September Stars

Louise at least AF can today and not in a few days time yay !!

BTP wish I could take the pain away for you, but glad you went to the dentist xx
I don't really give Lilia any water... I will sometimes offer it but she's not bothered, the only time she'll have it is if she's hungry so then I prefer to give her a bottle as she's not brilliant at having a lot!
GG - :hugs: Hope your ok. xx

LBB - Poor James - Hope the ABs kick in soon. Olivia lost weight whilst she was ill aswell so dont worry too much. xx

BTP - Hope the toothaches go soon. I am very lucky in that I have never had any dental work done but as an ex dental nurse I do feel your pain. xx and glad Rosie is feeling better. x

Louise - Grrrrrr @ AF :growlmad:

:hi: to everyone else !!!

Re : money situation - Were also struggling and were in rented accomodation. were surviving is the best I can describe it. No more luxuries for us anyway. But do you know what as long as we survive I am happy. Who needs to be rich - hey !

Re : Water - I am giving Olivia an oz of water at every "meal" that she has. Im not sure how correct it is but I was told when you start to wean then you need to make sure they have some fluids other than breastmilk. I have no idea if it is the same for FF babies or not.....

Have a good evening everyone else I am off to watch Celebrity Juice and see if I can spot my bro and my bro in law in the audience !! Ooooo and going to spoil myself with a touch of shopping tomorrow :happydance:
I try James with a beaker of water but he isnt keen! The babies at nursery have a cup of water at each meal and are offered it at intervals during the day! i love celebrity juiced...never used to like the presenter but i love him on this!! x
Jelly that's ok! lol I give Holly a beaker of water at every meal and she usually takes about 1oz, although she' recently started picking it up and drinking from it herself, so is having a little bit more. I think I first offered it at around 4.5 months with cooled boiled water but didn't start giving it regularly until 6 months and this just is with tap water. The woman at the weaning talk thing I went to said that babies should be offered water or juice at every meal and also in between meals. Apparently they won't be that bothered about it until they reduce their milk feeds right down, but it's important to offer it.

Ok, so we have some ladies that work at nurseries in here don't we? LBB and Genies? Can I ask you what happens at nursery?! It probably sounds really stupid but I've never really thought about it before as I wasn't even thinking of using one, but it's just occurred to me that I know nothing about them. What happens with naps? A friend of mine said that they have set nap times, but I'm not sure that would work with Holly! lol What do they do activity wise with babies of 6 months old? My friend also said that they only change nappies at specific times so like 10, 2, 6pm etc, is that true or do they change as and when? What if they have a poo?! What about feeding? Do they do that at specific times or do you just tell them when they should be hungry for a bottle/other food? Sorry for all the stupid Q's, I have no idea!!

Thanks jelly and Laura I'm okay now thanks x

Emzy I can't really help I work in a nursery school not day care I think Lbb will know all I will say is go with your gut feeling when looking at places and Deffinatly look into childminders too

Laura thanks for the tip in car seAts we have ordered two of the purple ones yay!
Emzy all nurseries are different and my nursery the babies (under 1) tend to sleep when they need to the other children sleep at a set time after lunch as they would never be able to get to sleep with the noise otherwise. Mealtimes we try to get all the children into the same routine to make it a social occasion and because they have a hot cooked meal too so it needs to be served fresh. We do activities from water/sand play to painting and all sorts they have a fab time! The nappy changing are at set times but that is when all of the children are changed but they are changed inbetween if they are very wet or have soiled which is a good thing really because if you have a child who doesnt wee a lot they may be in the same nappy all day! 2 things id say are dont make an appointment to view the nursery just turn up a good nursery will never turn you away and secondly you will know instantly which nursery you like always go with your gut instinct...oh a 3rd you pay for what you get! ...we also have people in doing classes; stretch & grow, baby sensory etc..! x
ah that's right, I forgot you were at a school! I think there are a few that work in daycare nurseries as well aren't there, so hopefully someone can tell me. I will defo look into childminders as well. I have a list of 4/5 very local ones and 1 nursery to look at so far. I think I will see if I can go and see the nursery first and see what I think and if not, then see some childminders. I don't even know if I will end up with a daytime job, but I want to check out all the options just in case I do x
Thank you LBB! The lady at my local nursery actually just said to pop in whenever I like, so I may just do that! x
I would hun as its a lot of reassurance when you just turn up as you are seeing it as it actually is! Becs is a nursery nurse too x
I did a year training in a nursery and it is very nice but I couldn't afford the nursery so Reuben is starting at a childminders but she is so lovely and organised and has her own car, car seats, prams and is the chair of the child minding association for this area, does daily diaries and gives you a usb full of photos taken of your child with all activities and does an activity or surestart group every morning. It is so home from home and has really made it so much easier to adjust to leaving him i'm really pleased we managed to find her and she is so close and just lives on the next road, can't you tell how chuffed I am with her!

