September Stars

Blob I've just been watching misbehaving mums too, it's so frustrating seeing these women constantly smoking etc this week was better than previous two that didn't even get to start giving up.
Yea I agree I loved the one who was from Lincoln but the other two frustrated me :nope:
This thread had better not die *sob* I noticed that august one did they only post every few days now
I hope it doesnt die :cry:

A much better night for me - Olivia only woke once and let me lay in until 6.30am - Woooooooooohooooo small steps and all that !!

Emzy - Sorry to hear about your friend. xx

On the subject of getting Dads involved - I dont have any ideas other than what has already been suggested. Olivia is a madly obsessed mummys girls but my OH is rubbish with babies so is not overly bothered. Toddlers however he is fab with, my nieces cry when he goes home after spending time with them ! I think he just sees the bigger pictre and knows she will grow out of it. x
Emzy that is very sad, your poor friend.

GG glad your day at work went well. Hopefully you will soon start seeing it as a nice break from the babies.

JC, that is great news about JJ's back. I guess there is still no clue on what caused it?
Nooo this thread will NEVER die! Ha ha! We all talk waaaay too much. Just like when we were pregnant, our thread was always at the top as we couldn't stop posting lol But I have to say it is less busy in here than it was :(

Thanks for all your kind words about my friend. Jelly you're right there is nothing I can do but be there for her, but something tells me she won't let me. If she was funny with me before, she will definitely be funny with me now. All the same, I told her other half to tell her to give me a call when she's ready and we can do something just me and her if she likes, without Holly around. I might suggest going to the cinema as then she won't have to talk about it if she doesn't want to, she's not a 'talk about it' type of person really. Her OH said that he was really worried about her as she's really withdrawn but I said to just give her some time. I've never had a miscarriage but I can imagine that she must feel sooo bad right now :(

Holly got another tooth! The 2nd one at the bottom front. It didn't seem to be bothering her at all yesterday until last night when she cried in her sleep again pretty much every half an hour from 2am until I brought her into bed with me and Matt at 6am and she slept til 7.30 then. Very red cheeks and a slightly raised temp this morning, so have given her some nurofen and she seems a lot brighter now. Anbesol at the ready today!!

Just now I was up getting ready and Holly was on the bed playing with some toys when I turned round and she had my hair-filled hairbrush in her mouth! She then had a mouth full of hair and screamed her head off as I had to pick it all out! Yuk!

What's everyone doing for the wedding tomorrow? We're having a BBQ (weather permitting) after watching it on the TV and we have a couple of friends coming over. Might get some bulmers in and sit in the garden all afternoon if it's nice!

Oh and on the subject of Daddies, Holly will switch who she wants to go to depending on her mood! Sometimes she wants me, especially if she hurts herself or is poorly or hungry, but she will reach for her Dad as well and settles well with him. She's a bit of a Daddy's girl I think! I always wonder if it's because she spent the first couple of hours of her life with him? I was a Daddy's girl when I was little too which is funny as I'm not really that close to my Dad these days. I agree with what someone else said (sorry can't remember who?) maybe try walking past and letting Daddy pick baby up when they cry for something, that might work!

Emzy - :hugs: to your friend and I know how hard it is to lose a baby. I hope she comes around...just give it time and some space!!

Blob - Misbehaving mums makes me angry. I gave up smoking practically instantly when I found out I was pregnant with Kimi ( i was on 40 a day!!!) and throughout my pregnancy I probably had 15-20 fags all in all!!! I knew it was best for my baby and I felt sooo much better for it!!!

Kimi has cut a tooth... one at the front!! You can just see the top of it so this is why she was sooo clingy!! But she is sooo much better now and back to my little angel :happydance:

Kimi is defo a daddys girl...always has been! I believe its because he got a cuddle first, then the midwife...then my mum....then she settles for my OH and my mum so much better than for me!!

Not got anything planned for the wedding.... might just chill out in front of the telly...or see if anyone is doing anything...and gatecrash :p

Hope everyone is okay

No I so don't want this thread to die!! I love gossiping with you lot and finding out what all our babies are doing!! Plus you lot have kept me sane through this tour!!

EmZy your poor friend, my sister and I have both had a miscarriage, mine was win my first and hers with her second, it's something you will never forget, but I got pregnant with lilia very quickly afterwards ao I'm torn between feeling sad, knowing that if that baby hadn't died I wouldn't have lilia here. Very strange and very hard to deal with.

I'm not doing anything for te wedding really, waynes mum is warden of an old folks home and lives in a flat above it, the old dears are watching it altogether on the tv in the community room, I might join them, they love seeing lilia! They have been known to cry when they see her, I love tAking her in to them they love her to bits!!

Laura yay for sleep! I can't believe we still haven't met up when we're so close!

