September Stars

awww cute! Holly has that love top too :) Have a lovely time x
:nope:Reuben has gone on his first taster outing with the childminder today :cry::cry::cry: I'm sure he is loving all the attention but I feel not needed is that makes sense? The childminder is amazing though so he is in very good hands but I don't want to leave him :cry::cry:
Hi ladies!
Cafferine, poor you, it must be so hard!

Emzy, yay for holly going off to sleep on her own!

BTP :hugs:hope you get something from the doc! And yay for being 'well fit' lol!

YM very excited to hear about your scan!

I'm too excited to be here, only 2 sleeps to go! I went and got the kids from Kent today, they are sat here in their pj's about to have a little play on the kinect before bed. Tomorrow I will be mainly tidying up, blowing up balloons and making welcome home banners with the kids, wishing the hours away!!

I will try and pop on tomorrow to say hi!
Have a fab time Louise !! Xx

I went into work today with the girls lovely to see all the kids , I also bumped into a ok'd work collegue today she is doing supply work around the local nurserys and day cares very interesting to get the inside gossip ! If your going to look at a nursery do ask about staff turn over and how many agency staff are used !!
Quick hi from me!
Dashing about doing errands, etc.
We had a stroke of luck today - we got an offer of a jumparoo loan for Tobes and it's all set up waiting for him when he wakes up. With all the kick-kick-kicking his fat little legs are doing these days, I think it will be a hit!
And so nice that I don't have to go out and hunt one down. We just use it and return it. Yay!

btp - poor you and poor Rosie! Both ailments sound absolutely miserable. Hope you both feel better soon. :hugs: Was going to say - the nose sucker will not only help with breathing and better sleep for her, but it can help reduce nasal drip (when the bacteria-laden mucus goes down the back of the nasopharynx into the throat and lungs). That should give her a sporting chance to fight the germs off, poor baby.

Louise - feeling very excited for you!

:hugs: to everyone! I'm dashing off again! :yipee:
Sorry, I'm crap tonight! Grrr. Friend's Dad's funeral today. It was heartbreaking. They love him so much. He was only 61. Apparently he hung himself. I'm not going to dwell on it tonight, I'm just too tired!!

Emzy, that AK recipe brought it all back to me! Jack used to love that recipe!!! I love this stage when they're enjoying their grub! It's fab! I need to start Sam on some more exciting stuff, I think he's getting fed up with the same old things!

Louise, OMG, I am so excited about Wayne coming home! I can't believe it's so soon!! Eeeeeeek!

Well, I'm off to bed. Get this - we went swimming this evening, later than usual due to the funeral. So we were back late. I was giving Sam his bedtime bottle, 5 oz again!! Yay, then Jack walked into the kitchen shouting and Sam woke up. So I joked to DH that I might try him in the big cot for the first time. I set it up, put him down wide awake with the mobile on, and he went to sleep on his own! What's that all about?! I want him to wake up now for a cuddle!

Catch up tomorrow. xxx
Asher I'm sure your friend was glad you went today and yay to Sam going in his big cot !

Louise can't believe it's only two more sleeps, hope you have a lovely weekend with all the boys xx

GG thanks for the tips, I'm seeing two nurserys Monday and Tuesday so I'll make sure to ask. What's your opinion of offsted reports do you think they really monitor how good a nursery is?

James has gone in his own room tonight for the first time and settled straight away. He had 45 minute nap this afternoon too ( which is normally two hours) so hoping he sleeps through tonight . Fingers crossed ! Just been busy making massive purée batches, hoping to start introducing more in next couple of weeks as thinks it's all getting a bit samey
Claire :hugs: must have been hard but as Jelly said, i bet your friend really appreciated your support.

Does anyone know the deal on broccoli? Are they not supposed to have it till later on because of the amount of iron in or something, or is it ok now? Lilia had carrot and potato with one floret of broccoli in earlier, my goodness it was gone in seconds!

Oooh Louise I'm so excited for you!! Have a lovely time with the boys x

Asher go Sammy in his big cot! What a good boy :) Know what you mean though, I spend all this time trying to get Holly to settle herself to sleep then I want a cuddle!

Cafferine how did Reuben get on today?

We had a lovey day. My netmums friend came over and the babies played together while we chatted, which was nice. She's a really nice lady and it's funny as our babies are quite similar. Her baby is 6/7 weeks younger than Holly and won't be put down and wants to be rocked to sleep. She even does the same lip quiver thing and diva cry when she's left for too long lol We both said it's nice to meet someone with babies that do the same things as you get funny looks off people for having to rock your baby when they get to this age! Her baby had a go of Holly's sit me up thing and I have lent it to her as Holly is sitting well unaided now, so doesn't need it. I'm glad another baby is getting some use out of it as we only used it a handful of times!

