September Stars

Well Jayne we may be moving further from London but we're getting closer to you! X
Firstbean that is great that Ollie seems less effected by these jabs, nasty things i got OH to hold our DD when she had all of her's & the same with Ollie coz i get so upset & feel so guilty.

Sarah yay tobe fab 1yr check up, we have Ollie's next week, lol at the pooping in the tub Ollie use to do that :sick:

F&C Hows Harry this morning??

Genies poor Amelia, i hope she is better soon :hugs:

we had less than 4 hours sleep last night, zombie mode today! Ollie just didnt want to sleep at all & was awake for hours, fell asleep for one hour, then was awake again for hours, nightmare! but he hasnt had a poo for 2days so we think that's bothering him & the fact that playing is more fun than sleeping lol

Ollie now run's, he is like spondge bob lol he puts his arms in the air & runs so funny! must try & catch it on video.
My first after a colicy start slept through the night at 3 months, my next at 6 weeks, my eldest daughter slept through the night from birth, I thought I had it cracked this mothering lark!! Then Sophie shows up, and she was at least 15 months old before even close to a nights sleep, and now she is so difficult to settle! Rosie was better and she by 5 months was getting 5-6 hours, then all of a sudden she has been up in less than 2 hour stints or worse, I am sure Sophie used to do about 4 hours and i thought that was a pain! I am a zombie:sleep:

Ladyk, I am glad it eventually posted then, she can walk quite a few steps but tends to go round and round the footstool holding on, she breaks away for the odd unaided walk! :hugs:

Sarah:hugs: nice to catch up! :hugs:

Fishy, love the house and size of the rooms, bet you are itching to get in and get it 'yours' It has take me 4 years before this year i decided to decorate! It is now done, although cluttered atm!:hugs:

I have ordered a tumble dryer, and an American style fridge freezer, as i am fed up with falling food every time i open the fridge! The tumble i need as my washer dryer broke and i said, i only need a washer, but i dont!! The weather is crap so i need a tumble dryer!
I have not told dh yet, we have not spoken for a few days, he had a go at my ds so i told him to back off and so he had a go at me saying he can't cope with my ds, it pisses me off because my ds is no different to how he was when we were first together, my dh's tollorance is lower, he shouts at him then moans that he has shouted and that my ds 'made' him shout. Anyway he was pretty rude and shouted a strop at me, so i have ignored him since bar a few words in his direction.
He is very disrespectful and ungrateful, i as a rule wait on him hand and foot, he lazes in bed all day, I an just annoyed at his attitude:growlmad:

Got to go, being nagged by a 3 year old who wants to put cbeebies 'bits and bobs' on the laptop!:shrug:

Bye for now, big waves to all, have a great day all,

Morning girls!

Fishy what a gorgeous house!! I want to move in!! Lovely big garden for Harry to run around in too :)

FB glad Ollie was ok with his jabs. Holly has hers on tuesday but Matt has the morning off so he will be taking her (thank god!) I just hope it doesn't mess her up again, as we've only just got her settled!

Hope the poorly babes are better soon x

Daisy thats so cute Ollie running!! There was a 16 months old at toddler group yesterday and she ran everywhere with her arms up too! so cute! Hope he has a poo soon, Holly always wakes up alot of she hasn't done a poo too!

Holly can only do 3 or 4 wobbly steps before grabbing onto something or starting crawling. She can walk for a long time holding one of our hands though and has been standing unaided for a lot longer now too, so hopefully she'll be off walking properly soon!

She has got such a bad nappy rash, I'm taking her to the docs with it this morning. She's had it since monday and it's getting worse and worse despite using metanium (or whatever it's called) and bepanthen. It's red raw and she screams when I change her nappy or put her in the bath, poor baby :( Thinking it might be a thrush rash like she had when she was little, although that wasn't as bad as this. it's red raw all over her girl bits and all up her bum :(

I took her to a new toddler group yesterday and she loved it! They had lots of toys out and a slide and playhouse etc and she was obsessed with the slide! When I got there they directed me to the baby area with mats and baby toys but she was not interested and crawled off to play with the big kids! She loved it and played for an hour without even looking where I was! lol She went into the playhouse and shut the door ha ha Then at the end they read a story and sang 2 songs before clearing the toys away and getting loads of balls and beanbags out and let the kids run riot! Holly loved that bit and chased this little ball all around this massive hall. She must have been shattered as she slept for 2 hours 45 mins afterwards!

