September Stars

so you have to soak the cloth nappy part in water, for how long?, then chuck in washing machine? I have been out all day so havnt had a chance to look up resuable, i can see this getting very addictive !!! I cant afford to buy any of those mentioned this month, and nor next month as grants laptop has died !!! but i have been told someone i know used them with her LO so may ask if she has some i could try out.

S.R- whats up honey ???
BTP- thanks for the link hon.. have you ordered any yet?
Jellycat- did you want me to send some of that cream to you ?
Ladyk, Yes I ordered the first link that i sent you, they are white ones and i love the pretty ones but i just wanted to get started with them for now the pretty ones for the same quantity are another £100 :wacko: and this week we have (deep breath!!) Tax, MOT, full service for car that needs break pads min to get mot, so that little lot totals £355 b4 the break pads! So i really timed it wrong to do it but am so keen to try them went for the white ones, and so glad i found them at the price i did!
The car is a funny one, we have it and don't use it much now but enough to need a car! I have insurance due in April and I had a run in with a taxi 2 years ago, the tosser claimed he needed a whole new front to his car (which was a right old piece of shit) I had little damage that i didn't get repaired as i didn't think it was worth it, but the claim took 2 years to go through, my insurance went through the roof and i have no no claims now for the last 2 years while its been in dispute, I am hoping now it has been paid out i can get the last 2 years back and they will go from accident time not pay out time seeing as they have delayed it this long!
All in all I can see March and April costing about £800 in car bills :shrug:
Just paid off the credit card so really don't want to use it, beans on toast for a week as my Mum always says when things are a bit tight!! I like beans on toast!

Time to go, big hugs to everyone, Rosie is asleep on my pillow! I am going to have to move her to cot (right next to my bed!!) but I know she will be in with us by 5am at the best! She sleeps fine with us, and she is big enough now for me to be ok with it, just at a time babies are being moved to their own rooms I am having her in my bed!!

Bad diet day, rather large chocolate fudge cake I made with the girls proved too tempting:blush:
Lady k sorry I didn't get back to you as I was going to have a think about it before putting you through the hassle etc. It seems JJ skin is getting worse and he now has patches on his back too. Decided to go back to the docs and ask about epaderm cream too. Thanks for the offer if doc won't prescribe I'll take you up on the offer so I can try before I buy.

Have to say ladies been looking at the reusables tonight and am tempted to get a couple just to try at night to begin with , same as lady k I can't afford to buy massive load but contemplating the two part with booster. Need to ask DH first :) blob how do you go out with reusables do you have to take our a massive bag? Or are the radishes not as bulky as they look in pictures?
No you dont have to soak them at all just chuck them in a dry bucket until you want to wash them :thumbup:

BTP yea thats a good idea I would look on here in the second hand nappies too? I get tons on here its so good as nappies are better the more they are used and cheaper :thumbup: Also nooope I would say thats everything you need to start up... with washing, you can use their washing powder stuff but any non bio is fine you just put less in? Fairy nonbio liquid is what I normally use and an extra rince in the machine at the end.

They are SO adictive hehe
No you dont have to soak them at all just chuck them in a dry bucket until you want to wash them :thumbup:

BTP yea thats a good idea I would look on here in the second hand nappies too? I get tons on here its so good as nappies are better the more they are used and cheaper :thumbup: Also nooope I would say thats everything you need to start up... with washing, you can use their washing powder stuff but any non bio is fine you just put less in? Fairy nonbio liquid is what I normally use and an extra rince in the machine at the end.

They are SO adictive hehe

Ok, when u say they r not AIO then I wondered what the difference was? What is considered an AIO?

Thanks for the tips, next spare bit of money goes to nappies!! Just looking forward to getting the ones i have ordered! :hugs:
I dont think i could do reusables i have enough washing as it is lol.

I'm abit emotional today the typhoons have just taken off from camp. I dont even know why i'm emotional my DH isnt even going with them but i know a few of Tarrons work mates that are! Tarron has been working all weekend and Jayden is playing up because of it he knows daddy should be here and hes hardly seen him all week bless him. we let him have a late night last night so he could see Tarron so hes up in bed having a nap now because hes so tired bless him. I hope Gaddafi gives in soon i dont want tarron going away over september :'(
Good morning!
Quiet weekend here.
Getting lots of house chores done with husband and starting a new gruelling fitness regime together. I anticipate being too sore to type by tomorrow! :)
Hi ladies, this will be brief as am on my new iPhone 4.. Not showing off at all! Wayne went back last night and today have been just getting used to the house being quiet again, it's horrible but at least next time I see him he will be back for good.. Unless he has to go to libia! Argh! So now the countdown has been reset to about 81 :(
Louise, it will go quick!!! I keep joking to Ian about going to Lybia!!!!