And I'm pleased to report that Holly settled herself to sleep for all her naps today AND she had a 2.5 hour nap this afternoon!! She used to do that but she had stopped and had taken to cat napping for 20-30 mins, but today she did an hour this morning, 2.5 hours this afternoon then a mini cat nap for about 25 mins this evening. She was in bed asleep for 8pm too which is fab!!

I've filled in my job application for that HR Admin job and will post it Monday, wish me luck!! It's quite a good job so I'd really like to get it. Hopefully the 3 days a week will coincide with when the nursery/childminders have vacanices. Matt is considering asking to drop a day at work so he could look after her one of the days too, so that'd be great.

My friend is due to have her baby in 4 weeks and she keeps updating facebook saying baby is engaged, etc and I feel sooo jealous!!! It doesn't seem that long since all that was happening to us does it? I want another one!!! Still, not that long til Holly is 1 and we can think about trying for number 2! Bit scary how fast it's going really!

What have you all got planned this weekend?

Louise Holly has broccoli and loves it! I'd never heard that they can't have it? x
cor blimey i was James was eager with his food!! :( he clamps his lips together lil monkey!!

Be interesting to see what other people think of ofsted...i think they do say a lot but i think we go into panic mode when they turn up and come into your room watching and asking questions and some people make mistakes then! In private nurserys they just arrive with no prior warning! We got outstanding for the education and good for the care aspect because a gate we dont use anymore because a new one was installed had a bolt but it was done up! ...and a tiny baby had its nappy changed and didnt have its hands washed to learn it about germs!!! Crazy cos if she saw the nappy change before it was a baby who was touching the mat and down below so had his hands washed. The scale they use is inadequate - satisfactory - good - outstanding i personally think there should be a very good too as i dont think just good sound that special but it is very rare to get outstanding! x
I am still up...pissed off at FOB so as it is his night to do Kimi means me sleeping on the sofa :(

Basically.... we've been invited to go up to Norwich the 17th/18th March for his cousins 40th and I was looking at booking into a hotel...i was then dont do that... my MIL has already made arrangements to stay with Luke's aunt and uncle.... who I have never met nor spoken to in the time I've been with Luke.

Now, I'm not comfortable with staying in someones house that I don't know...and topped with the morning sickness/all day sickness...its going to be really awkward....and obviously they dont know the problems me and Luke have been having they have given us a double room....

I then said...if we're going...we need to have some sorta ground rules with Kimi and people picking her up etc etc.

These were my rules

1) She is not to be passed pillar to post every 5 minutes after people have become bored of her...she gets very anxious and can be hard to settle.

2) People are not to pick her up/disturb her whilst she is sleeping/napping or I am feeding she will get disturbed and we will have a bad night. (MIL is the worst at doing this... :growlmad: it annoys me)

3) People are not too assume that when she is having a temper tantrum (i.e overtired or hungry) and I am trying to settle her/get bottle ready that they can take her off me. I am her mum and I settle my baby!!

Does anyone think I am being unfair???

Asher I'm sure your friend was glad you went , such a hard thing for her to deal with so sad.

Caferine how was the childminders ? I'm fortunate to have family and friends who will have the girls when I go back part time but as they get bigger I will be going down the childminder route , did she write a daily diary for him?

Ym your totally right she your baby and you know best.

Okay ofstead ..... Well I think the reports are a good guide and an insight into the nursery , I think it's great they just turn up now because before places would put on a show for the inspector , of course they are only in for one or two days so there is no way they will see everything.
Proud moment time ofstead came to work two weeks ago and they got outstanding for everything ! The report hasn't been received yet but the inspector told them as she was impressed .

Just remembered Emzy good luck with the job x
gg you jammy sod did you miss them then! Our 3 years was up in September and so i was thinking yesss they will come while im off on mat leave but no such luck they still havent been yet! X
Given up with pain and started tablets, going to get some bio yogs to gulp down in an effort that all my healthy bacteria are replaced and i don't get thrush!

Just snot sucked Rosie with the new sucker, it is a Summer one, and it was only a few quid and is fab, omg the amount of thick snot i got out of her was just discusting! :sick:

Ym, you are being totally reasonable, i would want certain things understood, she will be in a strange environment and she needs you to protect her in this way more than ever, you are her Mum so tough to anyone who doesn't like your rules, and make sure you stick by them as if one is broken they all will be and they are all for the good of Kimi :kiss::hugs:

Asher, at least you were there to support your friend, the worst is over and the grieving can come now, horrible for everyone :hugs:

Ofsted, I do look at the reports to see about local schools when it came to change schools but i go more on what the school is like itself, and every child is different and some schools however wonderful an ofsted report they get may just not be suitable for your child.
I moved the children from an ofsted 'perfect' school because it was not right for them and they are loving the new school, procedures are different and suit ben (with adhd) much better :hugs:

Sorry i hope that was all in the right context i just saw we were talking ofstead!!

