September Stars

That's probably a good strategy, Blob.
Go with Simon's routine.
I just keep getting sidelined by Toby's appetite.
I get all ready to go do something and he starts rooting and squawking and then I'm down feeding him for another 30-45 minutes.
I can't feed and do anything active with Simon just yet. Simon is a sturdy and active little boy, but at 20 months, I can't just turn him loose on the playground and supervise from a feeding spot on the park bench. He needs me pretty close at hand to grab him when he decides to launch himself up ladders, down slides, etc. He still needs a "spotter", if you will! :)
And I can't do that with a baby hanging off my boob.
I am on my own for the first day tomorrow.
We'll see how she goes.
Am a nervous wreck about it, to be honest.

And to top it off, I think I might be getting a thrush infection in my nipples.
I called a Bf clinic and they told me to go see my family doctor. She is pretty useless with BF stuff and will just send me to a clinic, anyway. and no one will be able to see me at all for at least a week.
Undiagnosed thrush seriously impacted my milk supply with Simon, so I am not pleased that I am facing a delay on this.

Plus, I am a runaway moodwagon of post-partum hormones right now, so everything seems very dire and dramatic! :dohh:

I'm going to go take a nap, I think.
Hey ladies, I am making the most of having two hands to type with, but probably it will only last for a couple of minutes, so I will make it snappy!!

Sam is being really unsettled in the evenings. I am not at all surprised about this, as I remember this time of night being Archie and Jack's unsettled time. I am just not able to get anything done, even eat my tea! I am feeding, putting him down, he cries, I pick him up, feed, and so it goes until he gives in and goes to sleep for good! The good thing is that he then tends to sleep for a 4 hour period (ish) so I can get some sleep myself, and he's sleeping well most nights between feeds. Last night I was so tempted to see if a dummy would help to settle him, but I don't want to really. Both Archie and Jack had dummies, and it was the getting them away which was the problem, so if I can avoid it I will try. Watch this space, I bet this time tomorrow he has a dummy!! Argh so frustrating!!

Anyway, sounds like we're all plodding away with our little ones! Louise, I think you'll be fine with Lilia on your own, even though that takes nothing away from Wayne being away for so long. Obviously you'll miss him and worry about him soooo much, but you are a strong woman and a fab mummy. :hugs:

Sarahka, sounds like it's really difficult for you at the moment. The last thing you need is thrush, it's bloomin awful. Toby is a little honey though, love his piccie! I know what you mean about being ruled by the little one's appetite. I have great intentions for every day, but things are always put back because Sam needs a feed and by the time he's fed and changed and settled, an hour has passed. I am managing to get the boys up and ready for school on time, so am quite pleased with myself really at the moment. I am sure things will fall into place for you really soon. Hormones are nasty things though, especially when you're feeding all the time, have sore nipples and are not getting too much sleep. You have all of my empathy! I did send DH back to work after a few days, because I couldn't get my routine sorted, and I did find it easier after he'd gone. But then my boys are bigger than Simon. :hugs:

Everyone else sounds pretty well? Loving all the pics of the little ones on FB! It's nice to be able to keep up with everyone on here and on FB. Nice little gang of friends!

Optical, I remember now that you asked about having a boozy drink! I have had a few since Sam has been born, but no more than one drink in a night so far. I've waited until he's been nicely settled and then had my drink and a big meal. The least amount of time between the finishing of the drink and feeding Sam has been 2 hours. But I am happy with just having a small drink as a day ender and a bit of relaxation, after so long abstaining!! :flower:

Right, am going to make the most of Sam being quiet, he's lay in his pram, making little noises but I think he may well be nodding off by himself! I won't hold my breath too much! Will be back in the night when I'm feeding, but I hate replying on my phone, it's not the most hi-tech and it takes ages! Hope everyone gets some sleep tonight. :hugs:
Hello Mummies :)

Hope everyone is good!
I am just enjoying some relaxed time as OH has offered to look after baby tonight so i am going to be expressing and he is going to attempt to do the night feeds! It shouldn't be that bad Charlie-Jack doesnt wake up that much, and is a relatively good sleeper, although i have a feeling i won't be able to resist waking up and feeding him myself!! I was going to treat myself to a glass of wine but i'm scared! I can imagine i will be drunk after a sip after so long of not drinking! ha! If i had one would i have to make it at least 2 hours before Charlie-Jack is due a feed? Does that sound about right?

