September Stars

:sick: Louise that is sooo groooossssss!!!
How cute its her hair out the bath so so sweet

GG happy 6 months to your girlies going so so fast huh

On the carseat chat, think Rosalie's next seat is going to be the ERF volvo one...looks nice.

Hope you find something soon Emzy :thumbup: I'm also on the hunt for a new money making scheme. Right now i'm thinking... Doula, hynobirthing, breastfeeding councilor AKA hippy freak :rofl: Did NOT see this coming!!

BTP I dont much like condoms either, kinda tempted to just know my cycle but then I dont even know when it will start. Going on past history with us would end up pregnant :dohh: But i go loopy on the mini pill and i'm scared of the others while I still want more children.

Maybe we need to take a name call on where we all live?? Like I said I'm prepared to drive about 6 hours south (cant realllyy go much further without it being quite hard with two girls on my own)

:hugs: to everyone
where in Scotland are you blob? X

Btp our first gs what also called sheba x

well i have a poorly me and poorly James here, Chris seems a bit better today and has gone to work! We are all flu'd up and feelin rotten x
Hi all I'm having a quick cuppa while lAyla naps in her cot , Amelia won't go so she is on the rug shouting at her toys her sitting up is great now but Layla gets so frustrated or distracted she still can't do it .

I'm working on dh about the purple car seat Laura had the link to, he want the seats to co ordinate with the car , men , but the price speaks for itself so I may win :)
gg thats the reason we are having a recaro cos it matches the car lol x
LBB / BTP still sending get well soon wishes

Blob - I think it would be a great job being a Doula / hypno Dude i'd love it

Well exam done get results in 23 days time...... it was shockingly bad so may have to retake in May trying not to think about it now. James has found a new toy the tv remote so weve noe given him an old one to play with, not sure he likes it because its silver and shiny or as hes a boy its a tv remote need I say anymore
Hi girls

Blob you should totally do those things, I bet you'd make a fab doula!

Jelly fx for your results! You may have done better than you thought x

Just got back from baby group and had Holly weighed, she's now 20lb 4oz and nearly up to the 98th centile lol She's getting ENORMOUS! They don't seem particularly bothered, she just asked if she had been feeding well and I said yes lol It's no wonder she is outgrowing her 6-9 stuff already. Do you think I need to worry about her gaining so much? She is having quite a lot of food but has dropped a bottle. She is on 4 bottles a day, 2 of which are 7oz and 2 are 6oz, so 26oz of milk a day plus 3 meals. Do you think it's ok?

Also the nursery nurse said I should really be putting Holly to bed awake now. I said I tried but don't like leaving her to CIO but she said I have to put her down wide awake and leave the room and shut the door and go in every 10 mins. That's a long time to leave a baby to cry don't you think?! I said I tried self settling before but it was exhausting and we weren't really getting anywhere and I didn't really see the benefit as she doesn't wake up at night anyway, but she said I should still do it as she does 2 year assessments and the mums are still having to cuddle their kids to sleep and they won't stay in bed, etc so I should do it now. Now she's made me scared that;'s going to happen to me but I don't like to leave her to cry :cry: So now I don't know what to do. My friend from antenatal classes did CIO with her baby and it worked within 3 nights. I just don't know if I can leave her to cry?

Emzy the nursery nurse isn't Holly's mum ! You do whats best for you Holly's obviously doing really well so just carry on with whatever works . She won't fail her two year check because of that besides she sleeps all night in her own cot , don't listen to her , these people make me so mad , I'll get off my soap box now :)
I agree with genies emzy, who is she to tell you what to do!? and is it really a problem if Holly wants a cuddle to get to sleep when she is 2...i think not really xx
Hello, just quickly popping in while Rosie has a nap!

Jelly, I would love to be a birth partner, not a midwife but like a pregnancy support and labour support, like a really good friend that helps you through it the way you want, someone who knows what you want and encourages you. I know some people are lucky enough to have dh's that do this or mothers or sisters but my dh just sat and watched all through the labours, a midwife came in with Rosie and she was so fab and it was only through how she was with me, encouraging, and rubbing my back and it really put me at ease, I wish she had delivered Rosie.
Anyway i would love to do that, i know that loads of labours could go much better with this sort of support.

Emzy, all babies grow at different rates, usually connected to the way Mum or Dad grew at baby stages.
I worry Rosie is still in 0-3 month grows, and some 3-6 at 5 months old, but she is perfectly happy (when not so poorly!!) and half of the reason i don't get her weighed is because i don't want some hv telling me what i should and shouldn't be doing for my baby.
As for sleep again be guided by yourself, I personally have never left Sophie to cry, and don't intend to with Rosie, the others just went to bed with no fuss so never needed to let them cry, and my eldest i let cry and he just used to scream for hours, and i hated it.
Some say it makes a rod for your back not getting some routine in place, and a routine is quite easy to start at any time, I just think I had these babies and bedtime is all part of the thing! It is worse now with the children coming in and out of their rooms at night, and they were all good as gold as babies!!
Holly is happy and healthy, and that is because you are doing a great job, her size is particular to her and how she is meant to be, just like Rosie posy is so teeny and bed time is up to you. Always be guided first and foremost with your baby by you :hugs:

lbb, i think most gs are called sheba!! She was lovely, I grew up with her and we were her family, one in a million she was :hugs:
Hope your all feeling better soon, Rosie today seems to be more able to regulate her temp on her own but has another pain she is just so upset about, she keeps poking her tongue out and curling it up, she has a long tongue and it looks really funny, it may be teething although i can't see or feel anything, or it may be a sore throat or something like it, it looks funny though!:hugs:

