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September Stars

daisybell that really anoyed me about the midwives not giving a time hopefully they will leave you alone soon and you wont have to worry.

in terms of sleep they wake every three hours roughly and at slightly different times, we have one moses basket each side of the bed and swap which child we have each night so that they get used to both of us, when Paul goes back to work i will do more of the feeds for them both but not all otherwise ill be useless during the day.

Anyone else who is bottle feeding how many ml is your little one having each time now?
Holly has between 3-4oz (90-120 ml) every 3-4 hours at the mo, although she has fussy days where she will 'snack' and take an oz every so often, which is frustrating! x
Oh and Happy 1 month birthday to my baby Holly! Can't believe it's been a month since I had her x
Ollie is having 3-4oz every 3-4hrs sometimes he will just have 2 but most of the time he is having 3-4
Grr the MW thing IS annoying. Especially one day when I waited in and they never turned up! I was sooo frustrated!

Genies, I don't know how you are doing it! And your new pics on FB from the wedding are fab, you and your hubby both look really well!!

I have a restless boy this evening!! Feed, comfort suck, put down, cry, feed, comfort suck, put down, cry..... and so it goes!!!
we are about the same as Holly Laylac has up to 90ml on a good day and Amelia has up to 120ml she can drain a bottle in under ten mins Layla can take up to 45mins which is why double feeding doesnt work at the mo ;0
Aw Happy 1 month Holly!! Little love! xxx
Sounds as though all the wee babies are doing well at the moment!
I'm finding it so hard to keep up with everything! I think the only time I can reliably respond to stuff is in the night when i'm feeding and the house is quiet! Hope people are having not too bad a night with the little ones! See u all tomorrow. xxx
Hi guys, stalking again.

I have a question...did any of you experience less movement from your babies before they were born. The reason i ask is because my LO is normally VERY active and even if she isnt moving her whole body around she is at least kicking me in the ribs a few time an hour to remind me she is still there. Monday night she didnt move as much then again yesterday morning, i got a few kicks around 2pm when my stomach was rumbling but then after i ate nothing till at least 9pm last night and only when i forced a glass of coke down me to see if she would move and i got two sharp kicks in the ribs before bedtime. I havent been 'counting' the kicks as such, i have never had to because i can always feel her moving enough to know she is fine. Just the last couple of days she has slowed right down and there isnt that constant reminder from her, im having to poke my belly to get her to move. Is she just getting lazy?? Do babies get quieter before birth? I dont think its because she is running out of space because its just been for the last two days....

I got my heart beat monitor out yesterday (its been packed away since abut 20 weeks because she kicked so much!) and found the heart beat straight away and it was fast and loud like normal.

Any advise would be appreciated.

I have also noticed over the last couple of days i have been getting mild period pains, only ten minutes at a time and very infrequent, not at all like something i can time, just dull ache for a constant amount of time, and also i keep getting pressure in my bum (sorry TMI) like something is pushing down from inside.

I hope these are all good signs that things are moving in the right direction.
In the days before i went into labour i had exactly the things you're describing - reduced movements and period type pain! My mum described it as the calm before the storm lol! Definitley sounds like something is happening for you, good luck hun x x x
In the days before i went into labour i had exactly the things you're describing - reduced movements and period type pain! My mum described it as the calm before the storm lol! Definitley sounds like something is happening for you, good luck hun x x x

I have had one or two other people i know say the same thing regarding the quietness. Im due tomorrow....maybe its possible she is a damn good time keeper and will make an appearance on her due date?! Im gonna bounce bounce bounce today on my ball and keep my fingers crossed. Thanks for the reply. x
Emz yes I was exactly like that in the couple of days leading up to labour! She slowed right down and I had period pains that gradually got worse until I was in full blown labour. Sounds like its starting for you hun! So excited for you! Xx
I also had period type pains and reduced movements a couple of days before I went into labour.

Hope all Mummies and Babies are doing okay. Ollie had a bad night last night and was waking up every hour for a feed and then just would not settle he was like it most of the day so was well prepared for the sleepless night. He is back to his usual self this morning so hoping to catch up on some sleep while he is sleeping.
D'oh, im no use! hopefully next pregnancy i can go in to labour naturally.