Charlie now weighs 7lb12oz after going down to 7lb1oz from an original birth weight of 7lb9 so the midwife was really happy and kept saying how well i was doing breastfeeding. She seemed shocked when i said i was breastfeeding i think it is because not that many younger mums breastfeed?! I didn't tell her that i had been expressing after all the times i had been told not to! Although she did say 'whatever your doing, keep it up because you are doing a really good job and he is doing great' so the expressing can't be all bad :haha:
Hope you're all well and enjoying your babies :flower: x x x
Lilia I was like you, scared to have a drink in case I got drunk! I gave in tonight though and am enjoying a nice bottle of kopparberg! I don't feel drunk so I think I'm alright lol I'm not breastfeeding though, so that's not a problem and Matt is looking after Holly at the mo. And that's fab about Charlie-Jack's weight- well done mummy that's excellent!!

Asher, sorry to hear Sam is hard to settle at night. I had that today with Holly, she's generally really good up until Holly O'Clock in the middle of the night and I don't normally have any trouble settling her in the day, but she was a pain when I was trying to eat my tea and had to hold her all evening. She wouldn't stop crying! She is all settled now though but I'm betting she will be awake soon for the night!

Hi there also having the same problem with Ben, good as gold all day then comes to the middle of the night and turns into a milk monster. I am bottle feeding and he's taking 3oz at feed time then wants another oz an hour later. He's just finished his feed so hoping that I get a few hours sleep now. I'm knackered as I'm also severely anaemic after my c-section last week.

Hope I feel better soon as I'm shattered all the time which I know is all part and parcel of having a newborn but being anaemic is not helping.

Thanks emzy its hard when they won't settle, especially when all they want is mummy and daddy just won't do! I now think last night was a particularly bad night, because tonight, he was unsettled, he'd been changed and then fed on and off. He didn't seem to want any more boob so I put him into his bed awake. He lay quietly for ten mins or so and then went to sleep! That was around half past nine maybe, and he woke just after 1 to be fed! So i'm really pleased with him now! He keeps me guessing though!
Well i'm going to try and put him down b4 the next feed. Xxx
Holly has actually been good tonight so far! She fell asleep at about 10.30 and so we took her up to our room in her carry cot so we didn't wake her and she's just woken for a feed. Now I will be amazed if she goes back to sleep after this!! Watch this space!

Aw blondie I know how you feel as I was also anemic after delivery and am on iron tablets. Makes you feel crap doesn't it and extra tired. Are you taking iron? If so you should start feeling better soon x
Im feeling better other than tired, my dh is working all day tommorow for first time , he only done a few hours here and there so far, so its first big test for me, i think both girls are a bit snuffly im hoping they not getting colds.
Ive just fed Layla and shes laying looking at me trying to decide if she is going to sleep or not :)
Ooh blondie hope your anaemia settles soon, you too emzy. No sleep is hard enough as it is!
Yay emzy go holly being all settled!
Good to see u genies! Good luck with hubby going back to work. Glad the gorgeous girls are doing well!
Up for 2nd feed now. Ready for going back to sleep! :)
Well she didn't go to sleep til 4am but then she slept til 7 so was a much better night than usual! I'm going to take her back up after this feed though as I need more sleep. I was hoping Matt would get up with her this morning but he's flat out, alright for some!!

Lots going on on the other thread, think well be being joined by some new mummies over here soon! Xx
Good morning!
Coping pretty well so far for my first day on my own.
The trickiest part is trying to corral poor little Simon into the same room as me while feeding Toby.
I'm ready to just give up and let him wreck the house. :)

Oh crap.
It just got ominously quiet in the next room. Toby is never going to gain back his birth weight at this rate of interruptions. Sigh. Off to discover what disaster Simon is up to now. :dohh:
hi mummies, hope you have all had good saturdays, we have had a okay first day just us girls, we were all dressed fed and downstairs by 11 which i was happy with, we went out for a walk this afternoon and i got the buggy out and put it together by myself which is a acheivement.
We were happy when daddy came home though we missed him, we were having a lovely curry and bottle of fizz this evening when he has been called out to work so thats a shame x
I am dreading my OH going back to work :nope: Im loving having him at home with us....
Yea i hate it :nope: we only get one weekend a month to spend as a family and thats this goes too fast.

