September Stars

Jayne, I hope you're still not blaming yourself for James' kidney problems. You have done so much for him you should be proud of yourself!

Blob, hope you get a good night's sleep tonight. Like YM says, it makes me worry about having two! I can only just manage waking up once or twice for Harry. I think I would be like a zombie if I was any more sleep deprived.

Claire, sorry to hear that Sam is covered in spots. Do they last long? I can still remember having chicken pox but I was quite a bit older than Sam. I think it's a blessing that he can't scratch them as I ended up with a big scar right in the middle of my forehead!

GG your new avatar is gorgeous! Your girls are looking so grown up now and beautiful may I add. Glad you had a nice holiday. It looked amazing! We stayed at a place with a hot tub last year but I couldn't use it as was pregnant. Very frustrating.

Becky, you never cease to amaze me. You are such a domestic goddess! Hope you had fun at the fair.

Our holiday in Hereford is nearly over. We have been incredibly lucky with the weather, it's been so gorgeous. My only issue is that I didn't bring a razor to shave my legs as only expected a couple of sunny days!

Poor Blob!
Nothing to be done then but boob her back to sleep and trust that she'll get better.... eventually. :hugs:
Tobe has joined the "flop onto belly, get stuck, and freak out" club. Over and over. Sigh.
Silly silly baby. :nope:
Trying to get out of here and head to the nature park. Poor Simon is getting very impatient, but Tobe keeps yelling for boob.
Hellooooo ladies! Quickie from me as lilia is wanting her bed and I'm trying to put her off a while longer.. Shes so sleepy these last couple if days, last night she was in bed at 6.30 and not a nutmeg till 8.30 this morning! She had a late nap today at 4.30 and I think she wanted that to be it for the night, didn't want to wake up!

Got a couple of mates over tonight for wine, curry and kinect, once madam is in bed. 45 sleeps to go!

Sorry for selfish post hope everyone is well xxx
Sarah, Harry is also a member of that club.. it's driving me nuts! Did you manage to get out in the end?

Louise, your evening sounds fab. Have a good one. Re Lilia's tiredness maybe it's a growth or developmental spurt?
Have a nice evening Louise :flower:

Having 2 is not much different to having 1 and you won't be on your own either :)

Well tabs finally fell asleep after me sitting there with her (she is usually amazing at sleeping, but something has scared her) rosalie is still going argh!!!! Flipping baby I need some time on my own to be able to be a nice mummy :sulk:
I've read but my mind Is elsewhere sorry.

I'm just feeling really emotional about work tomorrow it's just meetings tomorrow but I have to be in by 9 I'm working afternoons with the children so it's only tomorrow that's early it's just hit me that my maternity leave had ended and my nice little bubble with the girls has to change :(
Hi girls!

Had a quick flick through the last couple of days posts, you lot talk too much!!

Jelly glad JJs skin is clearing up a bit, Holly's doing well on the doublebase and hydrocortisone combo too, it's clearing right up. TBH I think the sun helps too, it also helps my skin so I imagine it's helped hers being outside a lot too, although she's been in factor 50!

Louise lol at your drunken message! Not long now til you get your man back :flower: Hope you had fun with your friends!

Sorry to hear about all the poorly babies, Asher poor Sam with his chicken pox and LBB poor James :( Please don't beat yourself up, it's not your fault at all sweetheart :hugs: YM poor Kimi being unsettled too, I think the heat bothers them a lot too.

Becs Holly also has hayfever, Saturday her eyes were streaming and she woudln't stop sneezing. I ended up taking her to the walk in centre as her eyes had watered so much she'd got conjunctivitis so ended up with drops! They said she's too young for antihistimines though, so nothing we can do about that. Her Dad has bad hayfever and other allergies too, so she must take after him. He has to take 8 hour antihisthemines every day so I hope she grows out of it!

Blob you must be knackered getting up all the time... and you crazy lady gardening with her on your back lol!! Hope she starts sleeping for you soon so you get a break!