Emzy lilia got an awful rash with a few of her teeth, open sores and allsorts! We got her prescribed thrush cream with steroids which was brilliant! Hope it clears up soon it's awful!

Fishy loving the new house, fab size and lovely garden!

Sarah bless tobe and his bath time poops!

Ahh mind gone blank, I wanted to tell you all that something has happened to lilia since Monday!! She has gone from only really saying daddeee and ta (tsh) and occasional bumbum for mummy, and suddenly she is saying allsorts!! She says cat really clearly, usually while 'stroking' them, she says gone when she drops something, nomnom either when she's eating or feeding her baby, she says teddy really clearly when pointing At teddys on her birthday cards and her birthday balloon, and the best one is 'what'stha?' which sounds so cute!!! She points to something or picks something up and says in a questioning high voice 'what'stha??' meaning whAts that? I must say it to her a lot or something!
All this since monday this week, she seems to have had a massive spurt in understanding and vocally, trying to copy what we say all the time! Sorry just wanted to share!
Louise Ollie is the same with the whats'tha and he does it in a high pitched voice he started doing it and pointing at things a couple of weeks ago and now everything he sees is whats'tha its cute.
Thanks Daisybell, he had a bad night and only wanted to sleep on me. We left him in only a vest as he had a high temperature then I found him with the shivers during the night then back to sweating and temperature again. I really hope it clears before his birthday tomorrow.

BTP that's sad to hear that your dh is still not being the adult in the relationship between him and your ds. Good for you for ordering some kitchen goodies!

Emzy, glad Holly enjoyed the play group. Harry always wants to play with the big kids too and loves slides. The current owners of our new house are leaving a slide and play house for Harry to use. X
Poor little Harry, I really hope he feels better by tomorrow too. Lilia was poorly the week leading up to her birthday and I was really worried she'd be unwell still.

I started weight watchers on Monday, decided that I can't continue being in denial that I'm happy with my weight anymore! I bought a paid of jeans in my size, tried them on at home knowing deep down they wouldn't do up! I want to be comfortably in my size so I know that I pick up something in my size it will just fit me! Doing the propoints diet, last time I did it it was the old points so it's taking a bit of getting used to! Feel better for it already and it's only day 4! I did have some of Lilias birthday cake on Tuesday but that was the law!! Im taking it a bit at a time but in the end would quite like to lose 2 to 2 1/2 stone I think x
Wow impressive. I have to admit I have no will power so I take my hat off to you! x
Louise, I am your diet buddy then as mine started Monday too, I too am trying just to be comfortable in my size rather than go and buy the next size up or just be really uncomfortable! I have not got too much to loose, but i also feel better for it already, but i am missing the quantity of food i have been eating! (dh is also with me and he has at least 3 stone to come off)
Good luck!
Well done Lilia on being a chatty girl, its lovely hearing them chatter!:hugs:

Hope Harry is feeling better soon:hugs:
Thanks, yes I did point out to him he was 'supposed' to be the adult here, I am not sure what his problem is tbh, he threatens to leave but really shouldn't as its no threat! He stands no chance of getting the girls as he thinks he would, and can't look after himself let alone be a single parent, he has nowhere to go, and typically male needs me to do every little thing for him, i have left him to it the last few days and am letting him go to physio on his own tomorrow, which he can't cancel, he will struggle but it will do him good to not cope by himself, ungrateful specimen that he is! :haha:

I have found out about the Chicken Pox jab, It can be done in 1 jab, although adults have 2 and i could get them 2 but i am going for 1 as i don't want to jab them constantly!
As soon as Rosie is 1 she is going for it, with her sister, they have not had it and it can be so nasty, i had just about made up my mind they will have it when i met a friend who's 2 girls had pox in the hoildays, she said how poorly they had been, and one daughter had a huge pot in the middle of her forehead, poor thing was covered in little scars still even though it was 6 weeks ago now, so that really confirmed i didn't want the girls to go through it:nope:
I am hoping if they get the jab if they did get pox sometime it would be mild, or hopefully not at all, I certainly think i would rather they had a jab than chicken pox! Have spoken to the doctors about it, the nurse there said she thought it should be done NHS, and understood why the take up on it privately was high.:thumbup:

Back soon :hugs::kiss:
Good morning girls!

