September Sweet Peas (Our 2015 Rainbows)

Hey ladies I know this thread has pretty much died lol. But if any of you still log in I'd love to hear how you're doing!
Hope your doing well confuzion? How is your little one? Crazy how quickly time passes.

I'm good thanks. Aurora is one now. An absolute little diva, but love her so much. Couldn't imagine our life without her now. Also 32 weeks with our next, a little boy due in November. We must be crazy! lol.
Doing well also. Little Hector turned 1 on 9/9 and he's an absolute joy and a big ball of energy! :hugs::hugs:
The past year has had many ups and downs, motherhood was far harder than I expected (and I thought I was prepared!), which in my case might also be due to the fact that I stay at home (and have recently started working from home again) with no childcare help. BUT I can honestly say that I'm now at a point where I'm enjoying the vast majority of it and feeling happy and content most of the time :flower:
Hope you're doing well also confuzion!!

P.S. Many of us have continued to stay in touch via our Facebook group for September Sweetpeas 2015. Sharing pictures, updates on our little ones, and also advice on the more frustrating aspects of motherhood :winkwink: It's a small group (I'd say maybe 20 or less active participants) but very supportive and non judgmental. All the ladies there are awesome (many of them used to be on this thread as well). It's a private group and I believe someone needs to add you. If you're interested in joining the group, feel free to PM me.
Hope your doing well confuzion? How is your little one? Crazy how quickly time passes.

I'm good thanks. Aurora is one now. An absolute little diva, but love her so much. Couldn't imagine our life without her now. Also 32 weeks with our next, a little boy due in November. We must be crazy! lol.

It is crazy how quickly time goes! Feels like yesterday we were going through anxieties of early pregnancy together. Now my little pumpkin is 13 months old. So hard to believe.

32 weeks with another kid?! Hats off to you mama. I'm only just starting to want another baby and not because I feel ready necessarily but I miss newborn snuggles and I know I want my kids close in age if possible. But I'm terrified!

Huge congratulations to you! I can wait until I get pregnant again (hopefully a sticky right away this time).

Doing well also. Little Hector turned 1 on 9/9 and he's an absolute joy and a big ball of energy! :hugs::hugs:
The past year has had many ups and downs, motherhood was far harder than I expected (and I thought I was prepared!), which in my case might also be due to the fact that I stay at home (and have recently started working from home again) with no childcare help. BUT I can honestly say that I'm now at a point where I'm enjoying the vast majority of it and feeling happy and content most of the time :flower:
Hope you're doing well also confuzion!!

P.S. Many of us have continued to stay in touch via our Facebook group for September Sweetpeas 2015. Sharing pictures, updates on our little ones, and also advice on the more frustrating aspects of motherhood :winkwink: It's a small group (I'd say maybe 20 or less active participants) but very supportive and non judgmental. All the ladies there are awesome (many of them used to be on this thread as well). It's a private group and I believe someone needs to add you. If you're interested in joining the group, feel free to PM me.

I DEFINITELY can relate to the feelings you had. I had no support system whatsoever. SAHM doing it all on my own 99% of the time. I was starting to lose sense of who I was and it was sooooo difficult. My daughter is so much fun now and entertains herself so much better and that's definitely helped a ton. Plus sleep has been more or less consistently good, which is also a big relief. I'm so cranky when I don't get enough sleep.

I don't have a FB :( otherwise I'd totally be up with keeping up with you ladies on there.
Are you ttc yet? Fingers crossed that the journey is much smoother for you this time. We were blessed with a very easy time while ttc this little man which was crazy considering we had already started saving for Ivf. Ttc is such an exciting time though. I'm kinda sad already that this pregnancy is nearing the end now although I am very excited to meet our new edition in a few weeks.

I don't think people give sahm's enough credit. It's tough. I stay at home as well as homeschooling my oldest and as much as I love my children it can be a real challenge. I remember with my first in the early weeks being so overwhelmed as I didn't even have any family to help at all but it is a little easier on your second. I think mainly because you don't question your judgement all the time. I'm kinda nervous about throwing another newborn into the mix but excited at the same time. I just hope he's a little easier than Aurora has been. She hasn't even managed sleeping more than three hours yet.
I'm so relieved to hear you say second was easier! Seems to be up in the air with people who think it's easier and others who thinks it harder. In my head it seems easier because you already know more or less what to expect and it's a bigger life change going from life being all about you to mostly about another little being than just adding one more.

No not TTC yet. Waiting for December (was lucky for us with Zinny ;))---trying to lose a few more pounds first.

ETA: yes, I was just never expecting life as a SAHM to be so isolating. I really crave adult interaction and always wish I had more help. My husband was not quite as involved as I had hoped.
I think that's a normal husband thing. He's my sons step dad although he's legally adopted him he missed out on the baby stage so when we were having Aurora he was full of all the things he was going to do. How he was going to share all the night feeds once I could express and he wouldn't care about changing nappies etc. Well he's only ever done two night feeds and normally tries to give her to me if her bottom needs a change :rofl: i just glare at him now and say 'well you know where the nappies are'. He does work very very long hours though so I do let him off, and he is a good Daddy. He's just a lot better with my oldest as they can play Xbox and wrestle each other.
I think it's a little different for everyone, but I liked what my cousin told me after having #2 a few months ago (her first is now 3). She said the second baby itself is much easier because you know what you're doing and are more confident, but having two is harder than having just one because it's a constant balancing act to meet the needs of both. I don't think she could have put it any better.

Maryanne is definitely very brave for going for #3 this soon! :hugs: :hugs:
I hear you about sleep! Hector did several nights of 3-hour stretches recently and we were thrilled! Hope the trend continues, though he did have a bit of a restless night again last night, so we shall see.

Good luck if you start TTC again confuzion! Hope things are much easier and smoother for you this time around :hugs:

Not interested in the 'sport' yet myself, lol :haha: I just can't imagine having to juggle two kiddos with no help, plus at the moment I'm trying to relaunch my home-based business after being on 'maternity leave' for over a year, and I'd like to give that a good boost before we start thinking about more babies. The way I see things now, if we do decide to have another (DH is very open to it already, but I'm not) it will have to be after Hector goes to preschool at the earliest (and maybe even later, as we only intend for him to go part time until he starts kindergarten when he'll be having full days, so we may even leave it till then). I am aware of the difficulties we faced having the first one and that is definitely something to consider, but we're nowhere near ready for another baby yet, financially and practically speaking. I've always been open to adoption too for growing our family if it came to that, so that's what I tell myself when I get stressed out that I may be leaving it for too late. Or we might just end up staying with one, who knows. We feel very blessed to have him as it is and our family already feels complete!

I agree about SAHMs. Some people think we sit around doing our nails all day. It drives me crazy, argh!! :growlmad::growlmad:
Yeah I refuse to let my husband hand off for a diaper change. Lol the rule is whoever smells it changes it! My husband's work hours are flexible (he owns s business that basically runs itself. He only needs to show up to check on things or deal with specific issues) so he could do more he's just always finding something else to busy himself with :wacko:. We just bought a house and he's always there working on it or at home on his phone researching things for it. And when he's not doing that, he's working out and spending time in the sauna. I wish I had that sort of freedom! I have to sneak my workout in while my daughter is eating her breakfast.

Christi-totally understand your position on baby number 2. We're moving 10 min away from my MIL and I'm kind of relying on the hopes that that means more help next time. Because I know I will need it. And my daughter is very attached to her which helps.

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