Forgotten everything else! I made it to minehead by 11.15 last night, so tired! Oh and fishy I have answer to your question about black out blinds, yes they DO work because this bedroom is very light and little miss wanted to get up at 6am!! That's the middle of the night for us!! She did go back down till 7.45 though luckily, I was so tired after the drive!!!
I hope this thread doesn't die either :-( FB is good for pics and general goings on but it's not the same as here where you can have a decent chat

Fishy - not sure what caused his skin problem hoping doc can shed more light on it when I go back in couple of weeks. I'm thinking either eczema or psoriasis. I'm reducing the steroid cream to once a day now as I don't like using them unnecessarily.

louise glad you had a good trip

GG - maybe once they are older you'll get more of a break as DH can take over or will it be more good cop bad cop scenario ! James doesn't seem bothered who is with him.

No major plans for wedding going to bet on colour of queens hat. Friend has a garden gathering in afternoon but if weather is rainy it will probably get cancelled. I'm quite looking forward to watching it tomorrow.
Louise we have to meet before you move at least once - Would be lovely to meet you and Lilia especially as they were born in the same hospital only days apart. xx

Im off to a mini party at my sisters for the wedding - It will be a tea and cakes kind of thing and then its my nieces 3rd birthday party on Sunday which I am really looking forward to !!
No I dont think this thread will die. You girls are very talkative. :haha:

Ollie is very much a Mammys boy especially the past coupleof days he has been crying when I leave the room. OH has been off since good friday so Ollie seems to be getting closer to him but will prob all change when he goes back to work on Tuesday.

We arent doing anything for the wedding may go to MIL's for a bit and if its nice maybe have a BBQ.
Agree, we chat too much not to post here! For me I can say things i dont say on fb, sometimes i just want to vent and swear, my auntie is on fb she would be horrified if i said f**k in my status!!!
I mainly need to vent about dh and his best mate our best man is on my fb!!!:haha:

Busy day, no party for ds tbh it is too much like hard work, he is struggling with his meds not helping right now and so i have had then increased but in the meantime i have had to go into school 2 days out of 2 for his behaviour, he says he is being picked on and punched someone today, i must admit i did say to the teacher if he is being picked on and the staff are not helping then he has my permission to stick up for himself, I know i sound horrible but no one wants their child bullied. Anyway the school was not pleased how happy he was about causing a nose bleed, my ds just said he wasn't pleased about that he was pleased he had stuck up for himself:shrug:

His dad is picking him up for fish and chip tea, then back home for a huge chocolate fudge cake, it is a betty crocker with frosting both of which are fool proof and totally scrummy, bang goes the diet today!!:dohh:

Rosie being clingy and screamy when i am out of sight, ended up in my bed by about 6am again, little miss. Weighed her today, 14lb 4oz which is great, right on track considering she doesnt eat, the hv said i could take her to the doctor to see why she is not taking any food or swallowing anything other than milk or yoghurt but tbh i am happy with her and she eats cake and yoghurt which is good enough for me to know she can eat if she wants to!!

It is sad when friends have trouble ttc or loose a baby, a close friend lost her baby and i always think she must feel sad seeing us with Rosie, she has started to get her out the seat for a cuddle which is nice and i am going with her for treatment when she has that selective ivf that screens embryos in an attempt for her to complete their family. It is all part of the ups and downs we share with our closest friends, but all the same is not nice seeing someone you care for going through the downs:hugs:

Sorry can't remember anything else, oh the programme on tv, i do watch it but want to hurt the women!! They sit there and cry about the damage they could be doing to their unborn child then carry on!!! I know it is hard to imagine you have a baby in your tummy and i can only assume that is why they don't seem to do anything!
I cant all together agree either that they are clubbing healthy eating in with smoking and drinking, although it is important the baby will always get what it needs from your diet, its more the mother who needs to eat better for her sake!
I smoked and drank when i fell pregnant with my first and gave up both as soon as i realised i was pregnant, i never smoked again, and drink here and there the odd glass, but not when pregnant.

Time to go on that note!!:hugs::kiss:
Thanks Louise, think I'd better invest in one as his mornings are just getting earlier and earlier! Originally I thought 7am was early but I could cope, then it was 6am but with only one (max) night feed and now it's 5am with two night feeds!!! Agghh!!
Evening lovely ladies xxx

Can totally recommend a blackout blind!! They are fab!!!

Emma, thats so sad about your friend xx

Louise, hope you are having a lovely time at your folks x

BTP, I am the same, I say what I think on here!!

We finally got our new car, its so nice to have a car with room to move!!

I went back to the Dr's today, have had a bad couple of days with my PND, she has increased my dose, I was honest and told her that I don't trust myself alone with Hope, and that I have had some horrible thoughts of harming her. She was lovely and told me she had no concerns about Hope's welfare and that I shouldn't be ashamed as its all normal with someone with PND. It felt so good being reassured that I wasn't losing the plot and that things will get better. I am back to seen her next Friday so hopefully things will start to look better.

Whats everyones plans tomorrow?? We are having a tea party and my family are coming round! I have baked cakes etc and it all looks very yummy!!!
Evening girls!