Sorry i have forgotten everything else, still in pain, just hope the next few days it goes, we are away next weekend just my dh and the girls, so i hope i am feeling better!

Louise, not long now:happydance:

Back soon, sorry for rubbish post, combination of rushing and being in pain!!
BTP best thing to avoid the birds is not eating sugar or foods high in sugar and avoid yeast. My friend has continual birds issues. Hope the AB start working

Interesting what you say about the inspections, I remember at school and having to be on best behaviour when the inspectors came along. I think I'll go on gut feel next week.

What do people do regarding food when they take LO out? JJ is still on homemade purée I'm just not sure the best way to bring it out with me, or how to feed him if sitting on lap etc. Don't want to buy a bowl with a lid if others had a better solution.
I'm so sorry but i've come to have another moan!!!

Just after Tyler was born me and DH told my MIL and FIL that we didnt want pictures of him or jayden on facebook and my MIL's response was 'well i'll want to put some up eventually' so Tarron (my DH) told her no we dont want any up ever!

As soon as we got in the car after telling them i said to him 'give it a couple of months and she'll try it!'

So last night i checked facebook on my phone before bed and she'd posted a picture of all the grandkids that was taken at halloween then one of Tarrons aunties commented saying 'now i can say i've seen tyler!' (hardly any of tarrons family have seen him because they cant be bothered to make the effort!). Then just after that comment was posted my MIL put up a close up picture of both my boys together.

To say i was fuming was a understatement so i shouted at Tarron to text his mother and tell her to get them down now! so he did. I then went to sleep.

This morning i wake up and check facebook and she'd taken down the one of just my kids but left the other up. I asked tarron if she'd text him and she had text him saying 'I'll take the one down of your two but the one of all of them is staying because your brothers have no problems with it' ok so obviously his brothers opinions are more important than ours. So we havent text her back i've been on facebook all day reporting pictures of MIL's and FIL's because they still had loads of Jaydens up from ages ago that i'd kind of let them keep up because i knew it would be hassle for them to remove them but now i've changed my mind! They are going to get such a shock when facebook remove them because she seems to think she has some kind of rights and doesnt realise its illegal! If she reposts them i'll get the police involved!!

Sorry for my rant but DH is fed up of me lol

Bit of good news though i have my 12 week scan on march 15th!

BTP - hope rosie is feeling better soon

Emzy - if you decide a nursery is the way to go i would advise going to see a few because they can be so different.
Oh and i give Tyler the baby juice that you get cow and gate do a few and so do hipp.

Louise - Only 1 more sleep. Enjoy your day with wayne and the kids tomorrow you must be so excited!
BTP best thing to avoid the birds is not eating sugar or foods high in sugar and avoid yeast. My friend has continual birds issues. Hope the AB start working

Interesting what you say about the inspections, I remember at school and having to be on best behaviour when the inspectors came along. I think I'll go on gut feel next week.

What do people do regarding food when they take LO out? JJ is still on homemade purée I'm just not sure the best way to bring it out with me, or how to feed him if sitting on lap etc. Don't want to buy a bowl with a lid if others had a better solution.

Thank you, I am on a diet so fairly non sugary foods which is good, don't eat much yeast either not much bread, cakes etc
I used to get problems years ago but as soon as i discovered probiotics i never got it again, first i took capsules and the drink, and so i am hoping just the drink will replace what the ab kills off!

Food you can take...just take what you make, if its ice cubed then put the cubes in a tub with a lid, or wrap them in film and by the time you need them pop or squeeze them into tubs.
Take a flask of boiling water if you are no where you can warm.
Mini fromage frais and bananas are great mobile foods to mash or serve easily finger foods on the go are good like rice cakes, soft rusks, rusks, bread sticks, cheese triangles or chunks, fresh bread, oh my there's loads of stuff! Atm the more finger foods are for a bit more of a weaned baby used to finger foods.
Hope this helps:thumbup:

Got to go, on second tablet, so far my head feels a bit better!!:hugs:
blimey its quiet in here...

hope you are defuzzing Louise :lol: cant believe Wayne is home tomorrow!!!! :yay: xx

I have some little tommee tippee storage pots with lids on them i got a pack of 3 for £1 from poundland, eventually i will pop an ice cube of food in one and pop it in the change bag and it will be defrosted for when i need it!! If you cant get them let me know and i can always post you some :o) xx

Boony that is just not on id be so mad! xx

Well James has such a sore bottom today from the antibiotics - well i assume thats what is causing it! He has not fed much at all either...i had to pump this morning when i got up at 9ish and again at about 5ish cos i was so full it was painful plus i av only just built my supply back up so dont want it to reduce again! xx

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