I offer Reuben tap water from a tilt it up beaker with meals but he only has 1 meal a day at the moment as he doesn't seem that interested in food. Should I be giving him two meals? He has 5 x 7oz bottles.

I'm not really struggling for money at the moment but I will come Monday when I start uni, :(
Thanks guys think I need to go and but a beaker to start JJ with.

Caffeine JJ is on two meals ( small pureed food approximate 4 tablespoons per meal) we have not cut back his milk yet as it's only fruit or veg , no cereals or meats etc. He's on 4x 8oz but sometimes he takes less. I started giving JJ two meals lunch and tea when he started to really enjoy his food at lunch time.
WOW Holly is doing so well with her sleeping :wohoo:

BTP :hugs: I hate sore teeth I cant even eat a choc coin without jumping about in pain...not good for me with all the cake here.

Louise EEK bet it makes it all feel so soon now :yipee:

I dont give Rosalie any juice just yet I think with BM it might just be different i'm not sure? Doesnt seem to need any so?

ARGH am total stress just now,

1. our business is a pile of poo just now
2. might not be able to pay school fees when they are senior school (we have to move as no way they are going to schools around here)
3. Stupid dog being stolen
4. I have now been on the committe for 2 years so that I can get Tabs into the primary school away from our catchment and NOW the freaking crappy shitty council are stopping funding and our places are the first to go :cry: was so nice knowing that you had a say in your childs education and now its going into the council :hissy: :hissy:
Hey guys!!

Emzy - I love hearing about your feeding times with Holly!!! Makes me come up with such ideas... :)

Oh and nurserys emzy!!! I worked in a nursery and the baby room was by far the most relaxed room... we had 0-1, 1-2 and a 3-5 room and in the 0-1 we took it as it comes....if the baby was wet...we changed....if the baby was hungry we fed...obviously if the mother/father left us instructions and said please keep Child A in a 10, 2 , 6 routine and we did but for the most part...they let us get on with it. We would start suggesting routines to the mums/dads about 6 months if they didnt have one but on the whole...we was a very relaxed, every baby is different kinda room!!

LBB - Hugs to you...... and James!!! Poor little man has been really poorly!!! Hope he feels better soon!!!

BTP - Hope your teeth stop bothering you soon!!

I was a very bad mummy today :cry::cry::cry:

I run out of Kimi's special hypo-allergenic my neighbour had some C&G stage 1 so i pinched a bottles worth til I could get home to get mine!!

Well....she took a few oz and within the hour...threw up everywhere...i was distraught :( I know it can happen...but I blamed myself as I didnt check the tin that FOB packed to make sure there was enough.... She has slightly perked back up but is only taking 4oz of Neocate instead of 7 but I dont really mind as I know she was really ill!!

I've put a stop on weaning Kimi for a while I think...she is not interested in food in the slightest and I feel like I'm forcing her to take solids when she is not ready....she is 5 months now and I was hoping she'd be enjoying food like many other babies on here but she promptly refuses to open her mouth for food!! So she's just on milk atm but will try again at 6 months.

I have my 12 week scan on the 17th March ( i hope you lot dont mind me sharing pregnancy-related stuff on lot feel like older sisters to me now :cloud9: ) so will hopefully be able to post up pictures of Pip :)

Went out for dinner with FOB and FIL tonight and ordered some was so dry and overcooked...put me right off eating :(

Hope everyone is okay!!!

Wow 12 week scan :yipee: will have to show off the scan photeeees.

Awww with the weaning I would just leave it to her, if she's trying to grab things off your plate and into her mouth she's ready :winkwink: If she's watching you eating etc then thats her really starting to get ready... she will get there some babies arent ready until they are nearly 8 months :shrug:

I feel old when you say 'older sisters' :haha I think i'm going to pass out this years birthday...21 was the last good one.
I just meant I must be the youngest september star still talking lot would be older sisters...but your not old at all really lol!!