Where has the weekend gone??? This week I am going to finish Hope's room, still need to purchase some nice curtains!! Wednesday I am having my hair coloured and cut, Thursday is baby signing and then Saturday we are having Hope's pics done, we are using the same lady as before as she is fab!! In between that I really want to paint my lounge!!
Evening girls!

Becs, sounds like a busy week!!

I have looked at reusables a few times, but kept deciding against it. I might think about it for the next baba though :)

Speaking of which I am SOOO broody, I want another one NOOW!!

Thank you for all the replies about my friend. BTP you are right it is because of jealousy, she was she same when we got married as her bf wouldn't and still won't entertain the idea of getting married. She wouldn't speak to me about the wedding, or have a conversation about it at all. She just acted so disinterested in it which was so hurtful at the time as you'd have thought one of my closest friends would want to be involved in my wedding, but she couldn't have cared less. She was the same when I had Holly and I'm beginning to wonder why I bother, I'm the one that does all the 'chasing' so I've decided not to anymore, if she wants to be part of my life then she has to make an effort, it can't all be one way.

Someone was talking about eczema... was it Jelly? Holly's got pretty bad and the HV prescribed hydromol cream, which has the consistency of vaseline. I use it over the top of the oilatum cream, on her sore raw patches and on my own eczema now, I'm really impressed with it.

Louise :hugs: I bet it will go really quick, I bet it was so fab to have him back!

We had a nice weekend. Friday night I went out with my netmums friend and 2 of her friends and I got absolutely off my face drunk! I haven't been drunk like that in a LONG time! I stumbled home somewhere around 3am with a kebab that I didn't remember buying and I spent most of Saturday in bed with a monster hangover! I have to say though, it's just what I needed to let my hair down and get wasted! Saturday night we went over to our friends and had chippy and watched Avatar and today we just went into town and got a blackout blind for Holly's room.

Holly's started making this really weird growly noise when she babbles, it sounds like she is possessed! She's also started walking when we hold her hands, well I say walking she kind of runs after the cat! So funny and so cute! I took a video but my stupid phone won't upload it, I'll try again tomorrow so you can see. She is making no effort to crawl at all, but loves to stand up and walk lol

Had a funny sleep day yesterday, she refused to nap most of the day and as we were at my friends til late she would NOT go to sleep! She wouldn't give in til 11.30 last night and even then she woke up loads in the night crying. We've both been bunged up with a cold and when I woke up this morning my sinuses really, hurt to I imagine that's why she was crying if she felt the same.

Got my interview on Tuesday. I'm still really torn about what to do and I swing between thinking it's the right thing to do because Matt may be made redundant and feeling incredibly guilty at the thought of leaving her with a stranger. I lay awake for a couple of hours last night feeling horrendously guilty. My friend from antenatal classes has just decided to take the extra unpaid 3 months off work so she is taking the full years maternity leave and not going back til August. I'm really pleased for her that's she's able to do it, but I am so jealous and wish I could stay at home with Holly and it's made me feel even more guilty at the thought of leaving her :cry: I wish I could just win the lottery!!

Evening ladies! I've not been on for a few days, been super busy! Just thought I'd pop on and say hi before bed!

Louise, sorry about Wayne going again. It won't be long before we're counting down again to him coming home. Big hugs, and also to the other services ladies with hubbies at risk of going to Libya.

Am just going to dib in on the reusables subject!! I didn't have a clue what to get when I fancied trying them when Jack was a baby. I ended up going for the Bambino Mio ones, which I later found out are just prefold nappies. I then decided to use them as prefolds, using pins and then snappi fasteners, with a disposable liner and funky cover. I did really get into them, and have got some fab covers for Sam, just not been using them so much this time. I need to get back into using them. Washing wise, I set up a program on the washer with a couple of extra rinses, and a short 60 degree wash. Like Blob said, you only need a tiny bit of washing powder and no conditioner, as it causes issues with the absorbency of the nappy. I do tend to use a wet bucket, with a drop of napisan and a few drops of teatree oil in to deodorise. I just found it slightly less smelly. Nappy rash wise, actually, Jack had less rash issues when using reusables than with using sposies. I feel guilty every time I put a sposie on Sam, but haven't had time to be doing the extra washes!

Hope everyone else is okay. I do intend to do a better catch up this week if I get chance.

Night night all. xxx
Louise big hugs hope the days pass quick fir you xx

Emzy your doing the right thing regarding your friend the balls in her court now. Try not to feel guilty about going back to work, I have to go back full time and others keep making me feel guilty including my mum. I just explain it's the best thing for James so we can move out of our 2 bed house in town to somewhere where James can gave a garden. Apparently you appreciate the time you do spend with LO once your back working. Good luck for Tuesday

Asher I always liked those nappies I didn't realise they were just prefolds either.