Well done on the WW, Louise!
I've totally fallen off the wagon with the diet and exercise, but by some miracle, I don;t seem to have gained much back. I haven't checked the scale, but my clothes are fitting the same.
I do need to start exercising again, though. Once you're my age, you have to make it a priority or you just seize up like a rusty engine! :)
Sorry girls I am reading just not getting much time to post but wanted to let you all know that my little monster is now transverse so I have to go back to hospital on Tuesday again and I think they'll possibly do a ecv and induction next week :happydance:
Oh Boony, someone's got some room to move in there and is using it!
Fingers crossed for baby moving again, without help! :hugs::kiss:
Tbh she prob will go head down on her own but she's classed as unstable now so it won't make much difference ill still have the ecv and induction I think x
F&C - That house is fab, a real family home. I hope your all really happy there once your moved in. xx

Boony - At least you know where you stand now. Can't wait to see some newborn pics again. xx

BTP - No wonder your giving the OH the cold shoulder - I would too if he continued to be like such a child. Its a good job your such an awesome mum. xx

Louise - how cute with Lilia picking up all the new words... I have spent weeks trying to get Olivia to say "Ta" and have really had very little luck !!

Will be back got to check rest of thread for what I have missed :hugs:
Kara - love the new sig of Paige. That is fab !! xx

GG - I love how different the girls are. Must be weird to see them develop so differently when they are brought up in exactally the same way. xx

Teeny - Ive added you on FB now hun. Ive been abit slow at adding everyone! Hope your day was fab !! xx

F&C - Sorry as reading so far back !! I am still breastfeeding Olivia 3/4 times a day. Today has been more like 6/7 times though as she isn't feeling great... I always worry I should be cutting her down but she eats loads during the day aswell and still wants boob !! xx

Emzy - Olivia is like that at any playgroups we go too. She wants to play with all the big kids and their toys. I can never relax and have to watch her like a hawk !! x

:hugs: to everybody else !! 5 more sleeps until my 1st scan - I am rather excited !! Just want to get it out of the way so I can actually find out if I am as far gone as I am. xxx
And just for Kara !! Olivia walking about at our playgroup today after everyone else had packed up - Excuse the shrieking (Thats a very new thing the little madam !!! ) xx

Shes such a show off - She does actually run and when I am telling her no she grins at me and walks backwards !! Wilful little girl !!! :haha:
BTP - hope your dh apologises very soon,

Louise - excellent news on the talking

Laura - can't believe how well she's walking now. Can't wait for your scan

Boony - omg you must be so excited!!! This is what you wanted wasn't it?

Fishy hope Harris feeling better today

Well first week at work is over and looking forward to spending time with JJ tomorrow. Had our first accident report from nursery today he fell and has a massive bump to his head :-( I just had to keep thinking even with 1 on 1 with me it could of happened. I'm really hoping I can be efficient with my work cause if it works out I'd like to go down to 4 day weeks as other women at work do these hours. What I don't want is to be stressed trying to fit 5 days work into 4.

Louise good luck with ww there's a thread here in diet and something or other which I talk in occasionally. I got my stone award at fat club this week and lost 2 1/2lb. I never did go for my run after work this week :blush:
Well done on the weightloss jelly! And poor JJ how did he bump his head? I think at this age it's inevitable to be honest as they're starting to get a lot braver! Have you heard anything about a 1 year check? I rang the HV and they said they dont do it here?!

Laura bless Olivia, she's such a good walker now but I suppose she's been walking over 3 months now!!

Btp as the others said I think your dh needs to have a long hard think and realise how good he has it rather than threatening to leAve!

I have to share, lilia tonight was standing holding into her sit and ride toy and she let go to start clapping! I don't think she realised at first until me and Wayne were clapping her and saying good girl and then she looked very pleased with herself! After that she did it about 6/7 times so maybe we're getting there at last! Was starting to think she would be a crawler until shool age!!

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