September Stars

You're right LBB, it is quiet tonight! I've missed loads as usual today! Been really busy! Not doing anything exciting, just housework and stuff. 5 loads of washing, changed all the beds, lots of cleaning. Argh, but it's done now!! Jack's been a nightmare, tantrums left, right and centre! Archie's built LEGO as usual. Sam's been cute, poor lad's teething really badly.

Aaaah Louise, so excited for you! I can't believe you're going to see Wayne tomorrow!! There's no way you can be sleeping tonight!! Eeeeeeeekkkk!!!!!!

LBB, poor little James. I hope he's better really soon. Poor lad, and you! xx

Foodwise, and going out, I just take out a little pot of whatever's been in the fridge or freezer, then heat it up wherever we are. I must admit, he's having the odd jar or pouch of shop stuff. Mainly he's on the homemade stuff, but there are only so many hours in the day!!

Right, I'm off again! Watching Live at the Apollo, very funny! night all! xx
Hi ladies!!

Well just one more sleep for me here, just spoken to Wayne, he's currently in Dubai as they have to have a charter flight to Cyprus then they should be arriving at Brize norton at 1.30 pm tomorrow! BUT.... there are a few of them back but the rest are at the end of the tour, and none from here.... so they will be getting a coach but...nothing for Wayne! He doesn't even know if the duty driver will be going to get him... looks like he might be catching coaches to Colchester then getting duty driver to pick him up! So we're going to forget the whole thing and i'll go to get him, it's about 3 hours each way I think but I will get him to myself for a bit and be able to pick him up from arrivals!! My mum will have Lilia and the kids for me while I go.

I'm so excited, and even more nervous! Who'd have thought you could get nervous at the thought of seeing your own husband!!

He has also got his end of tour date, 10th June :( It's the latest date it could have been, means he will have done 6 months 2 weeks, and it's a week or so after I was supposed to start back at work! What a pile of shit!!!!

Sorry for selfish post, I'm a bit wrapped up in it at the moment!
Asher i also use the odd jar, tin or packet...mum got James some tins of heinz egg custard with rice and he quite likes it! :) x

Awww Louise wold you Mum perhaps stay with you for the week? x
Thanks Lbb - I think I've got the same pots from when I was pumping, I use them in the freezer now for his purees Ill try taking one out with me with food in.

If James bitty gets sore as my James did on AB I bought metanium cream it's Brillant really thick but cleared his soreness within a day. It's in a yellow box and only need a small amount, sudocream and bepanthem just didn't touch it.

Boony I'd be fuming too, my in laws did something similar at Christmas sending a pic of us and LO around in a newsletter round the village. Me and DH were not amused. Hope fb take them off soon for you !
Asher I've bought some jars too for 'just incase' haven't tried them yet but look alot nicer than my purees.

I've spent 2 days making massive batches as 9 days ago I made loads and I seem to be running out already. So far I've made potato, sweet potato, nectarine, Brocolli, carrot, butternut squash & avocado. I've now run out of freezer space but still have to make mango, papaya, parsnip and swede. Hoping our friends a couple of doors up can freeze some for us. Managed to cut down jjs milk for lunch and tea today without him crying, I think he's definatly getting satisfied with the food now, just wish it wasn't so boring. He normally has large portion of potato or sweet potato with two other veg and one fruit. Look forward to being able to introduce meats, egg and dairy as I think he'll really start enjoying it then.

Louise hope you manage to get some shut eye tonight. That's pants about Wayne back late hope you manage to organise something with work. Have a safe journey tomorrow xx
Been busy so will catch up tomorrow just wanted to say Louise so happy for you take lots of pics of you and wayne xx
Louise, have a wonderful reunion with your man!

we officially have a tooth! No more little bud - this is the real thing. Go Tobe! :happydance:
just popping in to say hi, hardly been on here the last6 months, hope all mummies and babies are well.... can't belive we're all reaching the 6 month mark already....where has the time gone!! Will pop in lot's more now i've found u guy's here xxx
ARGH you know what day it is today don't you!!

It doesn't feel real yet but so exciting and so nervous, got lots to do before I set off about 10am I think, so I will just say thank you for all your support girls in getting me through the first half of this tour! You've all been so fab... I probably won't be on for a few days but sure I will catch up soon, and there will be plenty of photos on FB!!

Have fun girls!!

Oh and happy 6 months Lilia! x
Have a lovely day Louise and happy 6 months to lilia
LBB - I love that new breastfeeding blinkie !! Really made me laugh. x Olivia also had a really sore bum from her ABs and that was one of the reasons the doctor changed her and the bum changing stopped. Hope hes feeling better soon. xx

Boony - I am the same with pics on FB - I dont know why but I dp have an album which I share with my family and the girls on here. Your baby Your decisions though hun. xx

Lauraperrysan - Welcome back ! :)

Louise - I hope you have the most fantastic day with Wayne. And Happy 6 months to Lilia. xx

:hi: everyone else - Gotta dash as off to our 1st Birthday Party today. xxx
Hi guys we went to our friends babys 1 st birthday party yesterday the girls loved it and we didn't get in until 11 they were so good !

