Congrats to the blue bumps.
Anyone else feel like they are drinking LOADS of water but your pee is still dark yellow as if dehydrated??
Yep. I cannot drink enough water to make my pee clear. It is impossible for me right now! Guess that placenta is sucking away all of my water!
Had a private gender scan today and we are team Blue!!! Yippiee!! We are both very excited! Xx
Had a private gender scan today and we are team Blue!!! Yippiee!! We are both very excited! Xx
Also now its getting cold I often wake up on my stomach!heard its not good to sleep on the stomach, maybe when my bump grows I will stop doing it, sometimes I sleep on my stomach with one leg bent up so not all my weight on it, but seem to be doing this in my sleep
My doc said belly sleeping is fine but to avoid back sleeping once you have a decent sized bump.
My doc said belly sleeping is fine but to avoid back sleeping once you have a decent sized bump.
well crap then, I always fall asleep on my side but end up rolling onto my back in the middle of the night, and when i wake, i have no idea how long ive been there. I've got a definite bump already, but I really can't help it. I'm 26 years old and I've been sleeping on my back all night every night since I was born, literally.
what's our facebook page called again?
what's our facebook page called again?
BnB September Sweetpeas but you can't search got it since its a private group. If you want to join, you can PM me your full name and/or email. I'll friend you and add you to the group.
Question...if you join the Facebook group can your other friends see it too? I've still not announced yet.
One week will gender scan for meThis will be the longest week of my life! I will be 16 weeks 1 day but they said they should be able to tell. I hope so. If I have to wait another month I would die