Been trying to work today on my accountancy application but ended up spending over three hours doing washing and ironing bluuurrrrrgh, I can't see how I'd manage washing reusables too but still trying to persuade DH. Big week ahead i get my exam results Thursday eekk.
Paige has been very upset the last couple of days and today she had such hard stools it made her bleed and she was in a lood of pain, i couldnt stop crying and grant told me to stop feeding her !!! (bloody men) She seems a lot better now but it was awful seeing her in so much pain, she would be all happy and smiling then suddenly she would start screaming and there was nothing i could do apart from hold her.

louise- sorry to hear he has gone away again, i was meaning to ask you when he is due back. must have been awful saying good bye. x

Emzy- Most of my netmum friends are having a whole year off, i wish i could, there isnt even any point in checking if we can manage it as it would be impossible, im unsure how so many people can afford it, one of my mates saved, she said she saved £1000 a month !!! OMG is that normal to be able to save that much a month !! My other mate who sent back after 8 months was dreading it but she says part of her likes the fact she gets to speak to adults and have something to tell her hubby in the evenings and she says she enjoys being with her son more because of it. I think this may be the case if you enjoy your job and the people you work with. Dont feel bad though babe..x

Becs- wow girl you are busy, im trying not to plan much for the next couple weeks before i go back to work.x

Jelly- just let me know anytime honey, they gave me a HUGE tub of it and so far its worked really well, it went completly but i stopped using it and her dry skin came back.x
I really want to become part of the cloth bum club - But at the mo I just cannot afford the initial set up so am keeping my eyes out for a second hand bargain maybe. I look forward to hearing how everyone else gets on though that is starting now. Sarah you'll end up converting all of us !! :haha:

With regards to working - I really dont know when I will look for work again. Were not rich at all but we can survive on my maternity pay and OH's wage, the plan is that I will use some of my redundancy money to keep us going for a few months and claim JSA which I will put into a savings account and then accrue and take another few months off. I feel really bad about claiming any benefits but I have worked full time since I was 17 and never claimed a penny in any way shape or form. I want to spend as much time with her as I can and if that means us going without then so be it. Im pretty certain that it will be bloody tough though !!

Kara - Olivia was majorly constipated and bleeding. I even had to help her do a poo :cry: My mum recommended a few raisins soaked in boiling water as a drink and touch wood since then it has never happened again. xx

Oooooo gotta go can hear someone screaming upstairs - Will finish tomorrow. xxx
Tabs walked and learnt to crawl in the same month Emzy bet they are the same..also Tabs was a chubber so prob easier to walk than crawl :rofl:
:hugs: about the interview just tell yourself even if you decide in the end not to take the job at least you have more practice at interviews.

BTP and AIO (all in one) the inner bit is all attatched like I put in the photos...where are a pocket (the type you bought) has an inner that comes out? I dont think there is a huge amount of difference although I find the totsbots really hard to get the inner right in the pocket one :dohh: You have to try a few different types though I think as same with disposables some suit different babies?

Boony :hugs: I hope he's not gone in Sep :hugs:

Louise :hugs: sorry he's gone hun, it will go really fast though!! Also I'm waiting until June to get the iphone 5 :rofl:
Laura ebay has REALLY good deals on second hand nappies, people who sell seem to have no idea how much they are worth :dohh: I would really just get a mabe 4 to start with and figure out the type you really like?

With the washing it doesnt seem to bother me the extra washing have no idea why :wacko: might be that I havent really changed? Tabs was wearing them when Rosalie was born and then she potty trained and Rosalie started... :lol:

Kara :( Aww Tabs used to really struggle to poo when she was small was horrible to see.

Cant remember all the other things I wanted to say...
A little tip the dr gave me for constipation is to dip the end of a spoon in sugar thenadd to cooled boiled water. It does the trick but likely to be a bit of an explosion. However defo works and baby much happier. X
Louise sorry r and r went quick he be back before you know it x

Lady k poor Paige must be horrible to see her like that all I can suggest is water

Blob I'm waiting for the I phone 5 too :)

Good luck this week jelly !! X

Emzy go Holly ! My friends baby walked from 9 months so she could be the same!

Amelia is very sturdy on her legs she goes in her walker every morning and she whizzes everywhere just can't do doorways yet :) she loves to be helped to stand too

Layla has no interest in standing or crawling bless her she can sit but gets lazy , when I put her on her feet she item stands on tip toe which I want to keep an eye on.
Yea sugar is great, orange juice is good too and obviously prunes etc

GG does she slam into doors and get really annoyed she cant fit through then hehe?

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