time around than with my first. I feel like I don't have enough for him. I sometimes top up with a bit of formula depending on little man. It makes me sad but I have no choice sometimes. He is an every 2hr feed baby at night and it is so tiring. He has a cold at the moment too and so is having trouble breathing which means he can't settle back to sleep after a feed. Last night I gave him some formula as his breathing is easier when sucking on a bottle.

I feel like I am letting him down as my 1st didn't have a drop of formula until he was 4 months and weaning. :cry: I guess we do what is best for our little precious ones.

I have also given Riley a dummy to settle him as he likes to suckle. He falls asleep on the boob and gets agitated when he can no longer suckle. He doesn't have it often, just when I want him to settle. He takes it after a fashion and then is quite content.

Just getting ready for the school run so sorry for lack of personals. I always read but by the time I get to post I have forgotten everything! :wacko:

Enjoy your day. xx
Asher, I've been trying to give ellie a dummy this last few days to see if it helps her settle more after feeds in the night, im using the tommee tippee closer to nature ones but she spits it out or it wont stay in. When it does stay in it really helps her to settle though.

Hi to Becs and MrsJ :wave:

Teeny - I'm still BF'ing Ellie as i really dont want to give up but im having the same problems and ive also started giving her formula here and there just to top her up and settle her, she settles better with the formula and seems more satisfied but i really want her to keep having the breast milk. Also feeling really guilty about this but dont worry, we are doing whats best for them :hugs:

Over the last two days Ellie has broken out with spots all over her face :( theyre like little red spoldges with spots in the middle, they look like tiny little whiteheads. Really upsets me, even tho i know its not my fault but i dont know why shes getting it :shrug:
its only on her face, nowhere else ive noticed. Been washing her face with warm water and cotton wool. Poor love :(
Anyone had any similar problems? could it be my diet with the BF'ing? :s
heres a few pics of it :(


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ive got two poorly babies today they have had sniffles and sneezes the last few days but now the both have fevers and scream if you put them dowm, has anyone got any tips other than striping them and sips of water which im doing... help
Bekklez Ollie has the exact same spots on his face and I am FF so dont think it will have anything to do with your diet. I have the HV coming tomorrow so am going to ask her what they are and will let you know.

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