Fishy hope you had a nice holibobs! x

We've had a lovely few days, sorted the house out on Friday, had a big spring clean and swapped Holly's room to the bigger one and that looks lovely now. Saturday we went shopping, via the walk in centre for eye drops then me and Matt sat up chatting in drinking bulmers which was nice! Sunday we had a lovely relaxing day sunbathing and had Holly playing in her little baby paddling pool which she LOVED! I've attached a pic :cloud9: And today I had my netmums friend over and we had a picnic in the garden with the babies, it was lovely!

Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm off to baby group as usual in the afternoon then we're off out to the chinese buffet place which I love! There's 15-20 of us going and I'm really looking forward to it! Then Matt's birthday is the day after mine!

Oh and I got rabbits! They are soo cute. We called them dizzy and rascal lol

Anyway better be off, have a nice evening girlies



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GG hope tomorrow goes well, I know how you feel, even though I didn't have a job to go back to, my maternity leave ended 10th April and I felt just like that, like my little bubble had burst and back to reality we go. I bet once you get in the swing of being back it'll feel like you never left. Hope your first day goes well xx

Oh and I meant to say in my first post, no crawling here yet but she's been going forwards from sitting up and ending up on all fours but falling forwards onto her face lol She likes being up on her feet and can stand unaided for a good few seconds now too, but no crawling! She has also in the last couple of weeks started to wave and say 'hiya' and 'bye' sooo cute! She's been sleeping pretty well, generally going to bed nice and early between 730 and 8 and getting up between 7.30 and 8 but she's been rolling over onto her front loads in the night and crying so we're having to get up and flip her back over several times a night, which is annoying! She can still only roll one way, back to front. Hoping she grows out of that one soon and learns to roll back!! She's also eating for england but has dropped to 2 bottles, one morning one night 8oz each. So that's my little Holly update in a nutshell lol x
Sounds like lovely weekend, Emzy!
And Happy Birthday for tomorrow! :cake:

gg - :hugs: It's a hard transition, but you'll find a balance with work and the girls, too!
GG :hugs: hope it goes ok

Emzy :cake: happy birthday tomorrow and OMG how well is she doing :) tabs clapped now but rosalie just points at me :dohh: so so clever saying words now.
GG I have been in tears at the thought of leaving Harry and going to work so you are not alone. It felt like it would last forever. I really don't want to go days without seeing him. If I get this job I might be going for it might be a blessing as it's 5 half days so we will only be apart for 5 hours max. Big hugs xx

Emzy happy birthday! I hope you have an amazing day! X
I'm with you all on the work thing.. When I go back when Wayne gets home I'm going full time, it's only for 6 weeks or so, but I'll be leaving the house at 7.15 (before she wakes) and I won't be home till 5.00 at the earliest, often 6..and she goes to bed at 6.30/7! I know it's only fora few weeks but I'm dreading it..although it will be nice for her to spend some quality time with her daddy!

I dont think I'm going to get a job straight away when we go to Maidstone, I'm going to be a mummy for a bit x
Quick one from me as I am off to the seaside (although its not sunny at all!!! :( boohoo)

Emzy - Happy Birthday from me, Luke and Kimi (who also sends big sloppy kisses!!)

The whole work thing... I know once I have popped out Pip then I am going to have to look for a job but I really dont want to... I wanna watch my kids grow up then when they're at school...working is the next option...they just seem to learn things too quick and I dont wanna miss out!!!

Sorry for the short reply but gotta not even close to being ready and meeting my friend Jess and her baby boy at 10am!!! ARGH!!!

I'm going to struggle with a job that's going to be worth while :wacko: with Robin away I wanted to be a paediatric nurse. Buuuut can't do shift work on my own really, so am either going to have to work from home or do cafe work in the town for just a bit extra.
Morning ladies! I was here last night, and typed out a huge long post, only for the forum to crash and I lost it all!!! Grrrr.

Hope we're all okay this morning, sounds like most of us had a good Easter!

Happy Birthday Emzy, Holly sounds as though she's doing so well!