Busy changing the garden it's tiny but when we moved in we landscaped it with decking and gravel which is totally unsuitable now of course so dh is outside bagging up gravel poor thing :)
We're off for a week to my parents' tomorrow. There is no way I am going to get all the packing and cleaning done. :brat:
It is not a crisis if house cleaning doesn't get done. Must keep repeating that to myself today. I woke up feeling stressed. :nope: Must keep things in perspective!

Louise, have a wonderful day! Happy Six Months, Lilia!
Hope you have a lovely day louise and happy 6 month to lilia
Louise hope your having a great day !

Hi lauraperrysan hope your doing well

Went to a baby shower today, found it difficult at times as I keep thinking of my friend losing their baby last week and really hope everything is ok for my pregnant friend. Is it weird I'm really worried? Had a game having to name baby foods today, some of them were fab vanilla choc was yummy and apple & pear rice pudding .... Sweet and sour chicken, vegetable stew were revolting I was almost sick, think they have been better warmed up..... I did manage to win the game though yay!

James has gone to bed tonight with such bright red cheeks. I've taken his temperature and he's fine I just worry when he looks so flaming red.

Hope everyones had a good weekend xx
Evening ladies!

Louise, I've been thinking about you all day, and the first thing I did when I got 5 mins tonight was check my FB to see what you were up to! I hope it's all gone well for you! x
Happy 6 months to Lilia too! x

Aw Jelly, poor JJ, hope he's ok. Is he teething? I think it's totally fine that you're so worried about your pregnant friend. We're so lucky to have these beautiful babies. It's horrible that some people have their's taken away. x

Yay Sarah for the Tobester having a tooth! So nice when they actually cut one in the end! Enjoy your time away! And yes, I empathise with your cleaning issues. I've felt neglectful of the house today, but we've been uber busy! I have to accept that I can't do it all. Sometimes that's a difficult concept for me!!

Argh such a busy day today. The in laws came round at 9 so we could go for our swim. I'd been up in the night with Sam, so I was tired. He settled fine in the big cot last night but then woke at 3.15am and couldn't settle back off. I fed him and he fell asleep so I put him back down, and he slept until 6.30am. But I'd been awake for the best part of 2 hours in the night and it takes it's toll hey!? Anyway, we did the swim. It was packed in the swim lane, which is why we usually go at 3pm on a Sunday. Nevermind! Then this afternoon, we've been to Sam's Godmother's little girl's 5th birthday party. Although we're only friends, they're all more like family. We love them to bits! The boys had a ball, and it was lovely to have some time out of the house. Still, there's been no vacuuming today, and I have a HUGE ironing pile. Ah well, I need to just get over it!!

Hoping for a better night tonight with Samster. I'll be taking my phone up and having a peep at FB in the night I think! xx
Iv been the same asher keep checking here and facebook for an update from Louise...i bet she hasnt let get of him so cant hold her phone :hehe: Hope you have had a fab day Lou! xx

Asher i really hope u have a better night!! :) xx

Well James has just had a major meltdown, his cheeks were bright red too JC! He was screaming like i have never heard and i just didnt know what was wrong...he had his fingers in his mouth but he also has a sore bottom and has raw patches! poor boy...gonna ring docs tomorrow! x
Hello ladies!!!

Louise, have a fab time and enjoy every minute, it goes way too fast xxxx

Jelly, poor JJ, sounds like he is teething x

Sarah, yay on the tooth!!

Asher, sounds like you have been busy!! I too have knackered!!

I had a lovely time out last night, got homw around 2am, sober!! Met some lovely ladies and it was so nice to have some me time and be me!! I am so tired today, we had a lovely walk down Yarmouth and now I am sat here yawning my head off!!
I have quite a busy week, tomorrow I am going up to camp to meet one of Ian's lads wifes, she is preggers! Tuesday I am meeting a friend I havent seen for 2 years, she only lives 10 miles away, Thursday is baby signing! Inbetween that I shall be baking and being a domestic goddess LMAO!!
Evening ladies

Jelly aww poor James, sounds like toothy pegs to me! Holly has had one 'coming through' for aaaggges! Just the little white bud showing since about 4 months and every now and then it goes red and I think it'll pop through, but it doesn't! Today she's had her hands in her mouth, red cheek and crying on her bottle so I think it's probably bothering her again, but I'm not holding my breath for it breaking through, bloody thing!

LBB aww poor James, hope he's better soon poor lad. Maybe he is teething too?

Louise hope you're having a fab time!!

Glad you ladies at birthday parties had a nice time!

Becs glad you had a nice night out, enjoy your busy week!

We're off to view the nursery in the morning, haven't told them we're going, we're just going to turn up see what it's like! Then I'm meeting 2 friends for lunch, one of which has a 10 week old baby so it's always nice to see them!

We've had a nice weekend, just out shopping yesterday and watched a film last night and today an old friend came over and then me and Matt took Holly for a long walk, I think we walked about 5 miles in the end! It was such a lovely day here. I'm having a funny day though, feeling super emotional about everything and keep feeling like I want to cry, but I don't know why! If I hadn't just had AF I'd think I was pregnant again ha ha! I have had this horrible guilty/nervous pang feeling all day but I have nothing at all to feel nervous or guilty about! Maybe it's as simple as we are going to view the nursery tomorrow and I already feel guilty at the thought of leaving Holly?! Whatever it is it's weird and I don't like it!!

Anyway better get off to bed now


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