This is about the first time today Rosie has let me put her down, she is really screamy, and crys even when i hold her which is really not like her:nope:
Hopefully the worst has gone:thumbup:

Blob, that's a long drive! :hugs:

Fb, thank you, and wow trouble free teething! Ours is trouble free so far because no teeth!!!:hugs:

Genies, it annoys me also people being bloody picky and bossy when there isn't even a problem in the first place!:shrug:
I am too gobby to tell what to do, when someone asked me to keep my child quiet when she was having a tantrum i invited her to ask my daughter to be quiet and see how she got on!

Big :hi: to everyone else,:hugs: xx
Emzy - completely agree with the others. I'm sure the nurse was trying to be helpful, but there are many ways to raise a child and unless you and Holly are having sleep problems, I don't think you need to worry about it. And yeah, like lbb said, your child needs to be cuddled to sleep at age 2? Oh the horror! :shock:
CIO is always an option if you need it, but you are a long way from having to make that decision, I think. It works a lot better when you are ready to do it, otherwise, it just makes mum and baby miserable and upset.

Simon is being such a toddler today. Argh!
It's still stupidly cold out (a balmy -25C), so outdoor play is just not an option. I am trying to get baby clothes sorted as we are completely drowning in way too many sizes. There are huge piles of little baby boy clothes all over the floor and I'm trying to figure out some sort of system of storage, etc.
Now that I've got the project of organization to the complete chaos stage, I am losing interest and energy. But I can't because it looks like a tornado hit a laundromat in our living room.
I'll feel better when it's done? :)
Thank you ladies. Just having a bit of a crisis of confidence I think, you know where you think you are doing everything wrong?! The HVs and Nursery Nurses annoy me as they impose their generalised opinions on you when not every baby is the same. I think I'll just carry on for now as there is no problem doing it at the moment and if there is a problem in the future then so be it, I will deal with it then. My mum cuddled and rocked me to sleep and she said I just sort of grew out of it and went to sleep on my own as I got older without any problem. She also said I was a bigger baby at the same stage as Holly so I guess she takes after me lol I guess I should think of the positives too, I don't have to rock Holly anymore. I used to have to stand up and walk around with her or constantly rock her. Now she just falls asleep on me during a cuddle, so that's not so bad eh :) x
Emma, Hope is exactly the same as Holly, tbh I love cuddles with her, I hate her crying and while she is an only child I will cuddle her to sleep. Stuff them and there text books!! Hope has 4-5 7oz bottles and 2-3 meals a day aswell!!

I had a lovely time meeting Louise and Lilia, Lilia is gorgeous and her hair is mad!!! Can't wait to meet up again!!

LBB, get well soon xx
Emzy HV make me so mad with their opinions, I had the same issue last time I went them saying JJ was too big and they were concerned but they then said I should up his milk ..... I smile and nod in all the right places and as soon as I walk out the door I completely ignore anything they have said :)

Got a baby shower to go to on Sunday and I can't decide what to get her, she knows she's having a boy but I just can't decide. Hoping I find something over the next couple of days.
I too had a lovely time meeting Becs and Hope!! Hope is such a doll, so gorgeous! Looking forward to doing it again!

Emzy, agree with the others, you are her mummy, you do what you want to do when you want to do it!! What happened in the days before health visitors!!! Oh, and I can't compare what Holly eats with what Lilia has because one day she'll have 4 8oz bottles and the next she only wants 4oz at each feed! Becs witnessed the clamping shut of her mouth! If she don't want it, you have no chance!!!

Wayne rang while I was on my way home, luckily he rang again when i got home, he will be home on SUNDAY at lunchtime, not monday! Woop woop! Can knock a day off, that means only 5 sleeps to go! Argh!! Better get defuzzing, it might take a while!!!!

Erm.... I've forgotten what else...
Louise, thats fab news!!! Not long to go now!!! Lilia is so adorable, I could eat her!!
Awww thanks! She was quite smiley today in the end, despite her grumpity grump start to the day! Next time we should go somewhere that they can play so we can have proper cuddles!!!
Yes, I will do some research!!! Is there anywhere near Beccles??
Hmmm, I drive past somewhere called moo farm on my way to work, a couple of minutes my side of beccles

Looks ok?

laura, you should definately come next time!
Why does everyone live soooo far away?!?!?! :(

I would love to meet all of you...but I dont drive...and I would get completely lost on a train :( :cry:

We tried Kimi on pumpkin, mango and carrot looked disgusting...smelt disgusting and she hated it....not getting that again :(

Then me and Kimi had a 4 hour nap this afternoon in Mummy's bed and I woke up to Kimi staring at me right in the face...holding my nose!!!!! :haha:

It made me smile...then we sang some up and came to watch telly with FOB! (he is still living with me not sure what is going on atm :wacko:)

Glad you enjoyed your meet today Louise and Becs!!!

Emzy - Holly is gorgeous and a very happy contented baby!!! Stuff what the HV says....your her mum and you know best!!!

Hugs to all the poorly babies and teething babies!!!


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