Good luck today GG. xxx

I'm going to keep it quick. Poor Sam was 8 months yesterday, and spent an hour of his monthiversary at the emergency docs, bless him! He's got a really bad dose of chicken pox. He's got them everywhere, even in his eyelids and on the end of his little bits. I called the doc as his temp is constantly high, and he was trying his best to scratch. Doc wanted to see him to check his hydration levels and for infection, both of which seemed fine. So he's been given a fairly strong antihistamine for the itching, and we are giving him calpol and nurofen as often as he can have them. But his temp was 39.1 this morning, it's come down again now with the meds, but it's heartbreaking! He won't be put down, and he can't settle to sleep, so I am hardly sleeping at all. The big boys are both a bit put out that Sam's centre of attention, so they're playing up. Joys!!! Will try and come back on later to catch up more, if Sam lets me and if I can see straight!!!
Claire, poor little Sam xxx Hope he gets well soon xx

I am so so thankful that I am not going back to work, just lucky that Ian earns decent money and we have low outgoings. I do want to return to work at some point, maybe when we move again or when Hope goes to school but even then I only want to work part time!! I know I am lazy!! The only reason I would get a job then is to save me from bordom!!

I am looking after my 2 year old niece, so its weird having 2 LO's to look after, I am still not swung on the idea of having another!! Much to Ian's displeasure!!! He wants loads but I am happy with my one!!
Claire, poor little Sam! How awful that he's so poorly with it. They usually say 3-5 days don't they so hopefully it will start getting better quickly x

Becs, it's not lazy! I love my job but have to admit that I love being a mum much more and would happily never work again!
Hello All,

Blob, just a comforting :hugs: and to say you are not alone! Last night we had both girls in bed with us to settle them, then moved Sophie, which is no mean feat into her bed over the stair gate, dh cant do it and get her into the bottom bunk so i have to do it!
Then Rosie eventually settled at 12.45 having started the settling process at 9.30, then first feed was 2ish then 4ish then 6ish i put her in with me as i give up by then! She just wants to be next to me or on the boob, she had a slight temp also so i had given calpol, and today she has been just as clingy, I cant do anything without her on the hip! She has settled on her Daddy's lap for the first time ever and i am on here!!!:haha:
Could you pm me some photos of what nappies you want to sell if u still have them on fb or i can give you my email address and how much you want for them and i will mail u back, thanks! xx:hugs:

Sorry for neglecting everyone here,
So shattered the brain just is useless!
Kids back today, a welcome rest bite, although I think my 3 yr old could do with a day a week at nursery as she is starting school next year and has done nothing outside mother and toddler group, she is never away from us, quite telling today she went to the dentist with her Dad and she asked another little boy there where his Daddy was! :haha:

Asher hope Sam feeling better xxxx:hugs:

Rosie woken up, going to have to go xxxxxx:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Happy Birthday Emzy.

Happy 8months to Sam and hope he gets better soon.

And on the job front i am looking for work but no massive rush as we are managing at the moment but i like to have my own money.

Ollies doing great at the moment no sign of any crawling yet but is very vocal and loves babbling.
Sorry for my absence -My laptop died and I am now only just back on line. Hope you all had a fab easter (We did xx) Olivia is now fully mobile and crawling. Not so good as she now follows me from room to room. At least before I ould get things down now she hates being stuck anywhere. She is also standing really well. If she can pull herself up on it she will. Her favourite is my 4 month old niece !! Isla is less happy aboutit though !! :)

LBB - Dont blame yourself hun - We put our lives into these peoples hands. They should know what they are doing and what they should be looking out for. i rally hope he gets sorted soon. xx

Becs - You are a true domestic goddess - I do envy you !! xx

GG - I love your new profile pic - The girls look fab !! Hope your feeling abit better about the work situation. xx

Blob - Can you persuad a friend or family member to come and stay the night and give you a hand ? Even if you take it in turns you might get a good few hours in between the wakings? xx At least if they come to you then your there if she becomes hysterical ? I o feel your pain as Olivia is awake 3 sometimes 4 times in the night - Grrr xx

Asher -Hope the boys are coping with the pox. I am really not looking forward to Olivia getting it. Me and my siblings had it really bad (You can still see some of my scarring) and when my eldest niece had it she was the same :cry: Ipswich has been having organised Chicken Pox Parties which I find absolutely disgusting but thats another subject !!! Needless to say I will not be attending!! xx

Louise- Yay on the countdown front !! xx

YM - I *think* your team pink again. xx

Emzy - Holly sounds like she is doing fab - I cant believe how grown up she is. xx

:wave: everyone else - I had sooooo much to catch upon !!! xxxxx

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