My ideal case scenario would be to have 2 kids as well. At the moment I don't want to think of another pregnancy/labor though, and I'd always wanted my children to be 3-4 years apart, so if we do try for another one, it's not going to be in the very near future. Right now I'm perfectly happy to devote my time and energy taking care of Hector who is a lot of work anyway

That being said, when I was being evaluated for infertility back in 2014, I was warned of a low AMH for my age (reduced ovarian reserve), which may make it harder to conceive in the future if the levels drop too low over time. So this is also something to take into consideration and perhaps decide not to wait as long as originally thought before TTC again, but even so, weighing the pros and cons of each plan of action, as well as other factors like time, finances, childcare and other practical concerns, it still makes much more sense for us to wait a while before trying for another baby.
Like carebear, if another baby does come along in the future, I too may opt straight for a repeat c-section, though I'm sure I will research and weigh all options if and when that time comes again.
At the moment these are all just thoughts, with my pregnancy, labor and delivery still very fresh in my mind and my recovery still under way, and I'm sure how I feel may change in the future. I suppose it's always possible Hector turns out to be such a high maintenance child that we may decide we simply don't have the energy for a second one anyway, lol

So we shall see how things actually pan out in the years to come, but the way I see things right now, I don't see DH and I going back to TTC for a good 2 years or more