Sarah :haha: yes if it goes quiet thats baaaaad
Evening all!

Glad to hear things are going okay so far Sarahka! Fingers crossed the silence didn't mean anything ominous!

Blob, are you on your own with the girls a lot then? You are obviously a coper! I love being on my own with the lads but I do miss DH if he's doing a lot of overtime, which he has recently. He's been doing a 6 day week for about the last month I would say (with a few days off after Sam was born). I just would like a bit of help around the house - he seems to think that because I'm home with the kids, I've got loads of time on my hands and can clean all day. I am very houseproud and do normally try to get stuff done, but I can't leave Sam in a room with Jack (the 3 year old) cos I just don't know what could happen when my back is turned!! Grrr!
How's Rosalie doing with her feeding and sleeping now Blob?

Well done Genies! Did you feel a big sense of achievement? It's nice to know you can be fine on your own eh? I struggle with one baby! I do feel proud though, when I walk out of the door at 8.30 am with the boys all ready for school and the wee one in the pram! What does your DH do that he is on call for work? How nosey am I!!? Feel free to tell me to mind my own! :haha:

Aw Laura, you'll be fine. It's such a nice time though, having OH at home with the new baby. You'll just adapt to your own new routine once he's back at work. :hugs:

Well, I am sat here now waiting for DH to come home from the pub. He was dreading going as he just doesn't go out anymore! He likes to have a couple of beers while making our tea (he should have been a chef) and then go straight up to bed after tea. So going out at 7.30 means he's going to be pissed when he gets in. He's only gone out because our close friends found out that they're expecting a baby this week, so the hubby wanted the boys to go for some celebratory drinks! The Chinese is in the oven keeping warm, and I am ready for it!!!!

Here's hoping we all have a decent sleep inbetween feeds tonight!
Evening mummies, Ollie is 7days old now, where did the week go?

lilia thats great news that charlie-jack has put on weight :thumbup:

Blondie being anaemic isnt nice, that teamed with newborn is extra hard, hope you start to feel better soon and you too Emzy xxx

genies, sounds like you had a great first day with girls, typical that your DH got called out to work when you were having a nice evening together, hope he will be home soon xxx

OH go's back to work in 3weeks (he took 2weeks paternity & 2weeks holiday) seems like ages away but i bet it will fly over!!!

Asher your DH sounds like mine, if he drinks a large glass of wine he's :drunk: lol so if he go's for a night out you can guarantee he will trolleyed!

i'm ready for :sleep: night peeps xxx
dont worry i dont mind, dh is a electrician he doesnt usually get called away but the people he had worked for in the day had no lights felt he couldnt leave them, wish i could say he had an exciting job with mi5 or something but no :)

Lots of new babies possibly coming tonight, very exciting.

Ill be back around 3 am i should imagine x
2.30 :) we were early, im talking to myself for something to do x
I'm doing the same now genies. Checking facebook out on my phone in a second. Anything to stay up and awake! X
Dh wasn't too drunk actually, just very chatty when he got in. I should have just eaten my food when I was ready and come up to bed, as it was half 11 by the time we came up, and sam was up for the first time at 1. Ah well. Never mind!
Morning ladies, wish i had a good enough mobile to be able reply through the internet mine is pants :(

i'm now bottle feeding, (have been for past few days)
Ollie just didn't seem to be getting enuf milk from my boobs and i felt so guilty about it :(

i have no regrets as long as my baby is happy and healthy thats all that matters to me :thumbup:

OH is loving it coz he can share the feeds (he felt abit left out before) and DD has been helping too :)

Hope everyone is having a good day xxx :kiss:

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