Evening lovely ladies, I've been a bit AWOL too, not been feeling too hot the last couple of days. Jack had a nasty tummy bug yesterday and I think I have a little whiff of it maybe. Either that or it's just hormone nausea, but it doesn't feel like it. Yuk.
Blob how exciting, I hope you get your BFP!
Fishy, good luck with the boys on your own with hubby away. Teething is rotten isn't it. These little ones they do suffer.
SR, I'm glad you've gone fb public! Have you had another scan then?
Happy 29 weeks jelly, hope you're all feeling better soon.
I've tried Sam on the potty this weekend, and confirmed what I already knew - he's not quite ready. We had a mix of success and failure, but slightly more failure, and he's not bothered at all by it! So am gonna leave it another month and try again. I think it will be easier when it's warmer too as he'll be able to run around nappy less without feeling chilly!
DH is cooking a curry for our tea. I am so off curry, I am just going to try a couple of mouthfuls so as not to offend him! I feel sorry for him as he's not been eating all the stuff he likes with me being off so many foods. Poor lad. Thought I should let him do something he wants for a change rather than a never ending stream of roast dinners and jacket potatoes!!