September Stars

Argh Emzy!! Bloody HV's!! I totally agree with everyone else. BTP had it spot on when she compared her 5 little ones. We were lucky enough with Archie to get a baby who fell really easily into a routine, he slept well and went to bed on his own listening to his little music box every night. The odd time he would cry (and have tantrums as he got older!) but he was generally easy to settle. Jack came along and broke all the rule books for everything! He was, and is, still hard work. With regards to sleeping, we tried everything. We tried all the CIO techniques. None worked. He would eventually fall asleep, but by midnight most nights he was in our bed until morning. OMG the amount of criticism we received for it. But it had to work for us as we had Archie to consider, and he was at nursery, it wouldn't have been fair for him to have gone to nursery tired!
Anyway, Jack eventually grew out of all his sleep issues and now sleeps all night without any problem!!
Sam appears to be somewhere in the middle. He's fairly easy to read, but not as routined as Archie was. But I am letting him guide me, and nobody tell me what to do, so it feels so much easier this time.

Sorry to ramble, Emzy, but my original point, somewhere in there, was that Holly is your baby, and you're doing all the right things because you're Holly's mummy and you know her the best of all. Yes, these people have some advice to offer, but you don't have to take it. You're an intelligent woman, and you can listen, process, then decide to use or not use! It infuriates me that, as you say, they generalise with everything. Grrrrr. I'm on my soapbox now. Stepping down now!!! Sorry!

And a meet up! definitely! How about some time over the Easter school hols? Where's easiest for you to get to on't bus?

BTP, hope Rosie's better soon, poor little love!

Glad you got on okay with the little ladies, Becs and Louise!! x

Am rubbish tonight, sorry. No too much of an eventful day for us. Saw my bessie mate and her little girl. Went to the dentist. Walked the dogs! The usual! Sammy had a lovely nap forward facing in the pram this morning, but I hated having him facing that way!! He also took over 4oz of formula tonight and then I gave him a quick boob top up. Sleeping now, but for how long?!!
Claire, Sam seems to be doing really well with his bottle!!

Emma, you can come for a holiday!!!

Does anyone else feel like days just feel like the same?!!!
Yes Emzy come along! You can stay at mine if you want, call it a mini break!! (my k key isn't working very well, it's still, the k finger is going to be more muscly than the rest :()

Claire isn't Sam doing well! And I love your philosophy, you're right, happy baby is what counts!

Becs, every day is the same, it's like groundhog day! The only way I know it's the weekend is because jeremy kyle isn't on!!!!
I feel like that Becs , tonight I'm thinking back to normality , got a couple if things planned this week
Visit old dearies opposite tomorrow
Dentist Thursday
Dreaded HV Friday
Baby shower Sunday
But still it just seems each day rolls into the next
yes Becs i know exactly what you mean!

Louise how exciting! X

James has his first visit at nursery tomorrow omg where has the time gone? x
My diary for this week:
Tomorrow - coffee morning on camp and pub lunch with the girls, then into town for hair dye to get rid of my old lady grey hair

Thurs - hair cut

Friday - 5 hour round trip to get stepsons

Saturday - tidy up and serious defuzz

Emzy I think I'm a nurse/HV worst nightmare :blush: BUT omfg I would have gone mental if they suggested that to me :grr: As parents WE decide what is best for our children, if we need help we ask for it but I hate people who just give out crappy things like that to make you feel like shit!! If she is happy hon you are doing everything me it sounds like she sleeps amazingly!! Tabs only went to sleep without me feeding her/cuddling her at 16months old...and now she's fab goes into her room and off to sleep all by herself. I keep on saying also hon Tabs was on the same percentile and now she's a lanky little thing :lol: you're doing an amazing job dont listen to them unless they are telling you how amazing a mummy you are :hugs:

OMGGGGGGGGGGG louise so so close...and :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: at the defuzzing :haha: doubt he would even notice for a while :haha:

I'm central Scotland btw cant remember who asked :blush: think it was LBB?

I would so travel... :lol: though I may pass out as I will only drive through the night :wacko:
Oh I think he would notice! Still no AF by the way, I want positive thoughts and vibes from all of you please, if it hasn't arrived by tomorrow then the chances are I will still be on when he gets home! Bad planning!!!!!!

