Ahh, been hectic here, so just having a quick catch up!
Louise, Fab news, congratulations, andf happy healthy 9 months

Jelly, well done on the buyer, great stuff!
Fishy, Sorry about the doggie, it is awful having that responsibility, however to not see a pet suffer is not even something we can do for our human loved ones. I had to take our old siamease cat to the vet, this was a while ago now and she has been the last pet i had (house wise!) She was very old and just went down so fast, I knew she was poorly, and when she couldn't even use her litter tray I took her to the vet, I didn't know what to say so just tearfully said she is old, the vet said ''age isn't an illness you know' then examined her and realised how poorly she was, it was awful, I couldn't leave her, I wanted to hold her but didn't want to be there!
A few days later I got an apology and sympathy card from the vet, I think she realised she said the wrong thing a bit too quick.
Happy V days to Teeny x

and Emzy, lovely bump Emzy x
Sarah, so glad to hear the sickness has finally left the house,
I hate bully children, (although they do go through a rough stage from about 2 - 2 and a half so it may be that), but there is something horrible about kids who push about like that, my dh watches Sophie like a hawk when we are out, he is straight on to any kid who gets near her!
We recently went to a party where a boy was punching the other children, the other children soon see the bully, they were trying to bounce him off the bouncy castle, and no parents were stopping them as their children had all had a punch off him!
Right got to go, Rosie trying to get laptop, she has just pulled my necklace off, dh got it for me, better try and fix it!
Got to go she has got it about her!