September Stars

Grr just wrote a long post with one hand and then the laptio turned itself off!! Now Holly is stirring to just quickly...

Bekklez Holly has the same spots and the GP says not to worry about it, she will grow out of them. Apparently a lot of babies get them.

Genies sorry to hear both girls are poorly! Holly had a fever and screamed when I put her down. The doctor prescribed paracetemol liquid for her to bring her fever down, have you seen the GP?

For Bekklez and FirstBean x
Bekk they are totally normal newborn spots... :) they are a type of hives but very normal to get them and dont bother them
heya everyone - I dont think ive posted in here yet since being a mum! My Roxy was born 7th Sept at 03:05am. She's an amazingly content baby and I love her to bits! Midwife came today and she's putting on weight really well - only bad thing is that she had to have her PKU test done again as the other one came back as inconclusive :( she was so brave though - the first time she screamed her little heart out, but this time she had a little whimper and then carried on smiling and looking happy :) im going to read through all the posts and do personals - so if they are a bit out of date im sorry!

Sarahkka - ooo thrush infection :( it is bad they are leaving it so long to sort anything out. To maintain your milk supply could you express for a while? Its such a pain how so many things impact the breastfeeding. I was put on antibiotics as I had ragged membranes and ended up in the hospital as they were hanging out! (TMI!!) but anyway - they made me and Roxy have terrible stomach bugs so I stopped taking them! I had to express and pour my precious milk down the sink as I didnt want her continuing being ill :( I hope its been sorted for you!

Asher - sorry to here Sam is hard to settle at night - I feel your pain, Roxy seems to be more sleepy during the day and when she wakes up for her 3am feed, shes bright eyes and bushy tailed and ready for cuddles! Unfortunately im not that alert and neither is her dad! Its hard work but dont we just love it!

Emzywemzy - I have to hold my LO when im having my tea aswell! Its as though she knows we are about to eat! Colicky babies = bless them! I had one night of hell - she just wouldnt stop crying, I was even going to take her to the doctors lol!!! Shes settled since then though - hopefully your LO has aswell.

Blondie - hope your not feeling too anaemic now

Daisybell - im bottle feeding aswell now due to being on antibiotics and not being able to feed Roxy - she was only getting foremilk off me anyway as she never stayed on long enough to get the good good stuff. Im going to continue expressing but as long as they get fed and they're happy, thats all that matters =)

Bekklez - dont feel guilty about giving her a bottle - alot of babies need that just before bed to get more sleep , which also means you get more sleep, its a win win situation - as said above - as long as they're being fed, it shouldnt matter where it came from =)

laurak1982 - your LO is most prob having more than enough food, if she sleeps so contently through the night =)

genies girl - gorgeous pics of your little ones =)

ok, so I think thats everyone - sorry if ive missed anyone - I will try to keep up to date now so it should make things easier =)

A little picture of my princess to finish =)


  • Roxy first two weeks (2).jpg
    Roxy first two weeks (2).jpg
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aww Roxy is gorgeous! I love her name too.

Here's a piccy of Holly just out of the bath tonight. She loves her baths and we are getting proper smiles out of her now :cloud9:


  • holly bath.jpg
    holly bath.jpg
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Awwww i cant wait to get smiles though i dont want to wish the time away :dohh:
Evening, just catching up!!

Well first night went well, I sleot well and so did Hope. She is feeding well and is really settled and content!! Ian is a star and I have done nothing all day, we have been out for a short walk as I felt I needed some fresh air, bloody typical we missed the sodding mw!! Oh well, left her a message!! Had tea at my folks house, was lovely, although I am not eating much. I had my first poo this morning and it was all good, bot at all painful like I thought it was going to be, I am just letting it come natural!! I am still feeling tired but I guess after what ahs happened its going to take time. The meds I have are working wonders lol, feel like a walking pharmacy!! I need to phone up and get an appointment to get Hope registered, so thats all I plan to do tomorrow!! I am having a lazy pj day, I think I am entitled!!!