Blob, you are a complete nutter! You'll happily drive 6 hours but only through the night!? Crazy woman!
I seem to always be absolutely shattered then get into bed and I'm wide awake! So thought I might aswell catch up on here on my phone.

I live in Milton Keynes I would so love to do lunch or coffee with someone but I start uni on Monday so don't know when I will be available.

Lou sooooooo close till you see wayne! If that was me the razor wouldn't know what had hit it just before! Are you still doing it as a surprise for the boys? Oh and minging at the dog giving himself head.

Emzy I wouldn't worry too much about self settling but if you would like to give it a go maybe you can start with a day nap and when it is time for her nap and she is really tired just lie her next to you on the sofa and pop her dummy in and see what she does? Reuben has his own spot on the chaise longue (sp?) now for naps and just lie him in his crib with his seahorse and dummy for night time but he does have to be tired.

Becs I know how you feel everyday is the same and I have just become so boring and dull. All I have to talk about is Reuben and I love him to bits but I would like to talk about stuff not just about him allllll the time. I think me starting uni will be really good for me to get back to normal even though I will miss him like mad!

Asher little Sam sounds like he is doing great with his bottle bless him, hope you are ok? You always sound mega busy.:hugs:

I can't remember anything else! :nope: Ahhh sicky babies hope they yet well soon sending e-smooches to them.

I put a video of Reuben laughing and copying my sound making on facebook it's soo cuteee! Is anyone on twitter ? I am @cafferine if anyone wants to follow! Goodnight lovely people. Xxxx
Thank you everyone for your replies. I really love how all the stars are so chilled out and supportive!

Cafferine thanks for the suggestion, I have actually just put her down wide awake in her cot for her first morning nap, just to see how it goes. She moaned for about 5 minutes but now it's all gone quiet.... has she gone to sleep on her own just like that?! I'd be amazed if she has as the last time I did that she cried and flayed her arms and legs everywhere for at least half an hour lol It's funny that you suggested that, as Matt suggested it last night. I said that I wasn't particularly bothered about cuddling her to sleep at night, in fact I quite like it, but I was worried about it if she has to go to nursery or childminder when I go back to work, as they won't cuddle her to sleep! So he said to just try it for her morning nap today and if that goes well, try the next nap and so on then when we have the naps down and if we want to we can try the night. I think it's a good plan! Lets see if she actually went to sleep... I'm too scared to go up as we have creaky floor boards and it might wake her up lol

Becs and Louise oooh a minibreak sounds looovveely!

Asher yes Easter hols sounds good, although I can't commit to a date yet as my mum may be coming to visit/I might go there but we're not sure on dates yet. It all depends if I'm working, etc so can we organise an actual date nearer the time? I can get to either the trafford centre or the city centre on bus/train, so either is fine!

Becs yes sometimes every day feels the same, like groundhog day! This week and last have been a bit better as I've been doing stuff. This is my week this week:

Monday: Housework
Tuesday: baby group
Wednesday: lunch with my friend at the local pub
Thursday: Town for baby bits and more housework
Friday: Netmums friend coming over
Saturday: Swimming with Matt and Holly
Sunday: Old friend from uni coming to visit

Most weeks I'm just bored though, although now I'm starting to regret moaning about it as I only have 6 weeks left of maternity allowance so I'm determined to enjoy the rest of my leave as I'll be longing for it back when I go back to work! It will feel weird working again, having not worked since July! April seemed so far away at the time but it's flown by, I can't believe it! It actually makes me feel a bit tearful when I think about how fast it has gone and what an emotional rollercoaster it has been since then, it's mad!

Anyway, all is STILL quiet on the western front so I guess she must have gone to sleep?! I'm gonna go check.

Just popping in to say hello! And vent off my problems!