Being a new mother is so worrying, everyone said the worry would get worse after the pregnancy and birth and they were right.

Just wondering if some of you could give me some advice, I've been freaking out for days now about Ellie making wheezy noises/heavy breathing. it's not all of the time and it's worse after feeding her, especially out of a bottle.
After her feeds she makes this screwed up face and her lips and cheeks pout down and she tenses up her legs and she looks in loads of pain! accompanied by the wheezy heavy breathey noises. Is this just wind? every one keeps saying "ohhh its only wind" but it's so worrying! I keep freaking out she's just gonna stop breathing :dohh:
She also breathes heavy when shes sleeping and its quite loud, her chest moves faster then it slows down a bit again and she also makes this random squeaky hiccupey noise too(not at the same time as the breathing thing) ??
And she also gets bubbles in her mouth, with her saliva. I keep wiping them away but sometimes it seems like she's got too much saliva in her mouth/throat with the bubbles and she seems a bit chokey :S

Nervous wreck here, lol.
Aw Bekklez, they're all different! Sam is a really noisy baby, and makes sounds a bit like the ones you've described! He's asleep in the carseat at the moment, making very odd noises. He does seem to make a certain noise when he's got wind or seems to have tummy ache. The rest of the time he grunts and makes weird noises which sound a bit horsey! He does do one every now and again which sounds like Ellie. He will do what sounds like a big hiccup or gulp for air, and when I look at him he's perfectly fine!

It's normal to worry though, we're so used to them being inside us, it's like they still are, I watch Sam constantly, and worry about when I fall asleep in the night and am not watching him. :blush:

Big hugs though, it's hard being a mummy! :hugs:
Bekklez i am having the exact same problem with Amelia she is a very windy baby but doesnt burp easily but farts like mad! Her breathing is often heavy and loud and her poor little chest looks like a ball and she scrunches up her legs, ive been giving her colic drops to try and reduce some of the pressure for her, gripe water will help but they have to be one month old to give it.?
I often sit at night and watch her breath and wonder if its normal but it seems to be .

Mention it to your health visitor but i expect she will say itds wind too.
Its definatly a worrying time isnt it x
Hi girls

Bekklez that's just how Holly is. She grunts and coughs and splutters and wheezes all night. She also draws her knees up and crys and goes all red. I took her to see the GP as she also started sicking up a load of her feeds as well and it turns out it's reflux and she also has colic. For the reflux, they gave me infant gaviscon to put in her bottle (if you're breastfeeding you have to either put it in a bottle of expressed milk or boiled water) which seemed to help for a few days but then not so much, so I have stopped using it. She takes ages to take her bottle as it is and the Gaviscon thickens the feed, which only made things worse! What has seemed to help is keeping her upright during feeds and for 20 minutes afterwards (pain in the arse at night!) and propping up her moses basket.

For the wind, I've just started using gripe water which is fantastic (but spills everywhere when you try and give it to her on a spoon- just got a syringe from boots!) but as genies said you can't use it until 1 month old, so until then I was using infacol which you can use from birth, which really helps with getting up the burps. I tried the colief drops but they made no difference. I also bought some Dr Brown's bottles which help with colic- very expensive but have helped no end. She's a lot better than she was but still grunts and splutters but I've been told she'll grow out of it and not to worry. If you are worried, then see your HV or GP about it as they will be able to reassure you that it isn't anything to worry about and maybe advise you to use infacol/gaviscon/comfort milk (if formula fed). Oh and Holly also struggles with bringing up burps but does loads of farts and if she is struggling with deep wind (she draws up her legs and grizzles and goes red) I give her an oz or two of warm boiled water in a bottle and it really seems to help, as does moving her legs in a bicycle motion (also helps with constipation which she also had LOL anything else?!)

Hope all that might help some of you! As you can probably tell, we've had terrible trouble with it with Holly but she seems to be a bit better now doing all the things above :flower:

just read your post emzy thats really interesting about the gaviscon and i was going to ask which bottles you were using as i didnt recognise the bottle in the pic on facebook :)
poor little loves going through all these tummy troubles x

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