Love to you all, so glad you are home Mrs J xxxx Congrats to all the new Mummies!
The pelvic specialist I saw today was brilliant!
She has all sorts of exercises and postural corrections for me and confirmed that my whole pelvic girdle is now misaligned, so no wonder I have been in so much pain. She did one very gentle sort of re-alignment and there was a popping sound and I got this surge of relief in my pubic bone.
I'm pretty sore now, though. She said I could expect that for a while, but hallelujah! Something effective is being done about the whole situation. I am so relieved!

Genie's Girl - if they are very stuffed up, you can use either breastmilk or saline solution to squirt up their noses. They will hate it, but it does help to flush things out. Some parents get very good at doing that in combination with a suction bulb to help the breathing and relieve the pressure. Otherwise, whatever the safe dose of infant acetaminophen suspension is will probably help.
It's frustrating not being able to do more for them. And you've got it double, poor thing!

Toby had a night of tantrums, then a day of angelic behaviour and champion BFing. I am positive that I have thrush now, as the pain has substantially subsided since I started using my medicated cream from when I was BFing Simon. I have to weigh and report in to the health nurse tomorrow, so we'll see how Toby is doing. I highly doubt he will be back up to birth weight, but I am confident that he is gaining.
He is just such a little sweetie. I really am appreciating this newborn phase a lot more with baby #2. The first time around I was just so nervous and tired.

Welcome home to becs and MrsJ - take it easy and enjoy your babies, my dears! :hugs:

Louise - meant to comment earlier about the situation with your SSs: :shock: At the very least, I hope this will challenge her custody. Those poor kids. Your poor family! Hang in there!

Emzy and Asher - yeah, that squelching sound brings out the 8-year old boy sense of humour in me. :haha:
Hi all.. Wow quiet night! Just a quickie as I'm on my phone but had to share.. Lilia finished her last feed at 1.30 ish this morning and didn't wake up till 7.10! Woo hoo!
Morning ladies xxx

Had a good sleep, Ian done all night feeds as I am still catching up on my sleep!! He is still in bed and Hope is fast asleep. I was rather teary yesterday, think I overdone things as I was surprised how good I felt, then my Mum and Dad gave us somemoney for Hope's savings account and that really set me off, they wrote us a beautiful card thanking us for another precious Grandchild and how proud they were of me, it just set me off!! Bloody hormones!! It hasn't sunk in that she is finally here and that after 6 years we have our precious baby, its just so sureal. I am loving being a Mummy and Ian is just amazing, I don't think I would of gotthrough it all had he not of been so strong.
We are having a pj day today, going to give Hope a nice bath later and just relax, must keep my feet up they are still a bit puffy!!

Hope you all had a good night xx
FYI - To all new mummies

On Monday Last will have spa deals for £20 including a treatment, available Monday amount available and at locations all over the country. Worth a look as im sure everyone is in need of some pampering!
heya everyone =)

I got some bad news today :( Ive been having a tugging sensation down below - quite bad pain aswell, so today I booked an appointment with the doctor. It turns out - (even though I was told otherwise at the birth centre) I must have had a small graze from having Roxy, which is now infected = more antibiotics!!!! I dont think ill ever be able to feed Roxy again! Im going to express to maintain supply - but am going to have to throw it away, otherwise she's likely to get the stomach troubles again - which I do not want atall :( sucks throwing away such precious milk :( Roxy was up from half 10 last night until half 4 this morning , cheeky madam! Shes fast asleep now! I might have a little nap - childbirth, having infections and being a mum really does take it out of you doesnt it!!??!!

emzywemzy - holly looks beautiful and look at that GORGEOUS smile!! Ooo it just makes your heart melt!!

sarahkka - glad to hear you got some relief from the exercises - hopefully they will continue to work just as well =)

louise3512uk - you lucky thing you! 6 hours of rest!! Oooo I can wish lol

stmw - you really are being put through the wringer with this birth, aren't you? :hugs: Take care of yourself.
Hey ladies!

Sorry i've been MIA for a while; i'm knackered!

Well, the mastitis has gone, and the midwife told me to stop treating Izzy for thrush too. But, 3 days ago she suddenly started to break her latch with nearly every suck and gulp in air. Turns out she still has thrush, but because I stopped treatment it has got worse and is now hurting her to suck. Plus she still has cold, which is causing problems. Because of her sucking in air, she also has bad wind which is making her grumpy, and unable to sleep for most of the night. Hence a very tired me!