Fishy blackout blinds definitely work. We got one for Holly's room and since we moved her room to the bigger one we haven't had a chance to move it yet and she's been waking up earlier. Usually around 6, then she goes back to sleep til 7.30 ish which is still a bit early for her! We're going to get it up in the new room asap.

Matt came home with a lightweight stroller today, it's a mamas and papas pipi and it's half price at Argos at the mo, a bargain at £32! I have to say I'm very impressed. I love my Cherry BUT it is a pain in the arse as it won't fold with the seat unit on! I like using it with the maxi cosi car seat attached but she will outgrow that soon (I reckon we've got another month or so in it) and using the seat unit makes it really difficult with getting public transport sometimes, as sometimes I have to fold it up if there are other prams on the bus and I can't with the Cherry! We will still use the Cherry but the stroller I'll use when I nip into town on the bus and if I go anywhere on the train. It also fully reclines which I really like. This is the stroller, it's very nice! They do it in blue as well.>PIPI.htm

Matt had his last day at work today, so now we are both officially unemployed lol, you gotta laugh really! We're both being positive and we will find something soon, Matt's applied for lots this week so fingers crossed. We've got to go and see about signing on and stuff this coming week, oh joy!!

Anyway best be off
I love this thread it's part of my daily routine !

We volunteered to have a party for the wedding and BBQ and everyone had accepted ! It must be over 20 adults and 9 babies and kids , my house isn't huge :) dh has just put two big gazebos up in the garden and everyone is arriving at 10 !! Going to be fun but think I may be crazy :)

Amelia is cutting her second tooth she is crying out in her sleep again , Layla still doesn't have a tooth in sight!
GG Holly's 2nd tooth has just cut and she does the crying out in her sleep thing too, it's awful isn't it! Almost worse than if she was awake and crying!
Becs, I used to have sort of visions with pnd more than direct thoughts, but they were of harming my ds and really disturbed me, you can recognise your feelings which is great, and sounds like your doctor is hot on it, and you do recover from pnd xxxx:hugs:

Emzy, I have that buggy on recomendation of someone here, sorry cant remember who suggested it but I love it, it is perfect for us to take Rosie out and about for the holiday but as she gets bigger it will be her every day buggy:thumbup:

Genies, good luck for your party! I wanted a bbq at the weekend but dh said wait and by the time he says ok invite people it will be too late and our friends will be busy!:hugs:

We had burgers tonight, they were lovely but with that and birthday cake it is not very likely i have stayed within my diet limits today:blush:

Time for bed, send children to bed, let dh have a late night on the x box :)happydance:) bed to myself and i will cuddle down with my little Rosie to the boob and hopefully get a few hours in.

Managed to get ds meds upped and got the meds in the 2nd boots i went to, but at least from tomorrow he will be on the new dosage:thumbup:

Back soon, know i am doing something tomorrow but cant think what it is:rofl:
Just want to see the dress then will be doing housework!:wedding:
Wow so tonight you girls bloody talked when I wasn't around :sulk:

Becs :hugs: so glad you feel a bit more reassured :hugs:

Awww BTP it's awful to think about your children being bullied :nope: I think if Rosie was nearing 1 and not eating then you would be thinking about it but lots of babies don't start until later on. Ha ha bet she will eat a ton of icing tonight :rofl:
Hope the new mess work.

Got my hair dyed today took...... 5 flipping hours :shock:
Evening everyone, I've checked in a couple of times today, just not managed to post! Had a crap night again with Mr Pox! I felt terrible all night too, sore throat, achy muscles, banging head.... so DH got up with all the kid this morning and brought me up a brew and lots of painkillers, then let me lie in until Sam needed milk. Bless him. I think I've got some sort of virus after looking after the poorly kids and doing all the feeds and stuff. Joyful. Well, I dragged myself around and got the dogs walked this afternoon, then managed a slower than usual swim tonight, but feel better for it.

This thread can't die, we like to chat too much!

BTP, glad to hear about your DS and his meds. Can't blame him for sticking up for himself, as you say. Must be hard for you! :hugs:

GG, your party tomorrow sounds lovely!! Enjoy! Aw, poor Amelia and her tooth. x

Becs, glad you saw your doc. You're very aware when it comes to your PND, and your GP sounds very very good. I've never had any thoughts of harming any of the kids, but with every one of them, I have thoughts of terrible things happening which involve me, like me falling down the stairs carrying them, or falling into the road with a pram, or crashing the car with them in the back.... not healthy, I know, but I think it's my general anxiety issues. I have mentioned them to people in the past and they've been dismissed as normal paranoia!! x

Emzy, good luck to you and to Matt on the job front. xx

Sorry, I'm crap tonight. This whole illness/sleep situation has got the better of me! Will try and be better tomorrow! Enjoy the wedding, whatever you're up to! I'm looking forward to seeing the dress! Then I think housework and dog walks might have to come first, if spotty boy doesn't need me. x

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