Doing well also. Little Hector turned 1 on 9/9 and he's an absolute joy and a big ball of energy!

The past year has had many ups and downs, motherhood was far harder than I expected (and I thought I was prepared!), which in my case might also be due to the fact that I stay at home (and have recently started working from home again) with no childcare help. BUT I can honestly say that I'm now at a point where I'm enjoying the vast majority of it and feeling happy and content most of the time
Hope you're doing well also confuzion!!
P.S. Many of us have continued to stay in touch via our Facebook group for September Sweetpeas 2015. Sharing pictures, updates on our little ones, and also advice on the more frustrating aspects of motherhood

It's a small group (I'd say maybe 20 or less active participants) but very supportive and non judgmental. All the ladies there are awesome (many of them used to be on this thread as well). It's a private group and I believe someone needs to add you. If you're interested in joining the group, feel free to PM me.