I'm loving all of the baby pics; i can't believe how quickly they're all growing! I took down the new baby cards yesterday - i was gutted :(

Izzy also has spots, and she sucks on her dummy like crazy - she's had one from day 2 and i don't regret it one bit. Apparently it reduces the risk of SIDS to give them a soother anyway... i know they say not to with breastfed babies, but she usually eats so much that she makes herself sick, so it's def not in lieu of feeds!

One thing is really bothering me tho, and is rather scary. Sometimes, Izzy seems to just stop breathing for no reason. she then does a HUGE gasp for air, as if she's been winded. i even nudge her sometimes to get ger breathing again - it's as though she just forgets to breathe for about 5 - 10 seconds. Anyone else's baby do this?

stmw - hope you feed better soon :hugs:

Louise - the pic of your LO and OH is just adorable :) you could really do without all the SS hassle though - it must be such a worry for your oh! Last thing you both need :hugs:

Emzy - Izzy seemed to quite like her bath today too... holly is so cute all wrapped up in her towel!

Emz - thanks for the heads up on the pampering!

Right better dash - i'm one hand typing and izy has wind now :(
Hiya! Please my new details be added on the front page

Malakye Kameron Thomas born 19/9/2010 @9.44 weighing 9lb5

Cant believe I have joined this new thread! has been a whirlwind x but a GOOOD ONE I have put my birthstory up so if you wanna have a lookie x
stmw awww roxy is beautiful, sorry to hear that you have an infection and have to take more antibiotics :hugs:

Emzy lush pic of holly smiling!!

genies hope the girls are feeling better today?

:wave: optical poor izzy and you! :hugs:
regarding the breathing thing, when ollie has lots of wind it takes his breath away for a few seconds then the wind comes out. he has only just started doing this. i would talk to your HV about it hun as she could just be doing it due to wind but i'm not sure :shrug:

:wave: Sayuri congratulations!! xxx

We registered Ollie today :happydance:
His full name is Ollie Tristin Jackson :cloud9:
Sayuri, congratulations xx

Stmw, that sounds painful, hope you feel better soon xx

Had a relaxing day, been to see midwife and she is pleased with me, told me I really need need to take it easy as she didn't think I realised how traumatic things had been for me, Hope has been a star, feeding every 3 hours, she is so happy and contented, I am so in love with her!! We are off to register her in the morning!!! Think I am gona go have a bath with some tea tree oil in it, its been recommended to me for the healing!! I am not sore tbh, it just feels tight!! Ian had a good look last night and said they have done a very neat job lol!!! I just can't wait to feel normal again, have to say feels good to be back in my jeans!!
stmw - Sorry to hear about your infection, hope you get well soon. I've been having a tugging sensation down below too, it feels really tight/thick but goes away after about a minute and I haven't had any pains. I just shrugged it off as normal :s

Sayuri - Congrats!

Becs - Good to hear you and Hope are doing well :thumbup:

Genies - Hope the girls are feeling better :hugs:

opticalillus - Good the Mastitis has gone but booo to the thrush!

Emzy - Holly is tooooo cute.

Ellie's face is AWFUL this morning, the spots are all over and she has two HUGE irritated patches of red skin underneath both eyes. I've noticed she's started getting the spots/rash on her shoulders now too. Really sad :cry:

On a plus note, I spent £10 investing in different dummies to try Ellie with today and finally found one that seems to be staying put in her mouth. MAM ones :thumbup:
hi all the girls havent got temps anymore and Layla seems fine poor Amelia is suffering though having switched her to comfort milk because of colic she is now constipated today and heart breaking to see her struggling, we going to switch back to normal cow and gate and see shat happens .
I think ive finally got the hang of uploading photos so im going to try do that now and then read the other posts x
girls 250.jpg

girls 176.jpg

girls 155.jpg

A few of my little ladies, they are very different which im really glad about so they will hopefully always get treated as individuals:thumbup:

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