Yeah...I'm a bit sad because I would love to have Kimi feeding and enjoying meals with us...but she pays no interest in food at all...:(

youngmummy - don't worry about Kimi not eating yet. Tobe took his time, too, and would still pick boob over food anyday. I bet that with all the stuff her little body has had to adjust to with her allergy and whatnot, that nice and slow is a great strategy for her. I love hearing about pregnancies, so you be sure to post! :hugs:

On water and weaning, I don't plan to offer water much at all. We just breastfeed as the main food and the solids are the nice extras. We will slowly cut down BFing and up foods, but I'm really relaxed about it. That's because it's the second child. He's lucky I remember to feed him at all, poor baby. Very lax standards on the second - the health nurses would faint with horror. :haha:

Had the most awful night ever, Rosie is up every hour, sometimes less, in the end i just kept her in bed with me, I did prop her up a bit in her cot that worked for about an extra 10 mins!!:sleep:

Pain is still there, going to call doctor this morning about what i can take, and bf and not get thrush!:shrug:

Rosie is not even near weaning yet, I give her tastes of things and she is so not interested its funny!
As for a beaker she thinks i am trying to give medicine so screams at the cup! All in all the weaning isn't going! I think she is going to be by choice a baby led weaned baby, i have got some soft rusks (organics) I remember them being very good finger foods for Sophie.
I was reading the packet and it was saying babies start feeding themselves by about the 9 month mark, and there was me worrying she couldn't hold a rusk:dohh: Doesn't matter how many times you have done this mother thing before you still forget very fast!!

Ym, I am old enough to be your Mum!! But my son is 17 in about a week and he is my best mate so I like to think that i am pretty 'young' for my age, and able to get on with everyone whatever their age, to me it's not important, although i always will have a motherly attitude to anyone younger than me! Apparently according to one of his 18 year old mates I am 'well fit' and I must admit that really made me chuckle!

We are off to playgroup today, Sophie wants to go! Rosie i am just putting in the pram, and going to buy another nose sucker, having searched the house for one at 3 am this morning and drawing a blank! (I know Sophie had it for her dollies:dohh:)

Sorry been a selfish post, will try and catch up better later, I must admit i do feel better than yesterday but am going to get the tablets and take them if i need them as the pain comes and goes and i dont want to have it all weekend and have nothing to take ! 'Better have it and not need it than need it and not have it.' Quoted from my dh who is always saying it!!

Back soon xxx:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Aww BTP I hope you and Rosie are feeling better soon. I always get thrush when I have antibiotics, so the doctor always prescribes canesten along with any course of antibiotics. It doesn't seem to matter what type I have either, I just always get it!

YM poor Kimi being sick! Poor baby, it's so horrible for her. Is it an allergy she has or an intolerance? Did they say anything about being allergic to foods? I wouldn't worry about weaning, she will let you know when she is ready! Holly shouts at me every time I eat and steals all my food if she's anywhere near me and I'm sure Kimi will be doing the same then she is ready!! Exciting for the scan!!! Can't wait to see your pics. I'm slightly jealous of you being pregnant again too, I have to admit I was a teensy bit disapointed when AF arrived after our 'accident' this month, but also quite relieved at the same time lol

Also thank you everyone for the info about nurseries and childminders. We are going to pop in to the nursery next week I think to see what it's like. I actually feel physically sick at the thought of leaving her with strangers for a whole day, but I guess they wouldn't be strangers for long and it sounds like it would be fun for her.

And she just settled herself for her nap again! Whoop! She's being such a good girl. Last night she went off to sleep in Matt's arms again straight after her bottle and she was in her cot by 8.30 and slept til 8 this morning, with I think three dummy runs last night, so not too bad! Once she is used to self settling for her naps, we will try bed time too, but to be honest it's only the naps I'm bothered about anyway really.

My netmums friend is coming over today, so that'll be nice! She's arranging a naming ceremony for her baby and we're thinking of doing the same for Holly soon, so she's coming to tell me what the registrar woman said at their meeting yesterday.

They tested her for allergy and intolerance to dairy/lactose and she came back clear so there is no allergy there...but they did say that she could have problems digesting the protein in the formula so her formula is already protein broken down!!!

I had an AWFUL night with Kimi!! She slept for about an hour and a bit....then slept for 10 minutes here and there....i dont understand what happened but she didnt wanna go down.... :(

Off out with my friend from school who has a little boy 3 weeks older than Kimi and he is a right beefcake!!! He is absoloutly gorgeous!!!

Here is a pic of them two together a few months back....

back laters xx

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