Was up most of the night with one or other of the girls, poor Rosie the fever has gone and out has come the cold, she is so snotty it is just making her gag, I was feeling totally useless last night, she seemed to be hungry, had been sucking all day and i could not feel any milk, see seemed to be frustrated so 5 mins b4 they were due to shut i was in tesco getting a bottle and some sma cartons, when i had no clue this was the only option! :shrug:
She calmed down in the car, as she had to come, dh on x box :dohh: so ds came with me to stay with Rosie, anyway she looked at the bottle like it was a joke, she turned her nose up if i put a bit of milk in her mouth and the few times she accidently got some milk out of the bottle she gagged on it, so I gave up and we cuddled, i didn't want to give her medicine as she hates it and gets so upset and as the fever had gone i didn't want to put her through it.
She did settle and had a boob feed at about 3, then about half 3 threw it up from gagging on the snot!:dohh:
Anyway despite not feeling like it she seems to be getting plenty from me from what came back!
Poor baby this is a nasty one :cry:

I was up at 3 with her, crying because i couldn't find the pain killers and my tooth was hurting so much,(my whole head from the tooth feels like it is going to explode!!) it annoys me dh takes all the tablets and i only take paracetamol, its all i ever take, i get him liquid cherry tablets and he knows they are his and i cant take them, i found half a packet of paracetamol in the end, i still dont know what to do about the tooth, i am trying to hold out til my dentist gets back from maternity leave and i am not breast feeding, but i don't think it will hold out that long, and the pain is just getting stupid now:cry:

Louise, hoping af gets its act together, typical isn't it!! :dohh: Can't believe this will be your first cuddle this year, that brings it home how little you and Lilia have seen him, I am sure you will more than make up for it when you see him, poor man will need a week off after you have finished!!:haha:

I feel all lost and sad in this part of the country! I do drive but am generally restricted by school run times! I have 6 hours, so couldn't drive any more than about 2 hours each way to make it worth doing!

Blob, I am a hv nightmare too, I can't help myself but i think they know now as the last one came when Rosie was born and said she should be asking me!:hugs:

Sorry got to go, got what sounds like an interesting nappy to change (she had a bit of porridge last night, she has been doing a funny poking out tongue thing so i gave her some food and she seemed to enjoy it, i am looking for some soft rusks i had with Sophie i remember they were very good, not available in my local supermarket, shame on you tesco!!)

Back soon, think dh has gone back to bed, cheeky git!
aw BTP :hugs: sounds like a horrible night :cry: When Holly had her cold she was awake all night gagging, it's so horrible for them. Tilting her cot up on a couple of fat books seemed to help with that. Hope she is better soon x

Louise you must be SOOOOO excited!!!!

She did go to sleep and is just waking up now, so got a good 50 mins of her! Woop!
Well done Holly ! Glad your feeling better emz !

I hope your busy shaving and plucking Louise :) I think we are all excited for you x

Btp hugs love to you and your girls x

Ive just got in from singing having a quick bite and then off to baby clinic , I just tell the hv what I do I don't give her an inch :)
No plucking or shaving going on yet, too busy!! Still no AF either :( I know you can get tablets to put it off but I need to take my first pill on the first day of my period for it to work immediately, so no period, no contraception, argh!!!

BTP, poor Rosie, seems like she's been poorly for ages :( Poor baby :hugs: My last hubby hug was on the 24th November :) Seems a long time ago, and I didn't want to let him go ever!

Emzy, yay for Holly going straight off to sleep herself! See, she knew that the HV was talking rubbish and wanted to prove to you that she is perfectly happy self settling, she just likes cuddles!

Had a busy morning, now am going to put some music on and 'declutter' the house before Wayne comes home and clutters it all back up! Need to do ironing, got a pile the size of everest! (strange seeing as there are only two of us!) and need to hoover the stairs and bedrooms, clean Jason out and brush the dog (daily at the moment!!) and put all the clothes away.... I hate hate hate putting clothes away! Don't know why! All this to do with Lilia by my side as she hates me leaving the room at the moment!
Where is everyone today?!

Lilia in bed, living room and one bathroom sorted, no ironing done yet, will do that after tea! Kitchen not looking bad, some recycling to go out! Fridge is decluttered and cleaned and all Wayne's post is sorted ready for him to go through, I've even put it in a pile in order of importance!! (Saddo alert)...

I bought Wayne a watch yesterday with becs for his christmas present, I love it! That is sitting ready for him to open! I know that when the boys come friday night all my hard work will be undone, they are so messy! Oh well, I will try to get them to keep the mess to their bedroom! Next job - try to save the lives of the plants that are looking pretty wilted!!
How dare you all have social lives and do 'something' rather than sit on bnb all evening!!!!
Dammit I was relying on you lot to give me a 'distraction' from the ironing... I'm going to have to do it now :(

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